I'm confused!!! Mr Carr vs NRT?!?! - No Smoking Day

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I'm confused!!! Mr Carr vs NRT?!?!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image
10 Replies

Hello all

I'm nearly 2 months into my quit and I'm thoroughly confused! My quit has been a combination of moderate e cig use and more recently one or 2 nicotine gums a day (low strength).

I also decided it wouldn't hurt to re read the Allen Carr book with I first read many years ago.

Now I'm confused! He doesn't agree with NRT, yet I feel it is helping me stop. I am not sure whether to continue with my original plan of stopping my NRT (including the e cig) around 12 weeks into my quit or to follow allen carr and ditch it now! Any thoughts?

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nsd_user663_57259 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Do what you think is right Sarah :)

I don't agree with Allen Carr about NRT - *he* felt fab because he was going from ~100 fags a day to 0 and it was making him ill. Don't know about you but my 20-odd didn't and the withdrawal is very unpleasant.

There isn't a right or wrong way to stop smoking (the only exception IMO being smoking something else, or *permanent* e-cig use which don't count as quit) as long as you do it.

I think you should come off NRT after you stop the e-cig as that is far more of a stumbling block than chewing gum is. :)

Well that was my experience!!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I used NRT lozenges for about 12 weeks, it gave me the space to get my head straight which is what Allen Carr's method really is all about. Its just CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) really and to be frank whatever works for you is the best way, one size does not fit all!

The problem with NRT is that it does maintain your addiction, however quitting is a marathon not a sprint so if it helps you to have a transition then that is all that matters.

Nicotine is not as chemically addictive as most people think, its the psychological addiction, the compulsion, which is the more powerful aspect and what NRT helps with. One of the issues I have with E-cigs is that they are so similar to smoking it doesn't really change the compulsive side of smoking so I don't see the "benefits" as a quit smoking aid, but that is just my opinion!

I found the Allen Carr book useful and interesting but I didn't like the writing style and it didn't click with me entirely. The links in my signature were more useful to be honest, as was this forum.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Thanks Gemma - it's just really confusing me now. I feel I'm doing quite well with my method as the e cig isn't being used much at all - I am making progress almost every day and haven't been using more gum even when I'm not using the e cig. I am starting to get a bit nervous about my holiday in August because it will be another first - but I can see lots of people have the same concerns as me. I have been quite positive about most of my quit but I think after reading the book again, while a lot of it makes sense, I'm feeling quite down as if I've just wasted the last 8 weeks trying my NRT method!

I'm really confused and fed up really.

I don't want to smoke at all (which is good), but I'm scared to stop my NRT too early!!! I had read that 12 weeks was the right sort of time!

Sorry about my little whinge - just feeling a bit deflated right now

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

No need to feel deflated. ANY method of quitting is a successful method in my book so you have quit...whether it be with patches or E cig. So...sit up straight, look at your hands & see no yellow stains. Check your hair & your clothes...do they smell of stale cig smoke? I'll bet they don't...look in the mirror & you'll see a non smoker. WELL DONE! You're doing brilliantly! Be proud :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Nicotine is not as chemically addictive as most people think, its the psychological addiction, the compulsion, which is the more powerful aspect and what NRT helps with. One of the issues I have with E-cigs is that they are so similar to smoking it doesn't really change the compulsive side of smoking so I don't see the "benefits" as a quit smoking aid, but that is just my opinion!

I have to agree with you Nic 'cos of my time using one - I found myself using it when I would have had a cigarette, and ended up asking myself what was the point.

Thanks Gemma - it's just really confusing me now. I feel I'm doing quite well with my method as the e cig isn't being used much at all - I am making progress almost every day and haven't been using more gum even when I'm not using the e cig. I am starting to get a bit nervous about my holiday in August because it will be another first - but I can see lots of people have the same concerns as me. I have been quite positive about most of my quit but I think after reading the book again, while a lot of it makes sense, I'm feeling quite down as if I've just wasted the last 8 weeks trying my NRT method!

I'm really confused and fed up really.

I don't want to smoke at all (which is good), but I'm scared to stop my NRT too early!!! I had read that 12 weeks was the right sort of time!

Sorry about my little whinge - just feeling a bit deflated right now

You don't need to feel deflated at all hun :)

Allen Carr is rather dogmatic and he had a "this is right end of" approach to quitting. It doesn't really work like that as you've found out.

NRT is definitely not a waste of 8 weeks. You haven't smoked, which is the big thing - NRT is giving us the chance to get used to not smoking (or vaping for me now) and to come off nicotine slowly. Nothing wrong with that at all :)

Definitely take your e-cig on holiday with you, and wile it would be fab not to use it don't feel bad if you do. We're all used to various situations where we would have smoked and it's scary in a way to deal with them without our comfort blankie :p

This is just my opinion based on my experience but how about if you drop the e-cig at your 12 weeks, keep the gum handy and use that if you need to? It's all better than smoking and if it gives you the confidence to carry on being a non-smoker (as long as you're not on it permanntly) where's the hurry?


nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Hi Sarah,

I think you're getting a flavour here - don't worry. I haven't read Allan Carr, nor did I entertain NRT, as my path of choice was simply to get to being a former smoker in every sense as quickly as possible. So CT fitted the bill, and so far it's worked. As your chosen path has worked for you, which is the point - all methods of quitting are valid, just different ways to achieve the same objective.

My view is that if you're comfortable right now with your chosen path (and you should be, it's working - you're still quit right?) and are still optimistic then why muddy the waters? Achieve the objective you must, which also involves removing NRT in a controlled way at some point, but you have a plan for that so that's good. :cool: Continue with same determination and conviction you've shown so far and you'll be fine! :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Thanks everyone! I really was feeling quite positive until Mr Carr came along. I was thinking how incredible it was to be over 8 weeks without a ciggie. I know with NRT (and the e cig) I'm delaying the process but in less than 4 weeks I plan to stop that too. I have no desire to smoke a cigarette ever again. The idea repulses me as does the smell. I am around smokers regularly and it does not bother me. I only hope I feel the same when I give up my comfort blankets and go CT!

yet another whinge!!!! Sorry again and thank you for listening and saving my kids from moody mummy!

nsd_user663_58281 profile image

Alan C

Mr Carr is very dogmatic and he is probably right , but at the same time contradictory - he will say its 99% mental (which i agree with) but will say its because of the evils of nicotine, I personally feel the nicotine plays a very small part - and you are not having tobacco so you are doing well....

I do worry that some people read Mr Carr's book (and perhaps myself for a while) and the message they get is 1) I have to give up cold turkey 2) Dont think I can but he says nrt is pointless 3) I will just carry on then and feel bad about it! it is no good if thats the case..

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Mr Carr is very dogmatic and he is probably right , but at the same time contradictory - he will say its 99% mental (which i agree with) but will say its because of the evils of nicotine, I personally feel the nicotine plays a very small part - and you are not having tobacco so you are doing well....

I do worry that some people read Mr Carr's book (and perhaps myself for a while) and the message they get is 1) I have to give up cold turkey 2) Dont think I can but he says nrt is pointless 3) I will just carry on then and feel bad about it! it is no good if thats the case..

Thx Danny - I have no desire to smoke so my way must be working to some extent. In 4 weeks I need to give up my gum and e cig, so will see how that les but for now I will carry on with MY way and Mr Carr will have to wait - although I agree with him on everything else except the NRT points

nsd_user663_58281 profile image

Thx Danny - I have no desire to smoke so my way must be working to some extent. In 4 weeks I need to give up my gum and e cig, so will see how that les but for now I will carry on with MY way and Mr Carr will have to wait - although I agree with him on everything else except the NRT points

any then write a book and make a mint!!!

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