please tell me it WILL get easier!! - No Smoking Day

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please tell me it WILL get easier!!

nsd_user663_55552 profile image
7 Replies

hi everyone

Got to 3 months and for some reason , the last 2 weeks have been absolutely awful!!.........almost like the first 2 !!

Whats going on here ? nothing awful has happened, i'm just finding it so dificult again and don;t know why! my patches stopped a couple of weeks ago but i didn't feel like they were doing anything anyway.

Feeling SO miserable and seconds from going buying some all the time the last 2 weeks.

Have put on over a stone in weight and that certainly isn't helping and the initial motivation for exercise and dieting has left me for the moment.

Sorry for being SO this JUST me got his far and now wondering if i should start smoking again ? I KNOW i can't have one !!


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nsd_user663_55552 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Lucy :)

i'm sorry you're having a rotten time, it can feel awful. Had a really bad patch as well and got very close to caving on a number of occasions *but* now it's very rare for me to crave at all!!

If you haven't already, I recommend reading Allen Carr 'cos he demolishes all the myths we have about smoking.

You've done really well so far, and it must be tough going from smoking so much, but don't give in now. You're healthier and a hell of a lot richer too 'cos you must have been spending around £16 a day :eek:

It definitely does pass though, meantime make sure you occupy your mind with something - doesn't matter what - because Nic always plays hell with your mind when you're low and bored.

nsd_user663_55552 profile image

thanks everyone for all your replies.

this is this best i've ever done tbh. my previous best was only 6 weeks.

i started smoking at 14 and tried to stop from 15 but couldn't.

maybe i'm frightened i CAN do it !!! i dunno.

i feel really strange without my ciggies as i've never been an adult without them.

yes i'm saving a lot of money for sure !!

but i don't work at the moment and so filling my days now is proving very difficult and finding a job i can actually do also is.

think i will spend today looking into what voluntary work i might be able to do.

i used to be quite "happy" just sitting smoking :(

thanks for all the help...................i do have a bit more motivation to try to get through today now

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I wonder if removing the patches may have caused this?

Try to think of the nicotine side of things. Although you didn't feel the benefit of using them towards the end, could these feelings be the result of "quitting" nictone? After all, this is what we tend to go through within the first couple of weeks if we quit cold turkey, isn't it?

Well done, by the way! You're doing so great :D

Maybe because you've got rid of everything smoke related now, you just need to get over this last hurdle. Remember all of those things that helped you through the first couple of weeks and bring them back into play:

Telling yourself that you cna manage one more day

Picking at fruit and veg

Drinking plenty of fluids


I hope the rest of your day gets easier :) xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

thanks everyone for all your replies.

this is this best i've ever done tbh. my previous best was only 6 weeks.

i started smoking at 14 and tried to stop from 15 but couldn't.

maybe i'm frightened i CAN do it !!! i dunno.

i feel really strange without my ciggies as i've never been an adult without them.

yes i'm saving a lot of money for sure !!

but i don't work at the moment and so filling my days now is proving very difficult and finding a job i can actually do also is.

think i will spend today looking into what voluntary work i might be able to do.

i used to be quite "happy" just sitting smoking :(

thanks for all the help...................i do have a bit more motivation to try to get through today now

Oooh, voluntary work would be great and would look good on your cv too! :)

Unah profile image

Hi Lucy,

If you read through the 3 month threads you'll find lots of people experienced the same thing. I know I had a tough time then. I had stopped the patches but I had an occasional 1.5mg mini lozenge which I halved. I also used an inhalator when I had alcohol. I soon stopped that because there is still nicotine in it. I even tried an e-cig with zero nicotine. It didn't taste like a real cig but was something to fiddle with. I had a hard time getting rid of the 'hand' thing:) glad to say I don't need any of it now. I smoked as much as you all my adult life and as I'm retired I spend most of my time at home. If I can do it so can you. Good luck and hang in there.

nsd_user663_55552 profile image

thanks everyone

lots of help and motivation from you all and much needed and appreciated.

smoking related items are still everywhere as OH smokes and has no intention of stopping.

have been looking at volunteer work and pondering what would be best.

eating cornflake crunchie clusters now lol

i have became addicted to cuppa soups since i stopped smoking.....never liked them before !!

i now often chain-soup a lot of the day! :D

no patches or gum for chain soupers lol.

i'll put the clusters down now and go have a soup :rolleyes:

<<<backs away from the cornflake clusters ...........

another few hours gone and still not given in!!!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi I don't post much now a days but when I saw this thread I knew it was one I had to add too.

When I first quit it seemed amazingly simple, not too many problems and I was doing great, or so I thought, then wham I hit 3 months and thought I would either crack up or smoke, I came on here and bemoaned my sad state and I was very lucky to have some great quit buddies who where their for me, one in particular who stayed up late into the night/morning keeping me company and smoke free even though she was freezing cold.

I miss those times, not the giving up as such but the total commitment from some members on this forum who made my quit possible.

In the film The way we where, he says those were the best of times and the worst of times, that's how it seemed, having this forum to lean on was brilliant and I am sure there are many on here now who feel the same way.

No matter how many bad days there are you wouldn't know the good ones without them.

Yes it does get better but we all used to say that their is the terrible 3s and I really went through it at 3 months but hang in their it does get better I promise.:eek::eek::eek::eek:

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