It's been exactly one week today: Hey... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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It's been exactly one week today

RainBowie profile image
7 Replies

Hey everyone-

My last cigarette was exactly one week ago today. I am really proud of myself for getting through the first week. I realized that there were actually many times during this week that I simply forgot about smoking. I didn't crave a cigarette because it didn't occur to me to have one.

But, tonight it did. I realized it had been a whole week, and this voice in my head was like, go ahead, you can have one cigarette tonite. Obviously, this voice is something I should ignore, but it's very convincing.

Somewhere I read that the "typical" crave lasts 3 minutes, and you could try timing it. At 8:36 pm, it occurred to me that it would be nice to smoke, and at 8:39, it still sounded like a good idea. But at 8:42, it STILL sounded good, as it does now, at 9:14. I guess I am not your "typical" smoker! I have not smoked sine may 31, but I will not lie- lighting up right now sounds like the best thing ever to me!

So, I have the Allen Carr book, and I started reading it last night, but I only got thru chapter one before I fell asleep. I just got home and am fixing to pick up reading ch 2. But I am craving right now! Also, since this book advises that you continue to smoke until you finish reading the book, my mind is using that a an excuse to go ahead and have one now. But I cannot believe that the author would advise someone who had already gone one week without smoking to have a cigarette, so I'm not going to. But still...

I think part of it is, it is such a perfect summer night tonite. There are lightning bugs, and our small town is full of people out & about enjoying the perfect weather, smoking(!), and just being in the moment. We went to a bar downtown and had a beer outsude. The sun was setting, making intricate golden clouds in the corner of the sky. These are the kinds of moments I have always smoked, and will always want to smoke (I fear).

While I am proud of myself for making it a week, I am surprised by how badly I still want to smoke a cigarette.

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RainBowie profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_58104 profile image

If you have gone a whole week with no nicotine then under no circumstances should you light up again unless you intend to lose your quit, You have done fantastic to get to the end of hell week with no smokes, The three minutes they refer to is the actual physical symptoms of craving not the psychological ones we all have psychological triggers that we need to deal with and that is what leads most of us back to smoking, its your brain messing with you trying to convince you that if you can find a good enough excuse it would be ok to smoke again. The fact is that it takes time to beat the triggers and a great deal of determination to beat this addiction at one week down it is still a bit of a nightmare but it does get better and easier to deal with the longer you manage to go without. Get back into alan carrs book and perhaps read as much as you can at as well the more info you have about this addiction the better prepared you are to beat it

RainBowie profile image

Thanks so much Gary & Max for the support!

You are right gary when you say it is my brain trying to find a good enough reason to smoke. That is exactly what is happening. The Allen Carr easy way book is really helping me to realize that it is the brainwashing I need to overcome, that smoking will not help me relax and is not my friend. I am learning that it is the addiction to nicotine that I am overcoming.

I used to think that if I had managed to go a few weeks without smoking that I had "beat" it, and could then smoke a few every now and then without troubles. Wow, i couldn't have been more wrong, as i am learning. Those times in my previous quit attempts when I did have a cigarette after weeks (or even months, once), I would immediately want to smoke again, and even if I managed to go a few more days, I would inevitably find some reason "good" enough to start again. So, here I am, and this time I am quitting for good! No more smoking, not even one puff, I can't do it!

Last night was rough, but I managed to make it through by readin posts on this forum and the Allen Carr book. So, hello week two! And thank you, thank you, thank you for the help!!!

RainBowie profile image

Oh yeah, and to clarify--- As I read on in the Allen Carr book last night, he specifically says

"Incidentally, if you have not smoked for a few days or weeks but are not yet sure whether you are a smoker, an ex-smoker or a non-smoker, then don't smoke while you read. In fact, you are already a non-smoker. All we have to do is let your brain catch up with your body. By then end of the book you'll be a happy non-smoker."

So, I was right not to smoke while reading, as I KNEW I was, but I just goes to show how far that little voice/monster/"friend" will go to find a good reason for you to smoke again!

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

Thanks so much Gary & Max for the support!

No more smoking, not even one puff, I can't do it!

Someone in this group taught me to think to myself NOPE (not one puff ever). As silly as that sounds - it has helped me. I know without a doubt one puff will have me back to a pack a day in no time. I also started smoking at 15 - I don't remember not smoking. Well until now. For me the cravings are a daily battle - but so many people have reassured me that it does get easier. If I have to fight back the nicotine monster daily for a year - its ok. It is better then living the rest of my life unable to breathe properly. Don't get me wrong - I do find the cravings hard. Just take deep breaths - and fight it out. The rewards will be well worth it! Oh - and speaking of warm summer nights - I noticed the other day that I could smell those summer smells that I remember as a kid. If you haven't been able to smell better yet - that should be right around the corner. Another perk of not smoking!:D

RainBowie profile image

Thank you so much for saying so. Nope!-- What I will keep in mind! I have a feeling i will be battling these he psychological cravings for some time. But I'm tring to be happy that I quit. I DID tell myself for years, while I was smoking, that I wanted to. Now, that I have quit, I should be proud, not so sad! Good to know that it does get easier. ;):confused::eek

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

Hey Hope your doing ok now after a rant. its just not worth caving in hun.

One thing that is helping me in those 'Go on smoke' moments is knowing that smoking is what made me have to go through this uncomfrtable stage in the first place, once the withdrawal is over i never have to feel that again. If I smoke however, I have to feel uncomfortable again. So...whats the point! I quit to feel as i am now so why am i going to smoke?

The only way to to beat the addiction is to end all supply and never take another puff!!!

Good luck keep it up! xxx

RainBowie profile image

Thanks, Nikki, you are so right. It sounds kind of obvious, but this is the first time that I've quit and realized that I can never smoke again. Before, I seemed to think that if I made it so long without smoking, then i could have one and I wouldn't be addicted anymore. Nothing could be further from the truth. Thanks for reading, and thanks for the support!

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