One Year Completed: Well that’s that then... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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One Year Completed

nsd_user663_49415 profile image
14 Replies

Well that’s that then, one whole year without smoking completed. Have to say I really did not believe I could ever achieve that. But I have.

I'd wanted to give up for years. There was really nothing enjoyable left about smoking; the coughing, wheezing, spluttering, embarrassing coughing fits in public, having to get up in the night to drink water have coughed myself awake, - oh no there was really nothing pleasurable to be gained from smoking anymore. But still I persisted, even though the first fag of the day would inevitably lead to an absolute paroxysm of coughing. By the third one I felt fine. I still needed my fags. I envied non-smokers and former smokers alike. I questioned former smokers as to the secret of their success. There did n't seem to be one. I accepted I was an incurable addict, although when people said things like, '...listen, If I can give up, anyone can', it did reach some small spark of hope left inside me. I was a very, very dedicated smoker.

So came the day, June 13th last year, when I started on this journey. I'm not going into the trigger for the quit again, I've done that already. The early days were indeed quite traumatic, not in any sense of physical pain, but the loss of a dedicated forty year old daily routine, was more than just disorientating.

But it became easier.

And it became more rewarding; firstly less coughing, now a lung function that has improved 'immeasurably', according to my doctor.

And after a period of time it became an established daily routine in its own right.

Not sure I'll ever be a non-smoker, occasional triggers for cravings still exist. But cravings can be overcome and their severity lessens greatly over time. One thing I do know is, I'll not smoke today and I'll see what tomorrow brings.

I have n't posted much in here, but I've read a fair bit and it really did help and there do seem to be some incredibly nice people in here. I've probably finished here, but may pop back from time to time.

So to anyone in starting out or in the early days of your quit, all I can say is stick at it. It can be done, and it should be done. You owe it to yourselves and those that love you.

Written by
nsd_user663_49415 profile image
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14 Replies
Dippy_Egg profile image

Esso. What a wonderfully honest, knowing and touching post. One, with which I identify only too well. Well done sir....and welcome. :)

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Brilliant and Welcome!

Hello Esso

Congrats on making it to a year and welcome to The Penthouse. It's a great feeling, isn't it, especially when we've overcome some challenges on the journey here. Brilliant! :D

BW, Shazza

Unah profile image

Well done and welcome to the penthouse. It's a wonderful feeling being on top of the world.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

That's really fab, huge well done to you Esso :)

I'ts wonderful to see you so pleased and to see so many successful quitters coming back!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well done Esso! Lovely post!! Enjoy the penthouse.....

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Fantastic achievement Esso, enjoy the penthouse :D

nsd_user663_51469 profile image

Come on in! Been a good month for penthouse newbies. Well done.

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Well done

I am absolutely delighted for you Esso, we are around the same age and I too started when I was 11:( However we have proved that this is doable. I hope you will treat your self because you so deserve it. I remember your first few months very well and I just cant believe how quickly that year has gone by. I hope you do pop back every now and then it is always good to hear from

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

Well that’s that then, one whole year without smoking completed. Have to say I really did not believe I could ever achieve that. But I have.

So to anyone in starting out or in the early days of your quit, all I can say is stick at it. It can be done, and it should be done. You owe it to yourselves and those that love you.

Oh well done you! Like you, I never thought that I could achieve one day never mind ten weeks! You really are an inspiration! xxx

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Brilliant from the heart post, and I too can very much relate.

So, so well done on having completed a year. Absolutely fab my love:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Awesome job Esso! So stoked to have you in here with us! -vike

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Well done Esso on the year mark. Here's to the rest of our years smoke free

You comments very much match my thoughts. Isn't it nice to be able to take deep breaths without coughing and spluttering and also not to have your wheezing waking you up in the night.


nsd_user663_55542 profile image

Your a leg end m8 and so are any that make it to one whole year, we are all climbing that mountian and hope to get where you are at one day, pat yourself on the back, you've done what a lot of people cant do, feel proud and know you can go on and beat this thing forever :)

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free


Just noticed you've made it to one year. One year makes a difference - most triggers have been met with by then.

Enjoy the Penthouse. It's fantastic in here.:)

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