Day 6: Looking at this forum kind of makes me... - No Smoking Day

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Day 6

nsd_user663_25947 profile image
4 Replies

Looking at this forum kind of makes me feel ashamed and pretty angry at myself too since the last time I was here I was already on day 31 (in 2011) and going through nightmare withdrawals and said I would never smoke again.. but here I am 2yrs later and trying again :( I did the typical one every now and again (why? Heck knows) then ended up dating someone who smoked and bang.. that was it.. hooked again since Nov last year... It felt like I had regained part of my identity in a sense, but over the last month or so I was just gutted that this addiction had once again gained control over me. I realised it when I went to pick a friend up from the airport. I arrived 2hrs early (well, you never know with the M25) with no ciggies and decided I would buy some.....£6 for 10! :eek: but the craving was there so I had to buy them! That was the tipping edge for me realising that nicotine was once again controlling me rather than me controlling IT! So decided last Sunday that was it.. NO MORE! I'm now on Day 6, cravings are still horrible and the worst thing is I am trying to do an assignment for my OU course whilst struggling with cravings as well! Its hard to keep saying NO, but I feel the sense of victory and a sigh of relief everytime I see the back of a craving!

I have noticed that everytime a craving comes and I refuse to give in, I get a brief bad head too! Just one of the withdrawals kicking in!

Heres to the journey!

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nsd_user663_25947 profile image
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4 Replies
nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Hi and well done on getting to day 6

Please dont beat yourself up for starting smoking again

For most people it takes alot of tries to quit for good me included you need to put them down as learning curves and just concentrate on this one

Taking one day at a time

Onwards and upwards is the only way to go

I look forward to reading your updates


nsd_user663_40088 profile image

Hey, like Carol says dont feel bad about your previous quits! God the amount of times i have 'quit' in the past is a joke not proud of it BUT what is important is that your back and you are TRYING! Its better than ignoring doing the right thing and smoking with a a horrible feeling at the back of your mind that 'maybe i shouldnt be doing this!?'.

So chin up and be proud that you have made 6 days!

I know what you mean about the headache im on day 5 and have had it since yesterday morning. I think once we get to the day 8 mark the physical effects will start to dissappear xxxx

nsd_user663_25947 profile image

I knew it was a good idea to post here :) Thanks for the encouragement! Its funny how it helps to overcome the cravings by looking at the posts on here. I suppose one of the positive sides of quitting again is that you are more prepared for what to expect in relation to withdrawals.. I had no idea on my first quit and was convinced I had some dire illness or something :eek:

I know what you mean about the headache im on day 5 and have had it since yesterday morning. I think once we get to the day 8 mark the physical effects will start to dissappear xxxx

Roll on day 8 then! And well done yourself Nikki for making day 5!! Keep it going! ;)

nsd_user663_25947 profile image

Crazy isn't it! Just one is all it takes to relapse! Oh well, its a hard lesson to learn, but I'm learning it daily now :D I spose I should thank Heathrow and their rip off newsagents who sell their fags at extortionate rates for giving me the realisation that I was hooked again....infact, that's probably a good memory to keep everytime a craving comes along :p

Thanks again for the encouragement!

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