hypnotherapy: Has anyone ever tried this? If... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_57645 profile image
9 Replies

Has anyone ever tried this?

If so whats your opinion on it?

What do they actually do? (has visions of them swinging a stop watch in front of me)

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nsd_user663_57645 profile image
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9 Replies
Unah profile image

I would have tried it but in the end I didn't need to. I downloaded a free quit smoking hypnotherapy app from iTunes and that was what made me want to stop and I think kept me stopped in the beginning. Had the advantage of putting me to sleep as well:D

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

I wonder if hypnotherapy works in general, I might ask if they can sort out my anxiety and panic attacks, but its £85 an hour!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I had hypnotherapy once several years ago to help me stop smoking but it didn't do anything for me! I can't really remember much about the process but it just didn't work for me - perhaps you will have better luck!!

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Ive just been looking at yahooanswers and googled some bits

Everyone seems enthusiastic about hypno working.

They say scientists cant prove anything but its something to do with going in a trance and switching off the left side of your brain and then the therapist suggests things into your subconscious.

Im going to ask my doctor if he can refer me tomorrow, its worth a try if I can get it for free. :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I had hypnotherapy once several years ago to help me stop smoking but it didn't do anything for me! I can't really remember much about the process but it just didn't work for me - perhaps you will have better luck!!

I looked into hypnitherapy a couple of years back when I was beating myself up about smoking (again) and heavier than before.

They said it only works if you *really* want it to - not "I'm quitting for my health/family/money" etc.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Quitting is all about changing your mindset, its possible hypnotherapy might help but its not necessary.

You need to see quitting as a positive thing; regaining health, wealth and control rather than seeing it as making a sacrifice and depriving yourself.

That will make quitting a lot more straight forward. Whatever you do will require some will power, dogged determination and outright stubbornness at times but the more time it is since your last cigarette the easier it will become.

Even if hypnotherapy helps there is no quick fix, we spent most of our adult lives becoming accustomed to life with a fag in hand so we need to spend quite a while learning how to live without it, practising being a non smoker if you like.

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Has anyone ever tried this?

Well it worked for Allen Carr which I guess is a reasonable endorsement?

If so whats your opinion on it?

Is it worth giving something a go that has no side-effects and wont have you slashing your wrists or hanging yourself from the bannisters?

What do they actually do? (has visions of them swinging a stop watch in front of me)

The hypnotherapist will have a heart to heart with your subconscious and try to persuade it that smoking is something you no longer do.

Confuse it for, "you are feeling very sleepy" and it's not really worth going.

Stage hypnotism is nothing like hypnotherapy other than the root hypno...

nsd_user663_57531 profile image


Hi Sammi

Austen Allegro is right. Hypno `therapy` is just that. The therapist will talk to you about your reasons and then allow you to get into a mentally and physically relaxed state where they can talk to your subconsious. There is no switching any part of the brain off - you are completely aware just very relaxed and allowing the therapist to reaffirm your views. If you are prepared to allow it to work it will - the same as all the other support systems. The Alan Carr book works on the same principle - you are being hypnotised - he`s reaching your subconcious mind and giving you support through the written word rather than the spoken. Cold turkey is a form of self-hypnosis.

As a serial quitter over the last 44 years - I tried hypnotherapy about 25 years ago. It was the most effective and painless quit I have gone through. I `KNEW` I would never smoke again! Unfortunately, I had failed to grasp the NOPE principal back then and a while later fell foul of the `I don`t smoke so I can have just one` trap. FOOL.

So far, at 61 days, this is my best quit for a very long time. I`m using lozenges because they are free but if I start to waiver, I would definitely consider hypnotherapy again.


nsd_user663_57531 profile image


Sorry that should be austinlegro!! Not concentrating.

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