4 week itch: Hi, Having found the forum... - No Smoking Day

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4 week itch

nsd_user663_60576 profile image
9 Replies


Having found the forum really helpful in reminding me I'm not alone, finally feel like I need some reassurance, hence this post!

Official quit: 21st Oct

Fell off wagon: 2nd Nov (4 cigs, drunk)

None since.

I have been using Champix, 3rd try at quitting with them. The previous two times I came off too soon (within 4 weeks of last cigarette). Over the weekend I didn't have any Champix with me having left them at work, and now after 4 days without them I can feel "the itch" coming in. It's a sort of underlying anxiety that Champix does well do cover up.

I am feeling strong, plus back on the Champix again today (4 weeks to go on that), but just wondered if anyone had words of advice for that niggling itch that comes in after a few weeks quitting!

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nsd_user663_60576 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_59305 profile image

All I could really advise is just be prepared for it and be ready to distract yourself with something else, a couple of us Champix users have been sideswiped at different moments and although not pleasant to go through definitely beatable IMHO. Keep going, it will be worth it ;)

nsd_user663_60348 profile image

I had this in my 5th week. It was awful....but you can do it Thermos! Just stick to your guns. Accept that they will happen, and that some will be a right bugger to wrestle, but it can be done :D

Think positive, stay positive and remember 4 weeks ciggie free...is BRILLIANT!!

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Hi thermos,

I've been 'riding' the craves out, let me explain lol!

Basically for the really nagging ones, instead of fearing them I analyse what I'm truly feeling and every time I get nothing except a bit of head frying! I'm not feeling any pain, it's just the demon trying to make me feel like I'm missing out but it's bull**** :D

I just keep telling myself, I've got this, I'm the one in control :)

Hope this helps x

nsd_user663_60576 profile image

Thankyou for the replies, they really do help.

Back on the Champix now, two weeks to go then I'm in the next phase.....

Feel like if I can get to and through Christmas, I'll begin to really feel like a non-smoker. Getting past 3 months is huge for me as that's always been when I fell down before.

nsd_user663_60348 profile image

Thankyou for the replies, they really do help.

Back on the Champix now, two weeks to go then I'm in the next phase.....

Feel like if I can get to and through Christmas, I'll begin to really feel like a non-smoker. Getting past 3 months is huge for me as that's always been when I fell down before.

Ive been thinking the same thing re Christmas and New Year....so my goal is the same!! If I can clear 3 months, I know I wont go back! :)

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Those who are worrying about their quit around the festive period especially those who are are couple of months in or so, the first Christmas is really not as bad as you think and the more you think and worry about it is just making it more difficult for yourselves, be strong and you'll soon realise that it's been and gone smoke free if you stay in the positive mindset, after all, why give the nicotine monster exactly what the little s.h.i.t. wants for xmas? And upsetting YOU along the way.

Good luck and all the best, nothing to worry about, it's just another of many situations you come across without smoking for the first time, you have got over the other new smoke free situations so far, this is no different. ;)

nsd_user663_53649 profile image

I did last Christmas without them, it wasn't bad at all, actually I remember thinking as it came to the new year how happy I was that I wasn't demented by guilt that I should be quitting for the new year. So I am not worried about Christmas this year, . I will be worried though about a few emotional days that come up in early spring. Well as steel fixer said don't think about it and like mrs marsh just analyse the craves as they come.

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thankyou for the replies, they really do help.

Back on the Champix now, two weeks to go then I'm in the next phase.....

Feel like if I can get to and through Christmas, I'll begin to really feel like a non-smoker. Getting past 3 months is huge for me as that's always been when I fell down before.

Have that as a goal, then Thermos....getting to and through Christmas and then to the New Year. Make sure that the festive season as as full of loveliness and happiness (and treats!) as possible......it'll be something to look forward to and be excited about. Then when the New Year arrives and everthing seems a bit flat (well, it does for me :() just think about what a brilliant smoke free start to the year you'll have, with those 2 (?) months already done. A new fresh year....a new fresh and healthy you. It'll certainly be a properous one.......all that money saved instead of being wasted on fags!

All in all......this could be a brlliant time of year for us quitters! :D


nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Thankyou for the replies, they really do help.

Back on the Champix now, two weeks to go then I'm in the next phase.....

Feel like if I can get to and through Christmas, I'll begin to really feel like a non-smoker. Getting past 3 months is huge for me as that's always been when I fell down before.

Hi Thermos, getting past 3 months is huge for all quitters it seems to be a big milestone for us all. You are doing very well so keep doing it and get your self into the new year a non smoker:)

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