day 4 - depression!: Hello All, New here... - No Smoking Day

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day 4 - depression!

nsd_user663_57848 profile image
69 Replies

Hello All,

New here need some advise!

20 a day, 5 year smoker - stopped Sunday 19th May 5AM Cold Turkey

Basically lost my job last week, now in serious financial issues!!

I feel so depressed to a point its affecting my family. My mum, dad, sister are worried I am having trouble sleeping etc

Im thinking, I should have a few smokes for a few months...ill get back on my feet then quit!

What ya'll think?


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nsd_user663_57848 profile image
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69 Replies
nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I really hope your situation improves soon. That must be so hard to manage to not smoke in such a stressful situation. But you have done it, so well done! In comparison, the rest of the quit should be smooth sailing... Ok maybe not smooth, but you have managed to do something pretty admirable! I know I wouldn't have contemplated giving up smoking during a stressful time. In fact, I always used it as an excuse to delay my quit. So good for you!

You should most certainly continue with the quit. The group on this forum are amazing at raising spirits when you are down. Just post what you are feeling and a really nice supportive fellow quitter will respond. You will probably also find yourself offering support to others - which makes you feel fab when you help someone else.

I'm sure your family are just worried about you and want to see you happy again. Try think positively about the quit as it is a huge positive step you have taken to a healthier and more prosperous life. And..... You won't be smelly at future job interviews........

Hang in there!!!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hello All,

New here need some advise!

20 a day, 5 year smoker - stopped Sunday 19th May 5AM Cold Turkey

Basically lost my job last week, now in serious financial issues!!

I feel so depressed to a point its affecting my family. My mum, dad, sister are worried I am having trouble sleeping etc

Im thinking, I should have a few smokes for a few months...ill get back on my feet then quit!

What ya'll think?


Hi Bobsan :)

Sorry you lost your job and are having a tough time - it's not fun at the best of times!!

But, smoking isn't the answer!! Evn if they weren't stinky, lethal, addictive, and so on they're £8 a packet!! If you've lost your job that's a hell of a lot of expense you can't afford - and cmoking for a set time is an illusion once you've got addicted. I never believe it when ex-smokers say they only smoke in certain situations.

For your deprssion, go and see your GP see what they can do to help and don't give up on your quit!!

I hope you feel better soon :)

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Guys theres bigger issues!

I have interviews coming up, I need to speak on the phone meet people etc, etc!!

Don't get me wrong I am over-ly confident person even before I used to smoke!

Problem is I am stuttering as I talk since I quit, ****ed everything is ****eD!!!! grhhhhhhhhhh

**** it! shall i just smoke, afterall i can quit again?!?! i just need 2 get thru this hard stage of life

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Guys theres bigger issues!

I have interviews coming up, I need to speak on the phone meet people etc, etc!!

Don't get me wrong I am over-ly confident person even before I used to smoke!

Problem is I am stuttering as I talk since I quit, ****ed everything is ****eD!!!! grhhhhhhhhhh

There's never a good time to quit, and when you do, you blame everything on quitting.

There are no positives on spending £8 a day to inhale 4000 cancer causing chemicals!!

**** it! shall i just smoke, afterall i can quit again?!?! i just need 2 get thru this hard stage of life

And the next few months

And the next drama

And the next few months

And so on.

That's what it will be, no if's no buts.

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

There's never a good time to quit, and when you do, you blame everything on quitting.

There are no positives on spending £8 a day to inhale 4000 cancer causing chemicals!!

And the next few months

And the next drama

And the next few months

And so on.

That's what it will be, no if's no buts.

well its either smoke to get the job, so i can chat a load of rubbish in the interview......or theres no job!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

well its either smoke to get the job, so i can chat a load of rubbish in the interview......or theres no job!

How does smoking improve your interview performance?

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

How does smoking improve your interview performance?

it doesn't! but im looking aat it like im still in the early phase of quitting,, im still craving and i cant keep myself together because of it!

But if I smoke my brain will work as normal!

Plus someone left my a voice mail today, they want me to call them back and have a telephone interview too!! Im stuttering whilst i talk since I quit!

Does that make sense?

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

I feel so pathetic coming to this forum! I sound like a total junkie :'( I'm a young male I can't believe how sad my life has become

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

You are NOT pathetic coming to this forum!!! We have all probably experienced varying levels of depression at different stages during our quits. You are having a really tough time and if you can keep up with the quit under such tough circumstances, you will have achieved something amazing!

Have some fizzy water, go for a walk, breathe in the scent of the spring flowers, do anything to try forget about smoking for a little while. It will pass soon and you will be amazed by how much your mood improves. Go see your gp to discuss your quit - he/she will be able to advise on suitable NRT for you if you wish. Some of us take tablets (Champix), some use patches or gum, some use e-cigs (like me) and others go cold turkey. Whatever works best for you, but don't give in when you are doing so well. The cravings are the worst at the start. It will get better!

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Thing is I've gone 4 days without smoking, I can handle the anger, the crave everything about it.

Being depressed is something I can't handle. I'm not the type of person to be depressed I'm the loudest one In the room! How long will this last? Will nRT fix the depressing factor ?

You are NOT pathetic coming to this forum!!! We have all probably experienced varying levels of depression at different stages during our quits. You are having a really tough time and if you can keep up with the quit under such tough circumstances, you will have achieved something amazing!

Have some fizzy water, go for a walk, breathe in the scent of the spring flowers, do anything to try forget about smoking for a little while. It will pass soon and you will be amazed by how much your mood improves. Go see your gp to discuss your quit - he/she will be able to advise on suitable NRT for you if you wish. Some of us take tablets (Champix), some use patches or gum, some use e-cigs (like me) and others go cold turkey. Whatever works best for you, but don't give in when you are doing so well. The cravings are the worst at the start. It will get better!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I don't know if NRT will help. For me going cold turkey has not worked due to the depression I felt. I am using e-cigs this time and haven't had anywhere near the depression - probably 1 day out of the last 31. For one people the gum helps for urgent cravings, but the patches give you a constant supply of nicotine that may help. Reading the Allen Carr book might also help as this made me feel more negative about smoking and stopped me from thinking that I needed to smoke to be happy. You have only smoked for 5 years and I'm assuming you were happy before, so you do not need ciggies to be happy (your addiction just makes you think you do).

If you want to try an e-cig, you can get them online, or from many shops/garages, although I know many on this forum don't agree with them. They have helped me enormously.

Just keep talking about it until it passes - it will pass. I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day!!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I feel so pathetic coming to this forum! I sound like a total junkie :'( I'm a young male I can't believe how sad my life has become

You are definitely *not* pathetic!!

We're all in the same boat on here, addicts yes but not pathetic!!

Smoking turns us into junkies and that sucks but when you get through the bad bits you're going to feel heaps better - if you didn't I'd have started up again ;)

NRT might be an option - it will take the edge off your craves and it definitely helped me. Gum or lozenges might be your best bet 'cos then you can take them as and when you deed to, rather than having a constant supply you don't need.

I'd say stay away from e-cigs at all costs - 'cos I got one and got myself as hooked on those as I was on the real ones. They *sound* brilliant, but they're too much like the real thing and not sold as NRT but a replaement for the real thing.

Don't beat yourself up about being down - it's the withdrawal, and it is only a temporary phase while your brain gets used to making hormones again. Nicotine mimics your natural feel good ones, hence why you're feeling c*ap now.

Stick with it, you *will* get better :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Sorry about the job etc, but it sounds like you've come here to get the okay to smoke from a group of people who have worked really hard to quit, just like you.

Why would we ever suggest that you should begin smoking again?

As for the interviews you have coming up, you think stinking of fags is going to go down well? I know they're tough and it really gets your nerves going, but smoking is proven to not help with nerves and stress.

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

I just had a major bust up with my dad. I'm 22 years old male and I'm crying like a little girl in my bed. I just wanna die. I swear I need to start smoking this **** is killing me so badly. I'm fed up

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Bobsan, I wish I could give you a hug right now!!! I don't know what to say to you that will help, but smoking isn't the answer. Is there a non-smoking good friend nearby you can call on to have a chat to?

Alternatively call your gp, or go get some gum or an e-cig and try that. I'm worried about you - such severe depression cannot be solved by smoking (in fact no depression can be solved by smoking).

Please hang in there - it WILL get better soon. Keep talking to us.

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Bobsan, I wish I could give you a hug right now!!! I don't know what to say to you that will help, but smoking isn't the answer. Is there a non-smoking good friend nearby you can call on to have a chat to?

Alternatively call your gp, or go get some gum or an e-cig and try that. I'm worried about you - such severe depression cannot be solved by smoking (in fact no depression can be solved by smoking).

Please hang in there - it WILL get better soon. Keep talking to us.

Friends? I dont have any friends, they all let me down. They broke my heart, and the couple I do trust and talk to....dont smoke they wont understand the ones that dooo think this quit smoking wont last and will lol away

and my other friends I dont tell them about my personal life.....i never tell anyone nothing!

I swear I am so fedup.....I can handle all this crap with inches away from just buying a pack....if I never thrown them out I would of smoked for sure!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well then maybe these friends who don't smoke are the best people to go to.

If they are your friends it doesn't matter if you are an alcoholic, herion addict or a smoker trying to quit, they should be there for you.

If they are non-smokers anyway, they might be able to keep your mind off it and calm you down, rather than keeping you focused on it. :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

It sounds to me like you have a lot of unhappiness in your life - probably nothing to do with your quit attempt. The addiction is just telling you it will fix it, but it is lying to you. What about talking to family - telling them exactly how you are feeling. They must be able to comfort you?

Please go see a doctor to talk this through as I'm sure getting it all off your chest will help you. It's hard when friends let you down, but perhaps those relationships can be fixed. Just try and detach cigarettes from the other **** that is going on.

Alternatively why not write a long letter about everything that is upsetting you - sometimes getting it out helps?

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

It sounds to me like you have a lot of unhappiness in your life - probably nothing to do with your quit attempt. The addiction is just telling you it will fix it, but it is lying to you. What about talking to family - telling them exactly how you are feeling. They must be able to comfort you?

Please go see a doctor to talk this through as I'm sure getting it all off your chest will help you. It's hard when friends let you down, but perhaps those relationships can be fixed. Just try and detach cigarettes from the other **** that is going on.

Alternatively why not write a long letter about everything that is upsetting you - sometimes getting it out helps?

Some great ideas here.

And I would definately recommend seeing your gp about your quit. :)

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

Hi Bob

Don't know if anything I say will help, but I'll give it a go.

Its a s*&t that you lost your job and are going through a hellish time.

I can relate (kind of) I know I'm old enough to be your mum but I do feel your pain and understand how low you are feeling.

I am also going through a very bad time at the moment, with an unwell mum, my health is definitely not great and I'm on long term sick at the moment. I quit for 3 weeks and then caved, I started my quit again today, I have an interview coming up for a job next month and so am using this as a reason to stick to this quit.

If you are so low that you just want to cry or are crying then I suggest you see your GP. It is not a weakness and you mustn't see it this way. Please PM me if you need a chat.

STick with the quit, cigarettes DO NOT make everything better, I am proof of that. I was smoking and everything still went t*ts up. Thats what made me realise that having a cig was just making me feel more low. I was scared about failing again but with this forum I am going to stick to it this time. Stay here with us, There are loads of great people on here to support and get you through this.

I hope some of that made sense


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hi Bob

Don't know if anything I say will help, but I'll give it a go.

Its a s*&t that you lost your job and are going through a hellish time.

I can relate (kind of) I know I'm old enough to be your mum but I do feel your pain and understand how low you are feeling.

I am also going through a very bad time at the moment, with an unwell mum, my health is definitely not great and I'm on long term sick at the moment. I quit for 3 weeks and then caved, I started my quit again today, I have an interview coming up for a job next month and so am using this as a reason to stick to this quit.

If you are so low that you just want to cry or are crying then I suggest you see your GP. It is not a weakness and you mustn't see it this way. Please PM me if you need a chat.

STick with the quit, cigarettes DO NOT make everything better, I am proof of that. I was smoking and everything still went t*ts up. Thats what made me realise that having a cig was just making me feel more low. I was scared about failing again but with this forum I am going to stick to it this time. Stay here with us, There are loads of great people on here to support and get you through this.

I hope some of that made sense


I didn't realise how bad things were for you Amanda :( It makes you all the more admirable in my eyes!

Bob, if you follow in this lady's footsteps it will pay off. Bouncing back after going through so much c*** is what makes us stronger :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

How are you doing Bob?

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

How are you doing Bob?

Gosh! I sound like a woman today!

I feel so much better!!!

A) Got a job interview lined up tomorrow, its more of quick interview before the actual interview which will take place later.

B) Someone called me today about finding me a job (recruitment agency)

C) I am seriously considering starting to smoke again, because I feel like I am going crazy sometimes / depressed. I know people are saying go to the GP regarding this but I dont wanna do this its not only going to be embarrassing for myself...BUT its going to worry my mum is very ill and I dont want to make her any more upset!

D) I have a dentist appointment today....going to the dentist after 5 years...since I started smoking I have never been....worried!!!!

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Another Note:

PEOPLE: THANK YOU for all your help

I know it may seem I am not reading your posts, I am thank you VERY MUCH!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Phew - I was starting to get worried...

I'm glad you are feeling better and things seem to be going a bit smoother. I really hope you don't smoke, as it is just going to get harder to stop in the future. Most of us have smoked for a lot longer than you and I can assure you it gets harder. But it's up to you of course.

I hope your mum gets better soon - perhaps she would feel happier knowing that her son was a non-smoker! Just saying.......

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Phew - I was starting to get worried...

I'm glad you are feeling better and things seem to be going a bit smoother. I really hope you don't smoke, as it is just going to get harder to stop in the future. Most of us have smoked for a lot longer than you and I can assure you it gets harder. But it's up to you of course.

I hope your mum gets better soon - perhaps she would feel happier knowing that her son was a non-smoker! Just saying.......

Lol - You know what the issue is. I think non smokers dont understand how hard it is to quit!!!

Anyway I feel so much better :D I have not smoked! Going to actually WALK today because I feel so healthy to the town centre normally I drive because I am so lazy lol!

Thank you for caring I am so surprised this community is so strong! its amazing!!!!

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

Lol - You know what the issue is. I think non smokers dont understand how hard it is to quit!!!

Anyway I feel so much better :D I have not smoked! Going to actually WALK today because I feel so healthy to the town centre normally I drive because I am so lazy lol!

Thank you for caring I am so surprised this community is so strong! its amazing!!!!

WELL DONE on not smoking :D

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

Bobsan wonderful to read your positive thinking now,enjoy that lovely sunny walk :D:D:D

Yep, if its sunny, enjoy

Its horrible here today :(

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Awww, well done!! That's great news :D

The thing is, we can't really expect non-smokers (or never smokers, as I call them) to understand how difficult it is. In their defence, we've chosen to take up a nasty, filthy habit, that robs us blind and makes us stink. It inevitabley ends in some kind of illness or in death by disease, and is something that hasn't been forced upon us.

The friends of mine who smoke realise that it can be a real battle to give it up (after all, we don't mean to get addicted in the first place). But I know better than to expect a pat on the back from friends who have never smoked. And that's absolutely fine by me. I wouldn't have that much sympathy for an alcoholic who is trying to give it up (I would, of course, support them if they were a friend), as I just don't get why you would let it control your life.

Anyway, I'm so glad that you're feeling better! :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I am SO proud of you!!! Huge achievement today - you should be very proud of yourself!

Enjoy the walk.


nsd_user663_57848 profile image


WOW! I think I would of broken earlier today if it wasn't for this forum! You guys are so helpful!! God bless you all!!!

Off to the dentist ! Been smoke of 5 years, and haven't been to the dentist in 5 years! Lets see what damage these cancer sticks have done!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hope the dentist goes ok! I hate those visits with a passion.

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

I'm so glad I didn't crack earlier! I need 6 fillings and got gum infection due to smoking!

Never touching those cancer sticks again the *******s!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Woooo, that's the attitude we want!! :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm so glad I didn't crack earlier! I need 6 fillings and got gum infection due to smoking!

Never touching those cancer sticks again the *******s!!

BOO for the fillings!!

Have been lucky 'cos apart from slightly smokery looking teeth it hasn't done too much harm to mine, must be all the milk I drank when I was little :p

YAY for the attitude, well done not cracking earlier. Know it's bl00dy tough but you got through :)

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

#Craving :mad:

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Read midwifeys posts from earlier today for some good tips to get past craving. I think it involved deep breaths and sips of water.....

Hope it passes soon.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

#Craving :mad:

Ok, time to battle through Bob!!

Deep breaths and drink a big glass of water slowly. Have a snack, go for a walk, clean, go to sleep, do whatever you need to!

Try counting in your head, read a book, watch a film you know will keep your attention.

Come on, you can get through it :)

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Ok, time to battle through Bob!!

Deep breaths and drink a big glass of water slowly. Have a snack, go for a walk, clean, go to sleep, do whatever you need to!

Try counting in your head, read a book, watch a film you know will keep your attention.

Come on, you can get through it :)

Got through it!! Installed a racing game on my Mac so got through it like a cake!

Bring on the next crave! Ill beat it no f***ing problem!

Ahh I love this challenge!

God bless us ex smokers!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Glad to hear you made it through this crave!

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Just had dinner. Not craving but just imaging after dinner fag. It's heaven! Grh!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Just had dinner. Not craving but just imaging after dinner fag. It's heaven! Grh!

Noooooo it's icky!! In a few days your food is going to taste so much better the fag will be even ickier!!

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Noooooo it's icky!! In a few days your food is going to taste so much better the fag will be even ickier!!

Lol lets be honest here the after dinner fag is heaven. Ill hold it out!!!!! Don't worry won't smoke just reminiscing that after dinner fag!! :'(

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lol lets be honest here the after dinner fag is heaven. Ill hold it out!!!!! Don't worry won't smoke just reminiscing that after dinner fag!! :'(

*Feels a bit smug*

I used to think that, but now nope, not at all :)

*Now* I hate that I'd be out the kitchen door ASAP to suck stinky smoke into my lungs.

*Is being dead honest here*

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Don't even think about my after dinner fag anymore. My brain doesn't even remember to give the thought any airtime!! :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Don't even think about my after dinner fag anymore. My brain doesn't even remember to give the thought any airtime!! :)

I only think about it 'cos of the stupid e-cig, it's one of the few prompts I've got left.

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

just had a lil nap........woke up and thinking about that fag when you wake up from a nap....with an iced cold coke!

lol these memories are such pleasurable!

Am I the only person here who actually LIKED smoking?

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

No I don't think you are the only person who liked smoking. I think we all "liked" smoking in one way or another. The difference is that many of us have recognised that it was not a conscious decision to like it - it was the addiction talking. I have also fantasised about having a ciggie at times. But I think the reality would be very different. Do you remember the first ciggie you ever had? Did you enjoy that one? I know that I didn't, but I persevered because I was rebelling! It took many cigarettes before I started liking them (but that was only once I was addicted).

nsd_user663_57734 profile image

Hiya just saw you thread. Wow you are facing a lot at the moment. I'm sorry to hear about the job and other stuff you have going on.

Obviously it makes sense that stopping smoking will save you loads, so will help with finances.

As for people to understand and support you, that is what this forum is for. And god knows everyone on here is positive, supporting, caring, undertsanding and so far not been judgemental. Hey we are what we are. We all cope differently with situations. Some have an easier time of quitting than others and i think you have to find what works for you. Some people may not quit on their 1st attempt, but hey there is always the next time to try again and keep on trying until your there.

As for your quit you have come so far already. You have done so well & have already faced a lot. You should be proud and confident that you can do this and you will. Anytime you need to talk pop on hear and air it all, everyone replies so quick too. I personally have been reading a lot of information regarding my quit. Visit a site called whyquit. It has helped me greatly. There are many things to read and you will find a few things out i bet you never knew about smoking. That is one site i came across, there are probably hundreds.

So please, please, please stick with it and believe in yourself because we believe in you 👍👍👍👍

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

No I don't think you are the only person who liked smoking. I think we all "liked" smoking in one way or another. The difference is that many of us have recognised that it was not a conscious decision to like it - it was the addiction talking. I have also fantasised about having a ciggie at times. But I think the reality would be very different. Do you remember the first ciggie you ever had? Did you enjoy that one? I know that I didn't, but I persevered because I was rebelling! It took many cigarettes before I started liking them (but that was only once I was addicted).

I started smoking sheesha / bong / waterpipe based smoking about 16 coming from a british pakistani family, this was quite the normal with cousins family etc, fags was just something really mina for me....enjoy the sheesha so I guess I enjoyed the fags!!

Hiya just saw you thread. Wow you are facing a lot at the moment. I'm sorry to hear about the job and other stuff you have going on.

Obviously it makes sense that stopping smoking will save you loads, so will help with finances.

As for people to understand and support you, that is what this forum is for. And god knows everyone on here is positive, supporting, caring, undertsanding and so far not been judgemental. Hey we are what we are. We all cope differently with situations. Some have an easier time of quitting than others and i think you have to find what works for you. Some people may not quit on their 1st attempt, but hey there is always the next time to try again and keep on trying until your there.

As for your quit you have come so far already. You have done so well & have already faced a lot. You should be proud and confident that you can do this and you will. Anytime you need to talk pop on hear and air it all, everyone replies so quick too. I personally have been reading a lot of information regarding my quit. Visit a site called whyquit. It has helped me greatly. There are many things to read and you will find a few things out i bet you never knew about smoking. That is one site i came across, there are probably hundreds.

So please, please, please stick with it and believe in yourself because we believe in you 👍👍👍👍

Awwwwww!! Thanks you soooo much!!! This is so kind of you !!!

Madam! I have already quit, I do not need anymore webites like whyquit etc! I am an ex smoker! Its going to be 5 days from 5AM tomorrow morning! As far as I am aware I am an EX SMOKER!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

just had a lil nap........woke up and thinking about that fag when you wake up from a nap....with an iced cold coke!

lol these memories are such pleasurable!

Am I the only person here who actually LIKED smoking?

I liked it up until immediately before I quit - I was actually perfectly happy to smoke for the rest of my life. :S

Then the smoke tinted glasses fell off and it made me realise smoking is a load of c**p. Stinky, carcinogenic, expensive c**p.

Then I read Allen Carr, and realised how brainwashed I was and now like smoking even less!!

nsd_user663_57848 profile image


E cig without nictone are they bad? I'd buy one if its the same as breathing steam in and out!

I don't want it doing any damage to my body! Zero nictone, tar or any of that rubbish!


nsd_user663_57848 profile image

It depends on what you're looking for bobsan - you can get them with zero nicotine but obviously using one will mimic smoking so you won't actually get free of the whole hand-to-mouth habit which is actually the hardest part of this whole quitting malarkey for most of us. After all, your body is already clear of nicotine so the craves you're getting are nothing to do with your body wanting nicotine and everything to do with your mental programming saying that you need the action of smoking.

It's really your call mate, some people are happy with how an e-cig is working for them, others, like our Gemma, have had one hell of a shock realising just how dependent they've become on the damn thing and are having to go through what is, in effect, a second quit.

Whatever you choose to do, I would strongly recommend getting hold of a copy of Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking book - it really does make a huge contribution to reprogramming our poor confused brains and can make the whole process sooooo much easier.

Its 5 days from 5AM today, tbh the first 3 days and sort of half day today was so bad.

I am fine now, my friends came to my house and they where sitting there smoking sheesha / waterbased hookah what ever you wanna call it. I never had a single puff of it or anything :D

I was only thinking it is because I genuinely like smoking, its something I enjoy. Might be the way I am programmed since I started smoking or something, but hey thats life!

I wont' get the e-cog even though you can get nicotine free.....ill keep going as I am.

Tomorrow I have a job interview, and I feel so positive and I dont feel like I need the fag either :D

I will post back tomorrow with an update guys!

On the final note for today


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

That's brilliant! Good luck with the interview today.

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Fakkkin hell!! The craves today feel so much stronger and longer today! Its been 4 days, 10 hours and 14 minutes! Surly it should feel easier !

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Fakkkin hell!! The craves today feel so much stronger and longer today! Its been 4 days, 10 hours and 14 minutes! Surly it should feel easier !

The first week is the hardest, but the longer you don't smoke the easier it gets :)

Tell yourself you can have a fag "later" - don't do it obviously :p and that helps!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Yes I agree, give it a few days and it will be so much easier!!! You are doing brilliantly just don't give up now!! You can do it. Hope the interview went well!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Fakkkin hell!! The craves today feel so much stronger and longer today! Its been 4 days, 10 hours and 14 minutes! Surly it should feel easier !

You're almost through the worst of it, but these feelings are normal :)

Try to keep your mind occupied and stay positive. Do things that make you happy and will keep you busy for a little while. Sitting and stewing over how it should or should not feel will only make you feel worse.

Keep it up, you're doing really well! x

nsd_user663_57734 profile image

Hiya how are you feeling and how was your interview?


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hey bobsan, How are you doing now?

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Hi all,

Sorry haven't been updating this thread was extremely busy!

Interview went well and I'm going to be invited back to the 2nd stage :)

Something STUPID happened at mid day today and It's made me very angry. Honestly it's nothing to get angry about but I am feel long so angry and it's ruining my Saturday with family!

It's been 6 days 15 hours since I quit!!!

I'm thinking if I have just that ONE cigratte will I get addicted to it all over again? The one fag will calm me down I know it, and I know everyone is going to say its not worth it. Honestly I've been angry for 5 hours ill have one fag and if it won't make me addicted again it'll be worth it!!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi :)

I'm glad your interview went well, that's fab!!

I'm thinking if I have just that ONE cigratte will I get addicted to it all over again? The one fag will calm me down I know it, and I know everyone is going to say its not worth it. Honestly I've been angry for 5 hours ill have one fag and if it won't make me addicted again it'll be worth it!!

Short answer is yes, one fag will make you addicted.

Long and not nice answer is that we are all addicts here, and we always will be, same way as an alcoholic can't have "one drink" we can't have one fag.

18 months after I stubbed out my last fag last quit I (same as you) had a row and bougth a pack of 20. Within a short space of time i was smoking as much as I ever did, and more. :mad:

And smoking doesn't calm you down - nicotine is a stimulant, how could it?

You *think* it calms you down 'cos it shuts up the craving but it doesn't!!

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Hi :)

I'm glad your interview went well, that's fab!!

Short answer is yes, one fag will make you addicted.

Long and not nice answer is that we are all addicts here, and we always will be, same way as an alcoholic can't have "one drink" we can't have one fag.

18 months after I stubbed out my last fag last quit I (same as you) had a row and bougth a pack of 20. Within a short space of time i was smoking as much as I ever did, and more. :mad:

And smoking doesn't calm you down - nicotine is a stimulant, how could it?

You *think* it calms you down 'cos it shuts up the craving but it doesn't!!

You know when I get like this, I normally smoke and think allow arguing let it rest life goes on, or I hardly ever get angry over stupid things.

This situation has made me so angry and no man in the world would get angry over it, the only way I can possibly get over this I think is scream and shout at the person who made me angry but it won't make sense because she done nothing wrong, or smoke and move on with life!?

I don't know why after nearly 7 days this is happining to me, I've been going strong. My friends have been smoking infront of me and I haven't even been tempted to smoke!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You know when I get like this, I normally smoke and think allow arguing let it rest life goes on, or I hardly ever get angry over stupid things.

This situation has made me so angry and no man in the world would get angry over it, the only way I can possibly get over this I think is scream and shout at the person who made me angry but it won't make sense because she done nothing wrong, or smoke and move on with life!?

I don't know why after nearly 7 days this is happining to me, I've been going strong. My friends have been smoking infront of me and I haven't even been tempted to smoke!

That's because you're recovering from an addiction.

Stick with it and it will go away.

No offence, but you're talking yourself into smoking again - which obviously is your choice, but nobody here is going to tell you it's any kind of answer or a good idea because it isn't.

We've *all* gone through c*ap times on here, we've all had times when we thought "oh eff it I'll have a fag" but we didn't and we don't get that any more.

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Just made my mum cry because of my anger, ruined her weekend!

Guys cannot do this, thanks for all the support but I'm on my way to get a fag!

Thanks anyway, sorry I wasted your time!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Just made my mum cry because of my anger, ruined her weekend!

Guys cannot do this, thanks for all the support but I'm on my way to get a fag!

Thanks anyway, sorry I wasted your time!

Don't do it.

You'll still be angry, just with yourself for being daft and blowing a quit.

nsd_user663_57848 profile image

Had 2 fags everything is ok now!

I thew the rest in the bin. Am I addicted again?

I hope not!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Had 2 fags everything is ok now!

I thew the rest in the bin. Am I addicted again?

I hope not!

No you'll just do it the next time you blow up, and the next time and the next time.

You need to develop strategies to cope with it that do not involve smoking.

You never, no matter how long you live become "un-addicted" and if you carry on smoking when you feel narky you won't ever stop smoking.

So are you going to start your quit again, or what?

nsd_user663_57531 profile image

If at first you don`t suceed.....

If you still want to quit, pick yourself up and start again. You tried cold turkey - which is very hard at the beginning. If you can`t take the stress of that at the moment, sort out a plan to help you cope when the going gets tough. What about using patches, gum. lozzenges to get you through the first few `no smoking` days? We can`t all cope with CT. What matters is that you stop smoking. You have to want it though. Sorry things are so tough for you at the moment.

Not what you're looking for?