How on earth did that happen...: ... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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How on earth did that happen...

nsd_user663_3633 profile image
10 Replies

Congratulations to all of you who are not smoking today - well done!

5 years ago, well in another 2 hours anyway, I put my last cigarette to my mouth and lit it. Little did I know what a journey I was beginning. Tomorrow morning marks the 5 year anniversary of my day 1.

And not one puff since.

5 Years, huh?

Now, that really doesn’t seem real. Another year gone - another milestone ticked off. And what a milestone!

Honestly, its a bit boring though... nothing has happened in my quit – that I can remember – in the last 12 months. As I write this, I don’t recall a single smoking related thought in that time, at all. Which can only be a good thing, of course.

Maybe there have been some, and maybe not. Either way, it feels good to not remember them!

However, this gives me a problem. What do I write about on this momentous occasion? 5 years is a big deal, but I have nothing new to say that I haven’t said before. I don’t want to be an occasional poster who turns up and offers the same generic advice he has written a hundred times before. To tell you that the craves will go away and that it gets easier.

How the hell would someone who found it so easy that they got to 5 years and can’t remember wanting a cigarette in the last year understand what it’s like on day 3? I can picture myself back then, thinking about Robw who had just got to a year - "Congrats, fella - but what do you know about what I'm going through?"

So, lets think about what happened to me. How did I get to be here? Well, I joined this forum on day 7 after spending a lot of time looking for people doing what I was doing and making it through - and posted a lot! Every quit is different, of course – it goes without saying, but they are also the same. Want proof? I admit, I had a great start – but I also had way more questions than answers. I found my way with the help of others treading the same path – and you can do the same. There are plenty of long term quitters stories to read!

Here is my story, if you have the time to look - every thread I ever started.

I hope you find a little help in there somewhere if you need it. I found plenty here.


Until you find your own personal answer and quit forever, quit for today.

You either quit, or smoke until you die. There is no third option.

And perhaps most importantly - The next few minutes can always be done.

My name is Stuart, and I am a nicotine addict - but today, for the 1825th time in a row, I chose not to smoke.

*Does a little dance* :D

By the way, I make no apologies for some of the cheese in this post.

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nsd_user663_3633 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

5 years? Wow that's fab!!

Am looking forward to being abl to say the same thing

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Congrats Stu,

Is there a special 5 year dance? :D

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

There was a special dance but by the time it was censored, it was only 2.76 seconds long.

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Wow, 5 years...that's a massive achievement. Well done to you and thanks for popping back to post, it's great to hear from long term quitters.... after all, you've reached a milestone in your quit that most of us can only imagine :D:D

nsd_user663_58817 profile image

Wow what an inspiration and really good post. Congratulations

nsd_user663_49415 profile image

Brilliant post.

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Hey Stuart so good to see you :)

and WOW WEEE reaching 5 years of being free from smoking is certainly a great acheivement and it def helps others to read that you can live without even thinking of smoking and can go days weeks months without having the constant annoying voices inside telling you you need to smoke



nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I can't imagine how free it must feel being 5 years on from quitting!

But, I know I will feel that one day, if only so I can say 1825th day too :D

Thanks for the post Stuart, its brilliant as always

Molly :)

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Well done Stuart

I am approaching 6 years and agree with your comments.

I was round my friends house on Wednesday and took a fag out of his packet. I felt it, smelt it and even put it in my mouth. I never once thought of lighting it.

Smoking is something I used to do ;):D

PS Im happy to see the 2.76 seconds of the dance

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

PS I'm happy to see the 2.76 seconds of the dance

Might be time for another poll? Haven't had one for simply ages... :)

Not what you're looking for?