Started my joy and pain (2 weeks) "My ... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Started my joy and pain (2 weeks) "My Quit Diary"

nsd_user663_56807 profile image
34 Replies

Hi my name is Mark im 20 years old. Im new on this forum.

I was smoking for 4 years.

Pack per day (20cigarets)

My story:

I stoped smoking (24.03.2013) 13 days ago,method cold turkey :).Yes thats the best method i dont belive in gums,paches,or cuting the number of cigarets.

The first 3,4 days was easy,becose i had flu and fever.I didnt thik about smoking...just about geting bether.It was hard(cos i was sick) to go to shop for pack,so i didnt.Then i sad why wouldnt i stop it was 4 days already.

For this 2 week i didnt get much nervous maybe 3,4 times,i kicked door with my leg :D and tried to broke my pc screen :o I started to ate much more but that dont bother me cos im fit.

In this 2 weeks i felt sleepy.

I feel much more better,its easier to breathe,and i have more energy.

Thanks for reading....keep out of nicotine!

I will update my "stop diary" if u have advice or something to say,be free.:)

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nsd_user663_56807 profile image
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34 Replies
nsd_user663_56712 profile image

welcome Mark, I am a neewbie quitter (or escapee as I read someone call it) -its my 9th day. It is hard but just think, if you give up quitting now, it will be sooo much harder next time you try and you will have gone through this for nothing, think of the money you have already saved and what you can spend it on. Bet your folks are proud of you, I know I would be if my son who is the same age as you did.

We weren't born smokers, we chose to let nicotine control us, it may be hard at times but by quitting/escaping, we have taken back the control!

As you say, 'be free'

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Welcome Mark,good decision to quit the cigarettes and also to join this forum. Lots of advice and tips and lots of support if you need it too. Keep posting and reading and most important stay smoke free!

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Trea,HAZE56, thank you for support :)

It is hard.but...

Today,I feel so much healthier,my arms and legs are light.Im not tired.I feel like my blood presure and heart beat are back to normal.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Hi Mark, how does it feel to say that you have conquered past the 2 week point??

Glad you are feeling better, as they all say on here, things only get better and better ( if it didnt everybody would be back on the evil stuff i guess).

So your heart beat and blood pressure feels better and the sun is shining ( well it is here;))so enjoy the day:)

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Lets check my android aplication data :)

15 days since last cigarette :)

300 :eek: cigarette not smoked

28euros saved

I would like to say that i read a book allan carrs easyway.I dont know did she helped in my decision but its a good book...

After 2 weeks point it is very easy and wonderful,and it only gets better.I don't feel anxious and nervous,like in time i was smoking.And with every cigarette it was going even worse.

Yesterday i had a little problem i had to share my room with smoker,and he smoked 2,3 cigs.:mad: But that will not hapen again,cos i explaned that i really wanna do this.

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Day 16 i think i will smoke one

cant handle no more.:(

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Day 16 i think i will smoke one

cant handle no more.:(

Firstly, well done so far Mark. Day 16 is great :)

Are you going to give in so easily, when you've worked this hard and moved past the two week point?

What has made you feel this way today?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Day 16 i think i will smoke one

cant handle no more.:(

Noooooooooooooooo hold it right there Mark!!

You won't smoke one, they come in 20s.

You've done so well, why bin it now?

What does smoking add to your life that you don't have now?

If you're stopping at 20, it is a hell of a lot easier to quit then than even a few years later, don't give up on it now - I can tell you from bitter experience you will totally regret it if you do.

I quit at 24, stopped for 18 months and then had "just a couple" but they come in 20s so after my "couple" I had 18 fags left.

Before I knew it was buying another pack, and another until nearly 3 years had passed, thousands of fags smoked, and thousands of pounds wasted - not to mention loads of gloop in my lungs. That *will* be you if you "smoke one" - are you ready for that?

Not worth it, honestly.

nsd_user663_56829 profile image

Hi Mark

You may just want one ciggie, but do you want all the thousands that you will smoke if you if you give in ? :eek:

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Mark, you'll get plenty of support here, I don't know what motivates you but you've invited comments, so let me act as a mirror and summarise your quit so far in your own words:

First two weeks: "i didnt get much nervous maybe 3,4 times...In this 2 weeks i felt sleepy". This is normal.

Saturday: "I feel much more better,its easier to breathe,and i have more energy." Great stuff Mark!

Sunday: "Today,I feel so much healthier,my arms and legs are light.Im not tired.I feel like my blood presure and heart beat are back to normal. " Excellent!

And today you want to smoke? Well, that's normal too. But by now if you're not past the peak of your nervousness, anxiety, anger and the other emotions that are a direct consequence of quitting cold turkey (I know!) then you're very close indeed. Get past this crave and into tomorrow smoke-free, it's getting easier as you've said in your previous posts.

So have a good re-think please. You've come too far now to throw it away for the sake of one cigarette, you don't want to start again. :)

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Thanks all !

I didnt take one...

I had pack near my room,again same problem i must not have them near myself but other person dont understand that and thinks that im joking with my quit...

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

She is my friend.

I want her on this spring morning on my balcony :)

I want her after lunch

I wont her with coke...and bear...

I wont her when im bored.

I dont wont her i dont feel good after her..

I dont want her i can breathe normaly.

I dont want her im in shape now.

i dont want her Im not tired anymore.

I dont want her,dont wana feel like adicted junkie

She is expencive.

And...I can hold out much longer in bed since im in better shape and can breathe normal :cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks all !

I didnt take one...

I had pack near my room,again same problem i must not have them near myself but other person dont understand that and thinks that im joking with my quit...

I am so glad you didn't cave, you really would have regretted it.

As for people leaving fags near you - tell them that you don't smoke, won't smoke and if they leave their fags about they might get a bit wet. ;)

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

hahahah they might get wet

I dont like that kind of smoker,they smoke 5 smokes every 2 day...exercise,eat healty...and feel like smoking won't harm them.

Either i would smoke 20 per day or 0.

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Day 20

Last Night i dreamt that i smoked one cig.I feelt soo bad after that and and i regretted it.

But woke up and found out that im smoke free and that was just dream..

day 20 feeling good.:)

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Day 22 feeling like kid on spring morning :)

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Yea Spring ! in my lungs.

Every day i woke up i dont think about cigaret i think about which day of my journey it is.:) its 23

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

day 26

Yeaehh life is pointles..i will die anyway

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Day 30!!! :)

Yes its been a month! Cold Turkey doing good.

600 cigarets not smoked !

30 packs not smoked!

i thought im gona write more in this "diary",for first month,bad fealings and that stuff....but i dont know what to write...cos its EASY TO STOP!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done, am glad you're finding it so easy!! :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image


I love this photo :) I didn't really dream about cigarettes but it's been on my mind rather a lot over the last 2 months! It is starting to ebb away now though.

Us 1 - Nico Demon 0

nsd_user663_56807 profile image


In evening when i want to watch movie.....i swear every single movie has a smoker ! :mad: :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


In evening when i want to watch movie.....i swear every single movie has a smoker ! :mad: :D

Oh that really bugs me sometimes. Not so much now definitely, but flipping heck earlier on it made me crave like hell!!

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

meeeh...didnt smoke fo 1 month...then smoked 1 im quiting again its 4. day

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Started because of Math exams :mad: but now i know i can do this :)...

nsd_user663_56896 profile image

Yes you can do this Mark.

Do you really want that disgusting smoke smell on you for the rest of your life? what about the money you will be saving from not smoking, and more importantly, your health. Write down the reasons for your quit on a piece of paper, and keep it on you all the time. Whenever you need to smoke, just read through all your reasons, and I am sure this will stop you. Also drink lots of water, and keep some sweets on you.

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Thanks for support :)

Im feeling great ! :),didnt smoke 17 days...and i went running every night since day 1

nsd_user663_58827 profile image

I was going to take up running the day I gave up but unfrotunately I sprained my ankle so I have to wait a few weeks now. Still, the non-smoking is going well so hopefully my lung capacity will have increased a bit by the time I start.

nsd_user663_56807 profile image


nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Ty Kat :)

I run 4km last night feeling very good :D

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Today is 1 month smoke free :) now i can run 5 km

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Today is 1 month smoke free :) now i can run 5 km

Wow! Well done that is just brilliant! You are doing great keep it going:)

nsd_user663_56807 profile image

Thank you it is hard to stop smoking and do nothing,especially in summer

so consider going on some new hobie-sport

i choose running

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