Val's 2nd week....: I cannot believe that I... - No Smoking Day

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Val's 2nd week....

nsd_user663_59642 profile image
10 Replies

I cannot believe that I am now in week 2. Where did that first week go? If anyone had said, a week ago, that I would be here and not feeling too bad, I'd have been surprised, to say the least!

Last night I had a dream. I dreamt that someone was knocking on my door. I could see the person, but he couldn't see me. He was a young man and he looked drug-addled and dishevelled and a bit scary, so I hid until he went away. Then I woke up and realised that it must have been the nicotine monster!:eek: Blimey, he'll try anything to get you back....he'll even haunt your dreams.:eek:

Thank goodness I didn't let him in. No room here, mate.....shove off! :D



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nsd_user663_59642 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_58817 profile image


Well done :) hope this weeks goes as quick as your last :) ...have a good weekend :) x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Woohoo massive well done Val!!

You're doing amazingly well :D :D

Will be raising a glass to you later petal, congratulations! xxx

This kind of thing? :p

(not sure the scale comes out right :o)

nsd_user663_21078 profile image

Val, I'm so pleased you're still going strong. Well done :)

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Kat, woo, lostie, Gemma, neveragain.......thank you so much for your lovely messages of support and encouragement. I keep saying it, but I couldn't have managed this far without such amazing people. xxxxx If I was making an Oscar speech (which is highly unlikely :D) I really would be blubbing at this point. :eek::D

The traps are still being set though. About an hour ago, I felt that having made it into week 2, I had shown myself that I could quit if I really wanted to and so why shouldn't I have a fag if I wanted one? :eek: Thank goodness I recognised it as nicodemon and his nasty tricks again. You really have to be on your guard all the time, don't you? But at least the temptations pass quite quickly, now that I know it's him and his tricks. This morning was quite difficult at a couple of points too......I reckon he didn't like me not letting him in last night, and now he's throwing tantrums.:D

By the end of tomorrow, I will have saved £57.78 by not smoking and that is enough to buy a desperately needed new pair of shoes. Yipee! :):)



nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Kat, woo, lostie, Gemma, neveragain.......thank you so much for your lovely messages of support and encouragement. I keep saying it, but I couldn't have managed this far without such amazing people. xxxxx If I was making an Oscar speech (which is highly unlikely :D) I really would be blubbing at this point. :eek::D

You're very welcome hun!!

That's what's so fab about this place - everyone really cares and we all know what you're going through 'cos either we've been through it or we're going through it too. No matter how much never-smokers try then can't ever understand how it feels!!

My dad's the worst one, he used to smoke the odd cigar but stopped long before i was born - because he never got addicted he doesn't really "get" how I am - to him stopping smoking was just that, not buying any more :eek:

The traps are still being set though. About an hour ago, I felt that having made it into week 2, I had shown myself that I could quit if I really wanted to and so why shouldn't I have a fag if I wanted one? :eek: Thank goodness I recognised it as nicodemon and his nasty tricks again. You really have to be on your guard all the time, don't you? But at least the temptations pass quite quickly, now that I know it's him and his tricks. This morning was quite difficult at a couple of points too......I reckon he didn't like me not letting him in last night, and now he's throwing tantrums.:D

He's a cunning little basket isn't he?

Have had him telling me in the last couple of weeks that everything would be lovely if I only stuck a fag or 20 in my gob. It's complete BS but that's how he works his evil ways :eek:

NOPE is the only way to go, as a lot of us have found out before!!

By the end of tomorrow, I will have saved £57.78 by not smoking and that is enough to buy a desperately needed new pair of shoes. Yipee! :):)



WOOHOO, how fab is that?

Free shoes 'cos you would have smoked that money - it's lovely to have something real from what you've saved!!

It's amazing for me that I'd have spent £2,157 on fags so far (it's actually more 'cos I put 20 a day in the app, while I varied a bit and Marlboro Lights have gone up at least twice since I stopped!!) without even thinking about it - as if it was an essential purchase :/

Treat yourself to something lovely Val and wear them with pride :D xxx

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

Well done Val making it to week 2! I logged on here to check on ya and am sooo happy to see you are beating the nicodemon - even in your sleep! :p I am glad you recognize that even just one cig can pull you right back into the nicodemons clutches. Just say NOPE and you will be just fine! I am proud of you and I hope you feel the same way! :D

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

10 days YIPPEE...CONGRATS on your double figures

a huge cheers for you Val:D:D

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks again, Gemma, Melzee and Trea!xxx

Sorry I haven't replied before now, but I've got so far behind with stuff that I've had a lot to do to catch up. It's having spent the first few days of my quit living on here that got me all behind (the house looks like a tip:o:o).

Anyway, this is the end of week 2. I can hardly believe that it was 2 weeks ago tonight that I had my last fag.:eek::D This week has had a fair old number of trials and temptations and I've had a few battles with myself......I am very good at justifying why I ought to be able to have a fag. I am now trying to get as good at telling myself why I must not!:rolleyes:

One temptation that I was expecting (and which has happened quite a few times) was telling myself that if I had a fag it would be OK as I have just proved that I can quit if I want to. After all, I've just gone 2 weeks without a fag...:(

A few times too, I've thought "oh, I'll have a fag now". Then I realise that I can't, and to be honest, it makes me feel a bit miserable. I think I'm missing them.:(

So, here I am at the end of week 2 and struggling a bit.:( If someone offered me a fag right now, I couldn't honestly say that I would turn it down. It isn't going to happen though ,because no-one here smokes and I'm not going out to the shop on this wet and miserable evening.

Still, when I go to bed, no doubt I'll be glad to have got through another day, although I am struggling a bit lately. Maybe it's the week 3 thing arriving a few hours early?:confused:



nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Hey Val, congrats on reaching 2 weeks :) My very first post on here was just after my 2 week mark and I'd been struggling pretty badly on days 15/16 but I took each crave as it came and met it head on. I found having a good shout helped and hubby's punchbag got a good pasting :eek:

Two weeks ago you would have been thankful to be where you are now...hold that thought and fight the urges anyway you can. You are winning. :D

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks Max and Isolde, for the encouraging messages! xxx

I'm just off into the week 3 department now.........:D



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