I made it!!!!: So guys from my last post you... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I made it!!!!

nsd_user663_57023 profile image
37 Replies

So guys from my last post you can see ive made it to the next page. I havnt been craving my morning cig as much wohooo :D

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nsd_user663_57023 profile image
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37 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Massive well done Steph, that's fab - I knew you could do it!! xxx

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

oh yes, oh yes *circling arms in front of herself and doing a little dance*

How proud of yourself are you?? :)

Tomorrow you are going to be very busy (just thought Id warn you) because your sense of smell will start to come back and you will be able to smell smoke on all your clothes-yup even the washed ones...I washed ALL mine again...in fact you could get ahead of yourself and start today ;)

I hope hubby was suitable impressed with your efforts of yesterday too!

keep us posted on how today is going Steph!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

WOOHOOO! Well done :D xxx

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Im shocked i made it through the night. But im here and im ready for my first challenge. Just hope i keep it up :D

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

you will be able to...I am not working again today so if you come on here, I can shout if required...somehow I think you're gonna be better today. You sound more positive! :D:D

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

you will be able to...I am not working again today so if you come on here, I can shout if required...somehow I think you're gonna be better today. You sound more positive! :D:D

Same here Steph, I may be ickle but I have broad shoulders, shout away if you need too :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Oooh, maybe we could all have a good shout?

I feel as though I owe the dirty little nicodemon a good rant and shout, seeing as he has tried (and tried and tried and tried) to get me back on side on a number of occasions recently. :eek::mad:

We can shout at him together, if you like :)

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

I know this is strange but is my mouth tasting disgusting because im off the cigs? Already done my teeth its strange. I feel slightly nervous and i dont know why. Just have to keep positive.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Oooh, maybe we could all have a good shout?

I feel as though I owe the dirty little nicodemon a good rant and shout, seeing as he has tried (and tried and tried and tried) to get me back on side on a number of occasions recently. :eek::mad:

We can shout at him together, if you like :)

But you have not let him and neither will Steph!

Maybe we should all meet for lunch and have a good whinge, say 1 oclock?

Steph can do the washing up, keeps her mind busy whilst she disassociates herself from the monster that is try to hang on to her shoulder....he not doing very well though if you look. Yesterday he was superglued to her, today, it is just by the tips of his yellow stained fingers. Go on Steph, brush him off your shoulder and escape him for a while, he will climb back up, just brush him off again, he does tire eventually of climbing all the way up!

See you at 1...might have cheese on toast;)

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

I know this is strange but is my mouth tasting disgusting because im off the cigs? Already done my teeth its strange. I feel slightly nervous and i dont know why. Just have to keep positive.

I had that, cleaned my teeth loads, also coffe tasted strange for a bit. maybe get some normal minty chewing gum, might help.

Just shows how quickley your body is responding! the benefits do come daily and quite quickly:D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

But you have not let him and neither will Steph!

Maybe we should all meet for lunch and have a good whinge, say 1 oclock?

Steph can do the washing up, keeps her mind busy whilst she disassociates herself from the monster that is try to hang on to her shoulder....he not doing very well though if you look. Yesterday he was superglued to her, today, it is just by the tips of his yellow stained fingers. Go on Steph, brush him off your shoulder and escape him for a while, he will climb back up, just brush him off again, he does tire eventually of climbing all the way up!

See you at 1...might have cheese on toast;)

I LOVE cheese on toast!! :D x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I LOVE cheese on toast!! :D x

Me too, have you tried it with ham or bacon underneath and/or a bit of chopped onion in?

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Me too, have you tried it with ham or bacon underneath and/or a bit of chopped onion in?

Stop it, I'm drooling!!! *mops up drool*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Stop it, I'm drooling!!! *mops up drool*

It's flipping gorgeous!!

Think I'm going to do that for my tea tonight :D

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Quite fancy cheese on toast now. Feeling slightly down today. Hows everyone else doing?

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

Feeling slightly down today. Hows everyone else doing?

I felt like that on day 2, I just kept crying for no reason. I know everyone says it but it does get easier, I couldn't see that to begin with but i'm on day 10 now and it really does get better. I'm not fooling myself, I'm sure nic will creep up on me again and again but PLEASE stick with it. x

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

what is it with this ' feeling down'????


Have you just lost a wonderful friendship? (Go read my thread 'my friend Nic' if you answered yes!)

Have you drunk lots of poison into your lungs?

Can you breathe without the use of an oxygen cylander?

Smell your self...go on...do you smell stale and smoky?

Can you talk to your child or OH without breathing horrible faggy fart breath on them???

Right!!! You have nothing to be down about. listen to the birds singing outside, soon summer will come and we will all be able to smell the flowers and take long walks (if we want) without being breathless...oh the joys of non-smokers:D

Ooooo and try cranberry sauce with cheese on toast with bacon yummy!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

what is it with this ' feeling down'????


Have you just lost a wonderful friendship? (Go read my thread 'my friend Nic' if you answered yes!)

Have you drunk lots of poison into your lungs?

Can you breathe without the use of an oxygen cylander?

Smell your self...go on...do you smell stale and smoky?

Can you talk to your child or OH without breathing horrible faggy fart breath on them???

Right!!! You have nothing to be down about. listen to the birds singing outside, soon summer will come and we will all be able to smell the flowers and take long walks (if we want) without being breathless...oh the joys of non-smokers:D

Ooooo and try cranberry sauce with cheese on toast with bacon yummy!!

Please try to follow this advcie hun. I really wish I had!

Instead I have been a bit of a wallower over the last few weeks. I had that genuine feeling of loss, which is ridiculous.

Whenever I'm feeling a little glum now, I try to shake myself out of it and focus on something other than my own thoughts. Usually does the trick. :)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Quite fancy cheese on toast now. Feeling slightly down today. Hows everyone else doing?

That's nicotine withdrawal Steph - it should pass relatively quickly :)

But try to turn it around like Trea said - can't really add anything to that but want to say that you're doing a brilliant thing for yourself and for your son :)

You lose nothing by quitting (I avoid saying "giving up" 'cos that makes it sound like you're missing out) but you gain health, money, you smell nice, you can smell and taste properly - the list is endless!! xxx

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Had cheese on toast and it was lovely. Just watching tv now. Trying to take my mind off smoking. Have a feeling this will be a long day.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Had cheese on toast and it was lovely. Just watching tv now. Trying to take my mind off smoking. Have a feeling this will be a long day.

I am sooo jealous!

Food and water really do knock those cravings, so I allowed myself pretty much anything I wanted to nibble on in the first few weeks. :D

Joining a gym tonight, to try and work of that extra weight. I've probably put on three or four pounds altogether over the last 7 weeks. Well worth it for being smokefree!!

Just remember that, while watching telly, your mind might wander. If this happens, it's probably best to get off your bum and do some chores or something a little more distracting. However, if the tv works, excellent!!


nsd_user663_56712 profile image

How are you doing Steph??

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Checking in again. Think im feeling sick more because of this dose. Finding it easier today though the cravings i think are stronger. Coughing up all sorts its disgusting.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Checking in again. Think im feeling sick more because of this dose. Finding it easier today though the cravings i think are stronger. Coughing up all sorts its disgusting.

Oh heck, you've got the cough :/

That's not nice but your body's healing!!

Hope you feel better soon hun xx

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Hi Steph

hope the nausea has passed and you are prepared for a wonderful smoke free evening. xx

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Guys i caved in feel so dissapointed in myself. Had a fight with the partner and went to the shop. Feel ill now after it. Failure :(

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

You all know how much i want to do this. Ok next time i get stressed ill be straight on here. Back to day one then. Hate myself for this

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

I think it was my mind. I flipped. Forgot about what i was doing and now im stuck feeling sorry for myself. NO i will not give in. i will quit for good. A minor relapse and now im back on the wagon even if i have to write on my hands.

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

Guys i caved in feel so dissapointed in myself. Had a fight with the partner and went to the shop. Feel ill now after it. Failure :(

Hi Steph, this happened to me too, I managed 5 days and then caved on day 6. I came back on here the next day.............confessed all and started again. I also had a blip at day 6 this time (day 10 now) just 1 puff after OH annoyed me. I then thought about it and decided that no one is worth smoking for. When you are ready you will manage it. you are not the first to cave and I am sure you wont be the last.

We are all here for you

Amanda x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You all know how much i want to do this. Ok next time i get stressed ill be straight on here. Back to day one then. Hate myself for this

Oh Steph, we've all done it so don't beat yourself up too much. What matters is that *now* you want to get back on with your quit, which is good :)

You can't un-smoke the fag(s) you smoked so there's no point hating yoruself or getting upset, just remember to hop on here next time you're angry instead, or do something like take your empties to the bottle bank - that worked for me!!

I know you want to quit, and you will do hun!!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

A failure? Or was it a test early on to see if you enjoyed them and wanted to continue to smoke. I hope you have chosen to dump remaining cigarettes OR to completely wrap the packet in scellotape so the will be really hard to open :D:D

I hope we are going yo see you tomorrow xxx

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Remaining cigs have been given to partners mum. So far so good. Im thinking positive now. Think because i did this the other day i know i can do it again.

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Ok i dont know were to post... do i go back to day one or stay in day two. or will day to be tomorrow. help guys the last one was midday today and i dont know were to go now. *sigh*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

A failure? Or was it a test early on to see if you enjoyed them and wanted to continue to smoke. I hope you have chosen to dump remaining cigarettes OR to completely wrap the packet in scellotape so the will be really hard to open :D:D

I hope we are going yo see you tomorrow xxx

It's only a blip IMO!!

A failure was me doing exactly the same thing but keeping the fags to have one "now and then" (and ending up smoking like a chimney for nearly 3 years) but Steph hasn't!!

Remaining cigs have been given to partners mum. So far so good. Im thinking positive now. Think because i did this the other day i know i can do it again.

That's brilliant, you will get there and you can do it - just keep thinking positive and remebering why you quit and you'll do it :)

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

I knew deep down if i kept them id never quit and it would be another year. But NO i will not back down i will kick the s***e out of the nicotine monster.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I knew deep down if i kept them id never quit and it would be another year. But NO i will not back down i will kick the s***e out of the nicotine monster.

That's the spirit hun, you *will* do this!!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

As to where to post?? that is up to you, it was a little blip rather than a full blown im going to smoke for Emgland failure, see how you feel n the mornning, if you feel you have gone back to square 1 then go back to day 1, if you feel that you have stayed quit apart from a blip, move to day 3.

most importantly, do'bt beat yourself up, dont look on it as that you have failed- you have chosen to pick yourself up, brush down and jump straight back in the saddle. see you tomorrow:)

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