Moan: Hi Everyone, Ok i hope you dont mind... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_57905 profile image
30 Replies

Hi Everyone,

Ok i hope you dont mind but i need to have a moan on here and get some frustration out :\

I've had a long and stressful day at work (as usual) and i'm feeling completely rubbish and down and although i'm ignoring my brain telling me to smoke it's wearing me down.

I want to go home, drink alcohol and eat lots - is this an acceptable thing to do??

I hope at some point when i get stressed wanting to smoke wont be the first thing i want to do!

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nsd_user663_57905 profile image
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30 Replies
nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hi Everyone,

Ok i hope you dont mind but i need to have a moan on here and get some frustration out :\

I've had a long and stressful day at work (as usual) and i'm feeling completely rubbish and down and although i'm ignoring my brain telling me to smoke it's wearing me down.

I want to go home, drink alcohol and eat lots - is this an acceptable thing to do??

I hope at some point when i get stressed wanting to smoke wont be the first thing i want to do!

So sorry you had a bad day! Yes that is certainly an acceptable thing to do just don't cave in to nasty nic's evil demands!!! He is just an evil bully that strikes when we are down or stressed!!!

You are doing great - hang in there. (sending virtual hugs)

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

So sorry you had a bad day! Yes that is certainly an acceptable thing to do just don't cave in to nasty nic's evil demands!!! He is just an evil bully that strikes when we are down or stressed!!!

You are doing great - hang in there. (sending virtual hugs)

Thanks for the virtual hug :) I nearly cried at my desk earlier, i thought i had got through the worst bit. Obviously complacency had crept in!

I wont give in to the evil thoughts, it just really helps to talk to you guys who can keep me strong :)


nsd_user663_58243 profile image

You guys are great :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I think it's an emotional roller coaster for several months unfortunately but we all go through it and can relate! It will get better, just hang in there. Ice cream and chocolate (Creme eggs for me) work wonders btw!!!

Sarah x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aww it's horrible isn't it Kim?

Believe me it definitely gets better, I was a teary, grumpy, whiney mess earlier on (and there's plenty of cringe threads on here to prove it :o ) but now, I'm like me but not smokey and calmer. :D

Ooh and that's definitely fine hun. My trick would be to drink too much to drive to Tesco and buy fags - my alcohol intake shot up :p

Anything that keeps you away from the nasty sticks is good - unless it's coke :p

Treat yourself to something nice to eat and drink, curl up and watch a fave film or something!!



nsd_user663_57905 profile image

I think it's an emotional roller coaster for several months unfortunately but we all go through it and can relate! It will get better, just hang in there. Ice cream and chocolate (Creme eggs for me) work wonders btw!!!

Sarah x

Thanks Sarah, i'll have to go to the shop and get some ice cream in :p


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Thanks Sarah, i'll have to go to the shop and get some ice cream in :p


Cornetto enigmas are pretty good!!!!

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Aww it's horrible isn't it Kim?

Believe me it definitely gets better, I was a teary, grumpy, whiney mess earlier on (and there's plenty of cringe threads on here to prove it :o ) but now, I'm like me but not smokey and calmer. :D

Ooh and that's definitely fine hun. My trick would be to drink too much to drive to Tesco and buy fags - my alcohol intake shot up :p

Anything that keeps you away from the nasty sticks is good - unless it's coke :p

Treat yourself to something nice to eat and drink, curl up and watch a fave film or something!!



Hi Gemma,

After an angry walk home listening to emo music i think i'm feeling a little less stressed, but still pretty pumped lol. People must have thought my god she looks pi$$ed off!

My ear stretching kit has arrived so i will be making big holes in my ears instead of damaging it with smoke lol.

I dont really talk about myself much in real life but on here theres a massive danger to ramble isnt there!

Hope youre doing good today.


nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Cornetto enigmas are pretty good!!!!

Lol never tried one but i bet they're amazing - ok now you're really making me want ice cream! I thank you for distracting me from smoking :p

Hope you're doing ok today Sarah?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma,

After an angry walk home listening to emo music i think i'm feeling a little less stressed, but still pretty pumped lol. People must have thought my god she looks pi$$ed off!

My ear stretching kit has arrived so i will be making big holes in my ears instead of damaging it with smoke lol.

I dont really talk about myself much in real life but on here theres a massive danger to ramble isnt there!

Hope youre doing good today.


Ooh that's better!! Always gets your anger out :D

Never worry about rambling on here hun, it's good to get things sorted in your head and I've found it helps to write things down - it makes sense a bit more!!

Am doing pretty well thanks, haven't wanted a ciggie in ages which is fab!!

Hope you have a better day tomorrow xxx

nsd_user663_57651 profile image

Other, more experienced former-smokers might think different...but I'm personally thinking I can gorge on as much food and booze as I want for the first 3 months after quitting...whatever the impact on my long as I stop smoking it's worth it and I can loose weight / cut down on booze later!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Other, more experienced former-smokers might think different...but I'm personally thinking I can gorge on as much food and booze as I want for the first 3 months after quitting...whatever the impact on my long as I stop smoking it's worth it and I can loose weight / cut down on booze later!

That's why I'm wearing a pair of size 10 jeans when 6 months ago I wore 6s :p

But it's better to gain a few pounds and not smoke than it is to smoke to stay slim like I was before :/

nsd_user663_58243 profile image

Gemma - firstly.... a size 10 is NOT big by any stretch of the imagination and whats the point of being a skinny size 6 when you smell like a week old ashtray lol......

I have put on 13lbs in my 61 days of non smoking and last week joined up to weight watchers cause as I am sure you all know if we don't deal with it, these things have a habbit of becoming a big problem and then you can justify having that smoke just so you can lose the weight... hmm now theres a thought.... Not One Puff Ever scratch that...

things to be very aware of in the icre cream department are Skinny Cow Mint Choc Chip ice lollie they are soo good and you wouldn't know you were eating the diet version...

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma - firstly.... a size 10 is NOT big by any stretch of the imagination and whats the point of being a skinny size 6 when you smell like a week old ashtray lol......

I have put on 13lbs in my 61 days of non smoking and last week joined up to weight watchers cause as I am sure you all know if we don't deal with it, these things have a habbit of becoming a big problem and then you can justify having that smoke just so you can lose the weight... hmm now theres a thought.... Not One Puff Ever scratch that...

things to be very aware of in the icre cream department are Skinny Cow Mint Choc Chip ice lollie they are soo good and you wouldn't know you were eating the diet version...

That's true Scottie, it just feels bad after being smaller for so long!!

Mind you, I never thought I smelled of fags :eek:

Definitely not worth going on a diet that costs you £8 a day and your health with it :/

Will look out for the Skinny Cow stuff - have had that before and it's yummy :D :D

nsd_user663_58281 profile image

4 weeks - thought i was doing well..

Hi all, just read Kim's post and responses and so feel the same - gone 4 weeks today and started playing those horrible mind games e.g. i will just have a few or maybe i will just have e-cigs etc (even though I have now gone 4 weeks cold turkey). I hate but love roll ups and the schizophrenia of this is killing me!!!!!!!!!!! Really gutted cos thought it would be easier after 3 weeks!! am i just having an off day?! pls -

Smoked 20 years - roll ups - more than friends/wife - first to light, last one up at night - miss um but hate um - arrgghhhh!!!:mad:

nsd_user663_58281 profile image


hello fella and listen you ARE doing well-brilliantly in fact :D:D

There will be off days.:rolleyes: There will be doubts and temptations..but all of these diminish over time.Just fight through these times.Like many realise you just have to hang in there,the longer you do the less these feelings will affect you.;)

Thanks alot - that really helped!! for some reason in the moment when i get the urge i feel that 1) That i feel like this all the time (which I know logically dont!!) and 2) That it will never get better - but it will!!!

I am not saying that the cravings have made me moody but when my dog starting barking at a cyclist this morning, I wanted to join in! ggrrrr!

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Thanks alot - that really helped!! for some reason in the moment when i get the urge i feel that 1) That i feel like this all the time (which I know logically dont!!) and 2) That it will never get better - but it will!!!

I am not saying that the cravings have made me moody but when my dog starting barking at a cyclist this morning, I wanted to join in! ggrrrr!

Hi Danny,

I know exactly what you mean about thinking it will last forever! But then when I'm feeling good I always forget about how bad I felt at the time. And I can't work out whether Im getting emotional because of quitting or just because everyone gets down and grumpy sometimes.

The longer I get into my quite though the longer the interval between my bad days when I flip out and can't think about anything but smoking and when it doesn't even occur to me I was a smoker so this must be a good sign!

nsd_user663_58281 profile image

Hi Danny,

I know exactly what you mean about thinking it will last forever! But then when I'm feeling good I always forget about how bad I felt at the time. And I can't work out whether Im getting emotional because of quitting or just because everyone gets down and grumpy sometimes.

The longer I get into my quite though the longer the interval between my bad days when I flip out and can't think about anything but smoking and when it doesn't even occur to me I was a smoker so this must be a good sign!

We will do it...had 2 mad days followed by exhilarating afternoon enjoying the achievement...(for now!). Have tried to tell myself that I can return to smoking but that means 20 per day for rest of life as I am not a "couple with a pints kinda guy" - it is less appealling when i think of it for life!!!

I am also trying to see the cravings as a voice that is telling me lies - the most recent lie was "how will you enjoy a coffee in italy on the beach? you-might as well start smoking" - then i thought - hang on i am not even going / or have booked any holiday to italy you sneaky craving you!

Basically i will either give up for life or be sectioned!!!!

Anyway keep it up - all you lot have really helped me in a moment i thought i was going to fail - so thanks

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

We will do it...had 2 mad days followed by exhilarating afternoon enjoying the achievement...(for now!). Have tried to tell myself that I can return to smoking but that means 20 per day for rest of life as I am not a "couple with a pints kinda guy" - it is less appealling when i think of it for life!!!

I am also trying to see the cravings as a voice that is telling me lies - the most recent lie was "how will you enjoy a coffee in italy on the beach? you-might as well start smoking" - then i thought - hang on i am not even going / or have booked any holiday to italy you sneaky craving you!

Basically i will either give up for life or be sectioned!!!!

Anyway keep it up - all you lot have really helped me in a moment i thought i was going to fail - so thanks

I always have a thought that says 'oh you can just have one with a drink' but like you I could never pull that off! I know that I can never touch one again but I'm not looking at the bigger picture because forever is a mighty long time! Each day is a massive achievement we should be proud of :) positive reinforcement definitely works.

But yeah next holiday is going to be a trigger we haven't faced before but we can do it!

Well done though you've done great :)

nsd_user663_58281 profile image

Hey hey, my my - advice please ....

Right - I know as I type the answer to this (or do i!!) - however my wife has just started on e-cigs (the strong ones that dont look like cigs!)

I have just been to Prestwich festival (local thang) and everywhere i looked people are on these e-cigs!!, then obviously i go home and google it an everyone is swearing by them - which obviously made me think - why the hell am i doing this cold turkey???!!!

Now after 30 days nic free i know I would be an idiot to reintroduce nicotine but it is really constantly on my mind - any advice or thoughts would be so so welcome cos I am drowning in nostalgia, we are away next weekend and the little voice is shouting "whats the point!!!!!" -any thoughts, critisms, opinions are very welcome!!! thanksnn

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Right - I know as I type the answer to this (or do i!!) - however my wife has just started on e-cigs (the strong ones that dont look like cigs!)

I have just been to Prestwich festival (local thang) and everywhere i looked people are on these e-cigs!!, then obviously i go home and google it an everyone is swearing by them - which obviously made me think - why the hell am i doing this cold turkey???!!!

Now after 30 days nic free i know I would be an idiot to reintroduce nicotine but it is really constantly on my mind - any advice or thoughts would be so so welcome cos I am drowning in nostalgia, we are away next weekend and the little voice is shouting "whats the point!!!!!" -any thoughts, critisms, opinions are very welcome!!! thanksnn

Hi Danny :)

Basically i had a similar thing to you. Went for around 2 months on NRT (don't have the guts for CT) and started getting nostalgic, missing my ciggies etc, etc. Anyway I bought an e-cig, got well and truly hooked on the flipping thing and quit it 6 weeks ago - it's a 2nd quit even though I haven't smoked.

My advice: Don't touch one with a bargepole!!

They're better than actual smoking - probably - but they have the hand to mouth, "smoke" and feel of the real thing.

Personally, mine tasted rank, gave me a smoker's cough, my breath smelled of tobacco and it got me back into being a smoker, just without the fags.

After a month CT, I think you're way better off without them!!

Know some people on here have used them successfully, and that's fab, but my own experience is bad.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

E-cigs are just another nicotine delivery system. If you want to maintain a drug dependency then they are an option but do you really want to be a nicotine junkie for life?

Nicotine creates the stress which using it relieves, so using an e-cig is just paying to create discomfort which the e-cig then gets rid of. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it.

nsd_user663_58281 profile image

Thank you

I know you are both so right - thank you - not sure what is going on in my head last few days - maybe it is the last stand of nicotine desperate to get me to crack - i really appreciate the advice/comments!! Not aure why i have started romanticizing about them - I think somehow I have put nicotine on some illusory platform affording it qualities it does not have - feel a bit more determined now....but wish i was more confident by now!!!

nsd_user663_58281 profile image

Hi Danny :)

Basically i had a similar thing to you. Went for around 2 months on NRT (don't have the guts for CT) and started getting nostalgic, missing my ciggies etc, etc. Anyway I bought an e-cig, got well and truly hooked on the flipping thing and quit it 6 weeks ago - it's a 2nd quit even though I haven't smoked.

My advice: Don't touch one with a bargepole!!

They're better than actual smoking - probably - but they have the hand to mouth, "smoke" and feel of the real thing.

Personally, mine tasted rank, gave me a smoker's cough, my breath smelled of tobacco and it got me back into being a smoker, just without the fags.

After a month CT, I think you're way better off without them!!

Know some people on here have used them successfully, and that's fab, but my own experience is bad.

by the way - i love the little quote "not giving up - i am freeing myself" - that helped more than you can imghine!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I know you are both so right - thank you - not sure what is going on in my head last few days - maybe it is the last stand of nicotine desperate to get me to crack - i really appreciate the advice/comments!! Not aure why i have started romanticizing about them - I think somehow I have put nicotine on some illusory platform affording it qualities it does not have - feel a bit more determined now....but wish i was more confident by now!!!

Lots of us do it Danny :)

My quit buddy put a load of her fag ends in a plastic bag so when she wanted a smoke she could have a sniff, and that put her off!!

Wish I'd kept some of mine.

We need to remind ourselves how minging smoking is - because it's been a while we tend to forget all the c**p bits and think of the good stuff (or what our brains tell us is good) but really, smoking doesn't add anything to oru lives!!

You will get there, you're a month in CT which is fab, your brain just needs to catch on to the new non-smoker you :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

by the way - i love the little quote "not giving up - i am freeing myself" - that helped more than you can imghine!

Yay thank you!!

Glad it helps :D

nsd_user663_58281 profile image

You are right

Yay thank you!!

Glad it helps :D[/QUOTe

If any new non smokers are reading this, please dont think it is all bad. I have true moments of exhilaration... just struggled a bit for the last 2-3 days and just trying to work out why! I was, the most addicted smoker I knew by a mile so I am not surprised at times it is hard....however every mini battle is a victory - starving the evil weed from memory. I do have a general predisposition to being a bit whiny and negative (as soon as i wrote that i thought - yep i like having a "laughy whine" whilst smoking!).

The truth is cigs are the reason why I am struggling not the solution!!!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

If any new non smokers are reading this, please dont think it is all bad. I have true moments of exhilaration... just struggled a bit for the last 2-3 days and just trying to work out why! I was, the most addicted smoker I knew by a mile so I am not surprised at times it is hard....however every mini battle is a victory - starving the evil weed from memory. I do have a general predisposition to being a bit whiny and negative (as soon as i wrote that i thought - yep i like having a "laughy whine" whilst smoking!).

Know what you mean - I was one of those smokers too, nobody who knows me thought I'd stop smoking short of either pregnancy or a health scare (despite my promises to stop at various ages) not for long anyway but hey here I am, 6 months+ quit :D

And do I miss smoking? 98% of the time no, I don't.

Do think it's good for new quitters to see that we do struggle sometimes, quitting is hard, it's doable and it's less hard than the alternative, but it doesn't help if you're left with the impression you're the only one who feels lousy!!

The truth is cigs are the reason why I am struggling not the solution!!!!

That is so true!!

It's really easy to say "Oh I wouldn't be feeling like this if I wasn't quiting" but the truth is that we wouldn't feel like it if we hadn't started smoking!!

It's great you've got that thought 'cos it's mostly a mental addiction.

nsd_user663_58281 profile image

Cigs are bullies!

i think sometimes advice like "after 3 weeks it gets a lot easier" is not always helpful - as if something magical happens - its just moments -great moments and terrible ones- by the way - that was great your percentage - I reckon I am 70% at the moment all good but the other 30% is like the school bully just waiting around the corner after school!! But like all bullies when confronted has no power!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

i think sometimes advice like "after 3 weeks it gets a lot easier" is not always helpful - as if something magical happens - its just moments -great moments and terrible ones- by the way - that was great your percentage - I reckon I am 70% at the moment all good but the other 30% is like the school bully just waiting around the corner after school!! But like all bullies when confronted has no power!!

You're right there :)

It's a bit like an abusive partner too - convinces you that you can't live without him, destroys your self-respect and ruins your health.

I try not to say it'll get better after x amount of time, just "soon" because it will!!

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