Day 50 and still strong :-): hi all, still... - No Smoking Day

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Day 50 and still strong :-)

nsd_user663_56712 profile image
8 Replies

hi all, still here and kicking strong against the evil little monster when he does appear!

I haven't been on much, heavy workload week before last and then a school residential trip for the past week with 50 odd year 5 children! I even survived that :D but boy, I could have easily caved in, so I faced him right in the eye by going for a walk with one of the other teachers that smoked, didn't have a puff but, just the 5 minute walk with her smoking calmed me and I knew it wasn't the cigarette as I hadn't had one. She was like 'God I needed that' I was thinking, i'm feeling the same but it was the 5 minute chill time not the smelly fag you have just ingested!

anyway, Day 50 and feeling so good about it, so proud not to have caved for even one puff in the whole time, it is indeed a miracle for me and it was all thanks to this forum during the first few weeks , esp Kat, Max, Gemma-lou and Sarah-lou. I've seen on the new posts feed that the regulars are all still here so HELLO everyone xxx :D :) :D

I do hope that the others are still going strong too, midwifey, ticwoo, JayJay LI/Mario, are they all still around?

so after passing another first time of repeating a part of my life as a non-smoker and realising today that it is 50 days clear I am smiling and wishing you all a happy smoke free day. :):)

lots of love to all Trea xx

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nsd_user663_56712 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh well done Trea, that's really fab!!

You're so right about not needing the fag but the time out - have noticed the same thing :)

Flipping brave to go walking with someone while she had a fag though but it worked :D

You're doing so well, and it's lovely to see another successful quit on here!! :cool: xx

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Thanks Gemma, I actually had to get the calendar out to see how many days/weeks it was as I had stopped counting them. That in itself is a good sign.

It is a great feeling though not being tied to the habit of thinking you need one. It is just that 5 minutes of peace or deep breathing to relax and chill. I knew I was strong enough that I could walk with her and not smoke, Also, it really made me realise how much she stunk and coming in and going straight over to talk to the children...*cringe, that used to be me*

So glad all is going well with you too xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Gemma, I actually had to get the calendar out to see how many days/weeks it was as I had stopped counting them. That in itself is a good sign.

It is a great feeling though not being tied to the habit of thinking you need one. It is just that 5 minutes of peace or deep breathing to relax and chill. I knew I was strong enough that I could walk with her and not smoke, Also, it really made me realise how much she stunk and coming in and going straight over to talk to the children...*cringe, that used to be me*

So glad all is going well with you too xx

Oh it does really stink, when a couple of my friends last night came back in from Leper's Corner (loads of times in a few hours - I used to do that :eek:) they really smelled and it isn't a nice thought that it used to be us!!

But that's all well in the past now 'cos we're fab fresh non-smokers :D :D :D

And you're so right that it's a tie - having to go out whatever the weather to smoke, and honestly how often did you think "I'm really enjoying this ciggie"?

YAY for freedom :D xx

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

according to my Quit Pro Stats in my 50 days,

I have not smoked 1006 cigarettes (imagine them all piled up on a table or the butts in an ashtray...ughh)

I have increased my life expectancy by 9 days and 19 hours ( more time to moan at the OH :D:D)

I have saved £385...(where that is I have no idea though)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

according to my Quit Pro Stats in my 50 days,

I have not smoked 1006 cigarettes (imagine them all piled up on a table or the butts in an ashtray...ughh)

I have increased my life expectancy by 9 days and 19 hours ( more time to moan at the OH :D:D)

I have saved £385...(where that is I have no idea though)

Oh thats fab :D :D

I love stats like that 'cos they make you realise what you've achieved :D :D

If you smoked normal king sized ones that's a fag 8.45m long :eek:

Mine 'cos I'm dead proud:

Days without smoking: 158

Ciggies I haven't smoked: 3,170 (underestimate too :o)

Money saved £1,268.00 (mostly gone on clothes, bags and shoes :p)

Life saved: 13 days 5 hours

nsd_user663_56896 profile image

We done Trea. 50 days is quite a milestone. Keep going, and soon you will forget you were a smoker.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I'm sorry hun, I completely missed this post!

A big well done and I hope you're really proud of yourself. I think we all reach "that point" at different times, when we finally have to really think about what day we're on. But once you get there, it feels great to forget! :)

Glad you're still doing so well and feeling strong. xxx

mazwol1 profile image


congratulations on reaching Day 50

me too!!

we must have both stopped on April 1st

I haven't been on here that much as my husband stopped a couple of weeks ago and we have sort of been helping each other along.

If it weren't for him, think I would have been on this forum much more, the support is fantastic

Anyway, onwards and upwards - have two critical exams in a couple of weeks time - if I can stay off the cigs during study and the exam week itself, I think I am "cured"!!

I hope some of the others that stopped around the same time as us are still going - but even if its just us, that's 2 more off the evil weed I guess

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