A new beginning: Well, here I am again. After... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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A new beginning

nsd_user663_57123 profile image
14 Replies

Well, here I am again. After 32days I'm back where I started... Sort of. Maybe this time will be easier as I only smoked for a day. It was as if I never gave up. :confused:

Well, here is to a new beginning! Hubby had only one fag and said it was so horrible that he never wanted one again... And he hasn't so far. It really was only one for him.

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nsd_user663_57123 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_57305 profile image

It takes guts to start again so soon. Well done and good luck :)

nsd_user663_57088 profile image

Liefie, hierdie keer wag ek vir jou aan die ander kant.

BTW...moet ek ook weer by Dag 1 begin??? Want ek willie, dis so ver terug?

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

Well, here I am again. After 32days I'm back where I started... Sort of. Maybe this time will be easier as I only smoked for a day. It was as if I never gave up. :confused:

Well, here is to a new beginning! Hubby had only one fag and said it was so horrible that he never wanted one again... And he hasn't so far. It really was only one for him.


Well done for getting right back on it. We can do this and we WILL do this


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi LI :)

It's great you're getting back on the wagon!! Much much easier than stopping again after getting re-hooked :eek:

When you get the craves, post on here and someone will definitely help :D xx

nsd_user663_57123 profile image

So far so good. Had one moment where I wondered why I threw out the cigarettes this morning. That was when I phoned the dr's office to find out when I can sit. Then the receptionist told me only when he sees my xrays in june. Next week was supposed to be my six week post op. now he is going overseas and I can only see him in June. That makes my six weeks ten weeks of no sitting, riding as a passanger, driving, sleeping without the brace, nothing. I am so tired of lying in bed the whole time. I have become depressed. Aw snap, now I want/need/crave/whatever a ciggie again.

nsd_user663_57088 profile image

So far so good. Had one moment where I wondered why I threw out the cigarettes this morning. That was when I phoned the dr's office to find out when I can sit. Then the receptionist told me only when he sees my xrays in june. Next week was supposed to be my six week post op. now he is going overseas and I can only see him in June. That makes my six weeks ten weeks of no sitting, riding as a passanger, driving, sleeping without the brace, nothing. I am so tired of lying in bed the whole time. I have become depressed. Aw snap, now I want/need/crave/whatever a ciggie again.

Nee my skat, ons ons nou saam op Dag 1. Nou moet ons saam loop anders is die een voor die ander ene, en ons is een op Dag 1!

nsd_user663_57123 profile image

See, now it is getting to me. That feeling of maybe I am not ready. My head is not into it. I have so many things to cope with. I know there is people that has it worse than me. I know the stopping smoking will help me get better sooner, etc. All of that is not helping. I will push through in anyway. I HAVE to make this work.

Liefie, ek sukkel...

nsd_user663_57088 profile image

See, now it is getting to me. That feeling of maybe I am not ready. My head is not into it. I have so many things to cope with. I know there is people that has it worse than me. I know the stopping smoking will help me get better sooner, etc. All of that is not helping. I will push through in anyway. I HAVE to make this work.

Liefie, ek sukkel...

Vasbyt my skat!!!!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I'm loving the Afrikaans on here - don't feel so homesick...

nsd_user663_57305 profile image

LI, I'd suggest going away from the forum for an hour or 2 before your head explodes with the advice :) Go somewhere quiet, preferably outside if its nice where you are, and breathe slowly for a bit. You're doing ever so well, and a bit of peace does wonders. Give yourself a chance to let things bed down in your head.

Mario, I honestly wouldn't be getting in a tizzy about 1 fag. It made you feel crap and you didn't have any more, you've also stayed stopped after the champix didn't go so well. You've done marvellously well. If you can use that to spur you on, then I wouldn't be fussed going back to day 1. It isn't a competition with points awarded for purity, and as long as you aren't cheating yourself, then I'd say you're on day 13. :)

nsd_user663_57123 profile image

I have tried Zyban before, turns out I am quite allergic to it. It made me swell up to look like the michellen man. Patches did absolutely nothing and I cannot chew the gum as I have dentures and they stick to the teeth. I saw what Champix did to hubby and I am prone to depression, so I don't want to risk it. In other words, it is cold turkey or nothing!

I have all the reasons to quit. My health - my mom is on 24 hr oxygen and in a wheelchair due to Pulmonary Hypertention (not smoke related). My kids - I want to see them get married, have kids, grow up, etc. My hubby - he is quitting as well and he once said he would not be able to kiss me if I still smoke. I can understand that because I kissed him after I stopped and he did not. It was awful, so I don't blame him. Also, yesterday was quite lonely smoking outside by myself. Absolutely no fun anymore if you do it alone. The only 'good' reason I can see not to stop is it helps with my stress levels as I have no real way of keeping myself occupied in bed the whole day.

So, good wins and so will I...

nsd_user663_56287 profile image

Welcome back on the wagon. Lets not give in this time!

I think i was on day 35 when I caved in :D

see you tomorrow in day 2 :D

nsd_user663_4543 profile image

good luck and all the best!

Unah profile image

There are other options. I have dentures too so couldn't chew gum. I used the mini lozenges. There are larger ones too. I also used a nicorette inhalator. I loved that and wouldn't have survived without it. There's also the quick mist but I can't vouch for that as I didn't use it. I would give the patches a chance as well because you still need willpower. They just take the edge off.

Another option is the e- cig. I tried it because I was curious. I had been quit a few weeks so don't really know if I could have stopped with it. I wouldn't buy one from a market. I got mine, Vapourlite, from the chemist and it has different strength cartridges. I couldn't tell the difference between the 16mg and 0mg. I was great when I had a few drinks:D

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