Day 2 and only 3427 deaths...: OK so Call of... - No Smoking Day

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Day 2 and only 3427 deaths...

nsd_user663_57305 profile image
12 Replies

OK so Call of Duty went on for a bit, and I took out my pent up aggression on the world that way :D

Well it's day 2 and I'm feeling pretty good. I'm really enjoying breathing this morning, it tastes amazing - like cool spring water.

On the not so great side, I've been doing gymnastics in my sleep and my back's killing me :( I'm not generally so restless, so putting it down to the fags. Though, tbh, if that's the worst that's going to happen I'm getting off lightly.

The community really lifted my spirits yesterday, so thank you everyone :)

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nsd_user663_57305 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Ash :)

Glad you got through yesterday OK, you do feel sort of twitchy early on - it's an odd feeling but liek all the dodgy bits with quitting it goes away fast!!

Playing games is a brilliant way to get your anger out, it definitely worked for me 'cos when you want to smash things you can :D

Ooh and taking the bottles to the bottle bank and smashing them violently is fab for that. :p

Am sure you'll be fine and it's great you're enjoying bing here too :)

*Watches the Murder Count nervously*

nsd_user663_57305 profile image

Thanks for the encouragement folks.

I like the bottle idea Gemma, I might do that later. The plan for today is sorting out an evil cupboard.

Max, the original COD was awesome, though just now I'm playing Black Ops 2, the kill streak perks in that are nice and vicious ]:-)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I like the bottle idea Gemma, I might do that later. The plan for today is sorting out an evil cupboard.

It's amazingly good stress relief, and we had our bathrooms both redone so I got to take some of my anger out on the old suites too :cool:

Think it looked a bit scary though, me smashing the hell out of a toilet like a woman possessed :p

nsd_user663_57305 profile image

My day's been good so far, Doodlebugroach, tbh the evenings are the trickiest for me :S

For some reason, Gemma, I have no problem imagining you destroying stuff :D It's very good to be busy, and there's always something to be found.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

My day's been good so far, Doodlebugroach, tbh the evenings are the trickiest for me :S

For some reason, Gemma, I have no problem imagining you destroying stuff :D It's very good to be busy, and there's always something to be found.

I'm sure you'll get through it though!! :)

And LOL, what kind of impression have I given you? :p

nsd_user663_57305 profile image

And LOL, what kind of impression have I given you? :p

Not a bad one lol, the picture I have in my head is of a very energetic, bouncy pixie, crashing through rooms in a whirlwind of glitter, crashes and laughter :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Not a bad one lol, the picture I have in my head is of a very energetic, bouncy pixie, crashing through rooms in a whirlwind of glitter, crashes and laughter :D

Ooh now i like that!! :D

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

...we had our bathrooms both redone...

Oooh, get you with your multiple bathrooms:)

Gemma-'two loos'-Lou:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oooh, get you with your multiple bathrooms:)

Gemma-'two loos'-Lou:D

Yeah I'm proper posh :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

A posh,energetic bouncy pixie,crashing along in a cloud of glitter,Ecigs and Ugg boots :D it's our Gemma Lou!!!

YAY I like the sound of that!! Except the E-cig 'cos it's days are numbered :D

Lol, someone on another forum said they imagined me like the receptionist in Doc Martin - not sure I liked that!!

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

...Except the E-cig 'cos it's days are numbered...

So tell us Gem, when are you going to kick it into touch:rolleyes: It's just an echo from the bad old days after all:eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

So tell us Gem, when are you going to kick it into touch:rolleyes: It's just an echo from the bad old days after all:eek:

I am doing - used it way less yesterday and am planning to use it even less today :)

Know it's an echo, but it's an addictive one :eek:

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