The fun way of giving up smoking - day 1 - No Smoking Day

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The fun way of giving up smoking - day 1

nsd_user663_57949 profile image
19 Replies

Hello guys, I can see that some of you are doing really great, some need a little bit of support.

I have chosen to sport myself, and it really helps. The more sport I do, the less I want to lit another cigarette.

Here's the movie from my first day that started as a joke, but now im actually working on quitting smoking!

Good Luck to everyone

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nsd_user663_57949 profile image
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19 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Nice video. I found exercise a major help when I quit, the extra oxygen in your blood will make a lot of difference to your level of endurance.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

That was fun :) Amazing how most people just ignored you doing sit ups in the middle of Picadilly Circus. Only in London... :rolleyes:

Really glad you're sticking with it, it's the best decision you could possibly make - especially while you've still got youth and health on your side. Keep going, one day at a time. Before you know it you'll wonder why you ever started that stupid habit.


nsd_user663_57949 profile image

Thank You.

I don't know how other feel about it, but even when I do a little bit of jogging every morning (20 minutes) I feel so much better and cleaner that smoking feels like something reeeeeeally bad for myself. So i think for twice before smoke, and normally just have a glass of water, do some sport or something else instead.

nsd_user663_57949 profile image

Thank You Max

nsd_user663_57882 profile image

lol now thats different,

Like the video style, editing and music ( cousin of mine is a web desinger always showing me his concepts)

Are you still employing this technique as an aid to quiting?

Exercise is great , but when quiting I can't stress how it stamps on any cravings or feelings of being low, it gives such a boost.

Good stuff.

nsd_user663_56837 profile image

Loved your video its great! Keep up the non smoking.

nsd_user663_57949 profile image

Thank you guys, It has actually been a very stressful week and I have started to smoke again - little by little, more often in the evenings. I think the thing that makes me the most unhappy is that i cannot handle stress without smoking. how miserable is that

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

That's a real pity!!! Why don't you try NRT or e-cigs to help wean you off the real thing?

nsd_user663_57949 profile image

has e-cig been proved to be less harmful than tobacco? i smoke american spirit.. i don't really trust e-cig, the history shows so many examples of stuff that was promised and sold as harmless alternatives to whatever, before banned

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

No I don't think anything has really been proved about e cigs so I can see why you are dubious about them but I'm relatively happy that they are much better for you (or should I say less damaging) than real ciggies

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

has e-cig been proved to be less harmful than tobacco? i smoke american spirit.. i don't really trust e-cig, the history shows so many examples of stuff that was promised and sold as harmless alternatives to whatever, before banned

They're a hell of a lot less harmful than smoking real fags!!

I don't think they're safe for long term use, but they don't have the chemicals in them that cigarettes do.

nsd_user663_57949 profile image

Could you advise on a nice brand of e-cig?

also, are there any fruits or veg that are good to recover the health after smoking?

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Could you advise on a nice brand of e-cig?

also, are there any fruits or veg that are good to recover the health after smoking?

Hi there, I am using Mirage Goldstar as it was recommended to me. I don't know what any others are like. I'm happy with the Mirage one - they re available online.

I don't know the answer to your fruit and veg question though - sorry

nsd_user663_58073 profile image

Thank you guys, It has actually been a very stressful week and I have started to smoke again - little by little, more often in the evenings. I think the thing that makes me the most unhappy is that i cannot handle stress without smoking. how miserable is that

Hey man. I know exactly what you mean. I am stressed at work nearly all the time and also putting myself through professional exams which i have to do on top of work. Some weeks i told everyone that listened that i could not deal with life at the moment and no smoking.

Really deep down i knew it was just an excuse to justify smoking though. I am not suggesting that you are doing that but the conclusion i came to is that the stressfull event is still there and just as stressfull with or without a cigarrette. I am trying to ask myself what solution smoking provides. I honestly cant think of anything.

I hope you give it another shot at some point. Your video was very interesting and the fact that you did it and continued makes me beleive that you want to.

I am going to adopt your method but using laughter. This time i am determined not to mope about. Every time i fancy a cigarrette i am going to try to find something funny so i can laugh.

Giggle my way to a smoke free future ha ha.

nsd_user663_56837 profile image


I used a Skycig which had different flavoured cartridges you could put in. I liked the menthol one but tobacco flavour was minging!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


I used a Skycig which had different flavoured cartridges you could put in. I liked the menthol one but tobacco flavour was minging!

My menthol VIP one was OK - the tobacco ones were rancid though

nsd_user663_57949 profile image

i've made it

guys i gave up smoking. it has been.. eh.. i don't even remember how long, but over 3 months for sure!

thank you for your support everyone

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

guys i gave up smoking. it has been.. eh.. i don't even remember how long, but over 3 months for sure!

thank you for your support everyone

YAY go you :D :D

Brilliant that you even forgot how long it's been!!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Well done to you! 3 months I am told is the breakthrough period so good on you for sticking at it! :)

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