Anyone fancy joining me for support and enc... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Anyone fancy joining me for support and encouragement?

nsd_user663_57983 profile image
15 Replies

I've been a smoker for 16 years or so. I smoke between 6 and 15 a day (roll ups) and have been hiding it from loved ones for a long time. I don't know how I've got away with it - I'm sure they probably suspect or are in denial.. Anyway, today is the day (after months of planning) and as I can't call upon loved ones for support, I'd really like it if there were some people here who are giving up today or recently who'd like to share the journey?

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nsd_user663_57983 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_57983 profile image

Thanks chaps. Cold turkey is the way forward I think. The fact that it's been a secret habit should make it easier to do that - I'm hoping that each day in, the guilt will ease and I'll start to enjoy life even more! But I'll definitely be posting here as a form of therapy and also might be able to offer support to others given time.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image


Welcome drummer and congrats on an excellent decision! We are all here to support each other regardless of the length of our quits. I'm sure there will be others joining around about now or in the next few days with a similar quit date to you so you can have a quit buddy if you like.

Anyhow I look forward to getting to know you as your quit progresses.


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hi Drummer and welcome to the forum! Well done on making the decision to quit :D There are plenty of us on here to help out, should you need us. This forum has been a god send for a lot of us, so my advice would be to use it! :)

nsd_user663_56938 profile image

Helllooooo and welcome!! :)

A massive 'well done' goes to you already for deciding to get rid of the nasty fags. Reading these forums really helped in my first few weeks and there is always someone on here who has been through the same or similar as you, so never refrain from asking anything.

Good luck!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Hi Drummer and welcome from me too, so how has today been, sorry I missed your post yesterday but to be fair, with the smell of Teffers before his shower, I'm glad I did :p

I hope that you find the forum supportive and I am sure that you will be offering others support very soon if not already!:)

Keep us posted with your progress and well done for probably the best decision you will ever make xx

nsd_user663_57983 profile image

Well.. it didn't go to well. I managed to get through the first evening, then got through yesterday ok - but after a sleepless night I gave in and had a couple this morning. Bugger. The strange thing is that I can get through an entire week if I go away with my family - no problem - but it seems that when I try and give up, my brain just can't stop thinking about it! So what do I do? Try really hard to NOT think about it at all? Maybe hypnosis?! Do you think that medication would help? No sweat. I will try again tomorrow!

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

welcome!! you will find loads of support here, just post and you will have replies or read posts that are already here, it all helps a great deal. You will find people here that have been through the stages you are in and will help you chill out and know what you experience is normal.

You are defo making the right choice. just being here is often the first step in the right direction. Alot more helpful than those NHS quit advisors of whom most have never smoked and have no clue what they are talking about

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

NRT works for me in the early days and when I get the habit licked I then go CT and feel it is not as severe. Maybe you need a little help initially

nsd_user663_57983 profile image

Well, it's 5pm on day one (take two) and I'm feeling much more positive. Got through a busy day at work with no cravings.. and also had a good jog and workout this morning - which I think helped enormously. Maybe I'll just become an exercise junky instead! Thanks for all comments so far. These forums are such a huge inspiration. x

nsd_user663_8607 profile image

Hey drummer, i'm not far behind you - very much in early stages but what i can say without question is that excercise is my saviour at the moment. once the craving gets really really under my skin, i get myself out for a walk, cycle, whatever it takes and the craving reduces to a manageble level althoguh this morning on one of my craving walks i did see giant marlboro lights every where i looked, the lamposts, the prom railings even the bins:eek:

hang in there, keep going and stay on this forum - it is a lifeline for the early days and has certainly kept me going for one.

one minute at a time - well done you....

nsd_user663_58192 profile image

No will por

Each day I swear I will give up, got to the stage it is stressing me out.Why can I not just give up, have tried everything. Now have wheezy chest light one up cough away ut still smoke it, went nearly full day without one chest elt little better so puffed away again, am I just too old now at 60 I am so struggling, hate doctors so much, just want to do this on my own, cry like a baby because I get so annoyed with myself. Help

nsd_user663_58073 profile image

Hi Drummer big welcome to you and well done on your quite superb decision to quit :D

You will find loads of quitters here in various stages from Day 1 to year 3,just read,post and enjoy.

Welcome Drummer,

I am only on day 8 so i am pretty new too. This is a great site and has helped me a lot over the last week. you have chosen well.

I couldnt help myself though Max. This is one of the few places where you can say 'you will find loads of quitters here' and it is a positive thing. Ha ha brilliant.

Anyway Drummer, you couldnt find a friendlier bunch than this one so put your faith in them and enjoy the ride!!!!

nsd_user663_54559 profile image

Hi Drummer, sorry to come to your party late, but I am here now!!! A big welcome to you, anything I can do to help, just shout. ;)


nsd_user663_40738 profile image

Welcome and never give up the quit!! It take will power and resolve but I think we all have it in us. Just keep fighting and if you slip a little just pick up and start the quit again. Good luck and remember we are here for you no matter what.

We listen to the screams, tears, matter what some one here will help....ppat

nsd_user663_58239 profile image

Good wishes

Well done, drummer.

I believe cold turkey is the best method. The degree of difficulty depends on the strength of your decision and how you handle the cravings.

Remember they are only feelings...learn to enjoy and embrace them. Do not to deny them or use will power.

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