I've tipped over!: I have 'tipped over'(as... - No Smoking Day

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I've tipped over!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image
12 Replies

I have 'tipped over'(as Kat put it) into week three:D

Today is my 15th day as a non smoker-wow it feels good to say that; might just say it again...a non smoker!!

There have been the craves even with patches-just sock the nasty little nicodemon one in the eye- he gets smaller and doesnt visit for as often or as long,. I'm going to drop down to half the patches today and see how it goes.

Sooo many benefits- I smell great-I can smell too! no coughs, my voice has changed to less husky...no Max it was not a sexy husky!...my house smells clear, so does my car-had it valeted on monday :) I havent had cold feet and my skin is clearer-could also be that my poor skin hasnt had the shock of cold weather every so often when dashing out to have a smoke. People (nonsmokers) stand that bit closer when talking to me- yet I stand that bit further away when talking to a smoker.

I have yet to tell my family of my quit, Dad died a year ago tomorrow from cancer so it is my final gift to him, I had actually forgotten that I said I would give up within the year of his death, and I have! Cheers Dad!

Thank you all for the support you have given me, I really dont think I would have been as strong without this forum and getting to know a lot of you guys. only another 2 weeks and I can go into the one month room...positive thinking;)

Have a great smoke free day everyone xxx

Nicotine is not my friend, friends dont harm you or make you self harm!

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nsd_user663_56712 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_56712 profile image

thanks Kat-loving the wave :D ( warning taken re the rest of this week xx)

nsd_user663_56649 profile image

Well done trea ,like you most of us have lost people we know and love to cancer,I've recently given up smoking after 43 years,now nearly 4 weeks ,on the champix tablets,although I cut them in half,works for me though,it does get easier as you say,and the benefits are brilliant ,as well as the money,keep up the good work,onwards and upwards:)

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Thanks Alan, How are you feeling now, Have you got over the bout of radiotherapy you were having? I know it can really take it out of you. ( I have got the right person havent I?)

nsd_user663_56649 profile image

Thanks Alan, How are you feeling now, Have you got over the bout of radiotherapy you were having? I know it can really take it out of you. ( I have got the right person havent I?)

Yes you have,I'm getting on fine a bit tired ,but not sleeping brilliantly ,the cancer I have is plasma cell myeloma ,which is treatable but not cureable ,but should live for a good few years yet ,or so they tell me,I hope there right,hospital next Tuesday ,to find out where we go next,still you have to be great full for anything ,oh well must get on,onwards and upwards


nsd_user663_56712 profile image

my thoughts for you next Tuesday. i am sure that giving up smoking has increased your chances of those extra years. Hats off to you, many would have said i've got it whats the point. have a good smoke free day xxx

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Trea you star :D

You dad is looking down and grinning broadly I am sure :D

You are kicking this,keep it up,no going back-this forum doesnt have a reverse gear

Cheers Max, reverse gear? What is that??? :D

PS hope your back is ok this morning ;)

nsd_user663_56896 profile image

Well done Trea. You are doing great. I cant wait to reach my 3 weeks, in 2 days ;). There definitely is no turning back now. :)

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Hi DP, ye sto be able to say on Friday that it has been 3 weeks since I smoked will be great. I am not sure whether the '3 week danger' is during the third week (ie days 14-21) or in the week of completing week 3 ( ie 21-28). I am keeping my eye out for the little nicodemon to come and sit on my shoulder and try whispering evil thoughts! But I am ready to clout him hard!! I may ask Max to borrow his truncheon:D

You are so right, there is absolutely no going back.

Keep strong:cool:

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Forgot to ask DP, how is your son? Are you still feeling proud everytime you hold him knowing that he is not breathing in stale smoke smells? What have you called him?

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

***takes baton and carefully puts in very accessable place***

Thanks Max, i knew you would be there should I need it...strange thing is that 'moment' where he is on my shoulder has not arrived yet! Maybe he knows he will be wasting his time with me mwahahaha!!!:D:D:D

nsd_user663_56896 profile image

Forgot to ask DP, how is your son? Are you still feeling proud everytime you hold him knowing that he is not breathing in stale smoke smells? What have you called him?

He is doing perfectly Trea. He has brought such joy into our lives. I am back at work now, so missing him so much. It is a lovely feeling being able to see to him without worrying about the evil smoke smell around. :)

And I have so much time on my hands now. Watched a few movies on Sunday afternoon, without pausing inbetween to get a puff. My wife was very happy about that. ;)

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

I.thought you were.gna.say ud lost the battle.lol! Well.done.keep.it.up! X

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