Let this be the last Day 1 ever!! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Let this be the last Day 1 ever!!

nsd_user663_18256 profile image
8 Replies

Thought i'd say hello, Have read this forum on and off through various attempts, never really posted, perhaps i should have done when i was feeling weak on previous attempts.

Have had many attempts to stop over the years. more in the last 3 than ever before. I'm not sure if there is a method i haven't tried.

Electric cigs - just too similar to smoking and doesn't break the habit - was too easy just to have a real one every now and then.

Champix - worked for 4 months but made me feel totally utterly mentally unstable

Patches - again made me feel a bit mental and very depressed - think they are just too strong

Cold Turkey - never make it past day 1

spray - lasted about 3 weeks - was ok, but i just wasn't strong enough on that attempt.

Allen Carr - makes total sense - but despite reading prob ten times over the years just didn't quite have the effect of elation -

these are just a few of my attempts and typing them has made feel as though now maybe the right time. For everyone of the failed attempts above at the time i think i had an excuse of some sort, but looking back there was none apart from a moment of weakness that lead to another 6 months of 20 a day before the next attempt/

The feeling of failure whether it's after, 1 day, 1 week or many months is one of the most awful feelings in terms "letting yourself down" not to mention the immense stupidity you feel.

This is to be my last every Day 1 - i am using patches again, because i need a little something to take the edge off, but instead of step 1 i'm going in at step 3 so they are not too strong, and am also not going to wear them at night like i have done in the past. So it's 4pm and i feel ok - a little bit angsty but nothing major

That was a bit of a brain dump - but it just came out when i started typing - promise following posts will be shorter :D

Good luck to everyone else on Day 1 - May it be the last one for all of us

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nsd_user663_18256 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_18256 profile image

I'd not edited my signature on the above which was old and totally not true ;) - been smoke free and smoking many time since then

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Welcome to the forum Kitty :)

Gosh, that's a lot of attempts. I admire you for getting up again to try again. Well done! :p It sounds as though you are in the right frame of mind to me, and you're not hiding behind excuses. Looks to me like this is going to be your quit!

My first suggestion would have been to try a lower dose of nicotine patch, but you're already two steps ahead of me which is great. They do really take the edge off and, hopefully, the lower ones won't affect you the same.

Happy Day 1! Please feel free to post anytime and rant all you like. it has done me, and a lot of others, the world of good. :)

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Well done Kitty , I have had several quits over the years and I have to say that patches certainly helped me . I can relate with what you typed and the strength of the patches . I used half a step 2 nicorette clear patch ( cut them in half with scissors ,and a pack lasts 14 days - bargain :) ) for three months and that worked for me . After about 6 weeks and getting used to a low dose i sometimes didnt bother for a day or two at a time if I felt brave enough to go it alone and tbh it was fine .


Regards Trev

nsd_user663_54696 profile image

good luck

Good look and im thinking of you, one tip for you 'it sounds like to me that in your head you have made that decision that stopping smoking is hard and virtually impossible' NOT TRUE AT ALL !!!!!!!!!!!

Ive done cold turkey since news years eve and for me (because I told my self its a piece of p8ss and no stupid little nico man is beating me) its been a walk in the park. Yes Ive had a couple of occasions were I could of lit up but that was only routine, there are many things you can do rather than light up like just remind yourself why your a none smoker and that its not hard...............running 100m in 8 seconds is hard , losing someone you love dearly is hard. please just understand its only as hard as you make it and its NOT HARD its just a long drawn out process and with every second its getting easier and easier. The problem is at the start its very very hard to see your progression, but you are progressing and as the time ticks by THEN YOU CAN SEE THE PROGRESSION its like anything time is a virtue ..................

Just remember this.................if you sit down and watch the grass grow you can sit there for days and never see it move BUT IT IS and you just can not see it, no matter how hard you look. Your quit is very similar at the start, it just doesn't seem to be happening BUT IT IS just like the grass if you look away and stop telling yourself that its not happening but tell yourself it is happening, and don't look at the grass for a week or 2 then go and have a look you will see that the grass has actually grown. Do the same with your quit just tell yourself its easy and its happening im a none smoker and then in a couple of weeks you WILL be saying blimey im a none smoker. All im trying to say is that its not impossible its the complete opposite, every second without a drag of a fag is your quit becoming easier and easier.............trust me its a long drawn out journey but 90% is physiological but the human body is amazing and it doesn't deserve to be filled with smoke......................YOU ONLY GET OUT WHAT YOU PUT IN

Sorry for RABBITING on but GOOD LUCK :D:D:D:D

nsd_user663_56788 profile image

Hey kitty,

Welcome :)

Everyone is amazingly supportive on here. If your feeling weak just post and someone will be here to support you.

I think everyone has already said what needs saying.

So just be strong, be positive and ask for help when u need it!

Good luck. Your not alone

Laura x

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Hi Kitty.

I can relate to failed attempts in the past, I'm well into double figures of attempts and have tried pretty much everything but this time it all feels different to me, I've concluded it's to do with where your head's at and how much, deep down, you want to be a non smoker. Will power has described it brilliantly... If we want it now then we can have it now - we just need to believe in ourselves and always remember why we've quit. We need to remember we are not missing out, who really wants to be a slave to nicotine for hours, days, months, years, until death do us part?

So come on Kitty, your last Day 1. Ever. You can do this. For you :D

nsd_user663_18256 profile image

Thanks so much guys, all this really helps keep the focus :o am safely tucked up in bed now so onto day 2 , g'night

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Good look and im thinking of you, one tip for you 'it sounds like to me that in your head you have made that decision that stopping smoking is hard and virtually impossible' NOT TRUE AT ALL !!!!!!!!!!!

Ive done cold turkey since news years eve and for me (because I told my self its a piece of p8ss and no stupid little nico man is beating me) its been a walk in the park. Yes Ive had a couple of occasions were I could of lit up but that was only routine, there are many things you can do rather than light up like just remind yourself why your a none smoker and that its not hard...............running 100m in 8 seconds is hard , losing someone you love dearly is hard. please just understand its only as hard as you make it and its NOT HARD its just a long drawn out process and with every second its getting easier and easier. The problem is at the start its very very hard to see your progression, but you are progressing and as the time ticks by THEN YOU CAN SEE THE PROGRESSION its like anything time is a virtue ..................

Just remember this.................if you sit down and watch the grass grow you can sit there for days and never see it move BUT IT IS and you just can not see it, no matter how hard you look. Your quit is very similar at the start, it just doesn't seem to be happening BUT IT IS just like the grass if you look away and stop telling yourself that its not happening but tell yourself it is happening, and don't look at the grass for a week or 2 then go and have a look you will see that the grass has actually grown. Do the same with your quit just tell yourself its easy and its happening im a none smoker and then in a couple of weeks you WILL be saying blimey im a none smoker. All im trying to say is that its not impossible its the complete opposite, every second without a drag of a fag is your quit becoming easier and easier.............trust me its a long drawn out journey but 90% is physiological but the human body is amazing and it doesn't deserve to be filled with smoke......................YOU ONLY GET OUT WHAT YOU PUT IN

Sorry for RABBITING on but GOOD LUCK :D:D

I love this post Will Power. It is so true.

The beginning of my quit was very much centralised around failure. I simply could not imagine myself enjoying day to day things without smoking. Because I believed it was difficult, I made it difficult. Most of my obstacles have been in my mind, because I've been so sure that I would fail.

Now that I've stopped thinking and decided to just get on with it, I'm finding it much easier :) It's still a day at a time kind of thing, but it's not even a question of it being hard anymore (I do have an e-cig for those moments I really fancy one, but I hope to be getting rid fairly soon). I genuinly only crave very rarely now, which is great.

It's all in our heads (apart from the initial physical addiction, of course). We just have to think positively and remember that there are much more difficult things in life, that people have to go through, than saving their bodies from the poisons of smoking! :D

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