Email to wife - Sad - I dont get it - No Smoking Day

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Email to wife - Sad - I dont get it

nsd_user663_53328 profile image
9 Replies

Is this what's wrong with me?

Fed up, really fed up:

Love you so much xxxxxxxxxx

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nsd_user663_53328 profile image
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9 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I had similar I even went to the doctors concerned that I had some kind of depression.

It does seem to me though that people who are a bit depressive use smoking as a kind of self medication which just adds in another challenge into the quit, but its a challenge worth facing and dealing with as you do fell a lot better when it passes and it does pass.

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Oh Paul, please hang in there. You are doing fantastically well.

Depression is one of those things that you need hard facts to combat, nothing grey or open to interpretation. Your quit is fact, the number of days you have managed, how well you feel about it, how you know that you are not going to fail. These things are irrefutable and you can hold them up against those snipy little voices in your head and be bloody proud of yourself!

Anytime you need more, you just post on here petal and we will tell you how excellently you are doing. Promise.

As Nic says, this is going to pass as all things related to quitting will, you just have to be patient and trust yourself that you are so doing the right thing. And if you don't trust yourself then come on here and we'll soon put you straight!!

Take care and stay strong

Molly x

nsd_user663_53328 profile image

I immediately cried after reading the posts from you two. Having said that, today has been a good day for me!

I feel that its always up and down and down and down then back up. Maybe I need a doctor, I will decide at a later date if this continues to happen.

Thanks for all the support, I (word i wont post) love this place.


nsd_user663_51711 profile image

Hello Paul

Very well done for your quit. That's fantastic and you have done something wonderful for yourself and all those who love you. You also know in your heart of hearts a return to smoking is not the answer.

There's some brilliant advice there from the others as usual. I love this forum too - people are so fantastic with their help, advice and support.

The only thing I would add is to remember there is absolutely no shame in asking your doctor for advice especially if you suspect you are depressed. The doc can point you in the direction of different therapies if it is depression you are suffering from.

Whatever you decide to do remember there are many people here who will support you. xxxx

nsd_user663_53328 profile image

The issue for me isn't connected with my desire to smoke any more. I have stopped a long time ago and I am more than happy with my choice and progress. Having said that, I do think that my feelings must somehow be related?


nsd_user663_52779 profile image

Hi Paul, looks like me and you might be alike. Im having a very tough time quitting, not smoking is the easy bit ;) I feel like my whole world has collapsed and i dont know myself anymore. i finally went to the doctors and he put me on 20mg citilopram and i have to say its helped me to function again although i feel like a bit of a zombie sometimes.If i hadnt have taken the plunge and gone on meds i would have been a gibbering lump of miserable in the corner of a dark room somewhere.

I cant say how things will go from here but i can say if youre suffering with depression then join my club mate,its not much of a fun club but a problem shared is a problem halved, the only saving grace is that we quit the fags and that is so important. PM me if you wanna talk :)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hope you are feeling better?

Hi Paul, I have just seen this and I hope you are feeling better. It must be awful to suffer depression and have to deal with all life throws at us too. Atrip to your GP might not be a bad idea? Just let him/her know how you are feeling because they may be able to give you something that will help. As I said I hope you are feeling much better. Take care Paul.x

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Sending you a hug, and as we're up close, I'm smelling of Dove Deodorant, Stawberry Shampoo and Conditioner, Lime Shower Gel and Eternity Lotion and Perfume, oh and my cardi smells of Lenor Fabric Softener!!!

Sorry to read you're feeling down Paul , I too think you should go and see your GP. You may need a little help like Fazzer, or sometimes a chat with a Doctor can be reassuring in itself.

Take care my love

Fi x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image


I cant say how things will go from here but i can say if youre suffering with depression then join my club mate,its not much of a fun club but a problem shared is a problem halved, the only saving grace is that we quit the fags and that is so important. PM me if you wanna talk :)

Fazzer and Paul. I wish you both the very best and hope you can get the help that will mean you both feel much much better! Yes you have both quit the smokes so be proud of that!

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