MrsmashandCharlie.: Hello.My name is Carol... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_52101 profile image
17 Replies

Hello.My name is Carol and Iv been on and off thes boards since Sept 12.

Giving up for 3mth...then...3wks.

I feel such a failure as I give up every Mon and am smoking by Wed!Only a few but smoking all the same.

Its pathetic and Im pathetic for not making the break complete.

I read the posts everyday and wonder whats wrong with me not to do what all the people on these boards are doing.When I smoke I want to stop,know I should stop.When I do I want to smoke!!!

There is so much stress in my life atm and I know I am using that as a sad

I am joining you both tomorrow in a final attempt to quit for good.I did it for 3mth so I know I can.Im back on the patches and going to take inspiration from you both.Time is running out for me to quit....its now or never.

Carolrose....a serial quitter.Gonna give it one last shot:)

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nsd_user663_52101 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_52101 profile image

This is on my favourites so I can read it daily.:)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Good for you Carolrose! You have a couple of quit buddies too. It always helps when you have someone who is on the same or same..ish day as you you really spur each other on. You are not alone in keep trying to quit many people try many times before they are successful the main thing is that you keep trying! Best wishes for your quit I will be keeping a look out for

nsd_user663_55834 profile image

Hi Carol,

Thanks for joining us!

I know exactly what you mean, I have been lurking on this site for a while now and read how well others are doing and yet constantly fail every time I try. I have managed 22 days this year without smoking, so I know that giving up full time is just around the corner and I know I have to do it once and for all.

I have the added incentive that I'm getting married on June 1st to a non smoker so I will have to have it done by then.

Best of luck and I'm looking forward to progressing from day 1 to day 2 etc together.


nsd_user663_42390 profile image

I have the added incentive that I'm getting married on June 1st to a non smoker so I will have to have it done by then.


Great incentive there Charilie! Best wishes to you all I shall be looking out for you and spurring you all on!

nsd_user663_55563 profile image

Hey, well done for persevering.

I know from my experiences that it helps to have life fairly stress free to successfully quit. There is no escaping the little everyday stresses though they happen regardless. It helps to acknowledge that smoking does nothing to improve life's stresses. All smoking does is feed your addiction to nicotine, nothing more and nothing less.

Changing routines helps. If you always enjoyed a smoke with a glass of wine drink something else instead. Do anything to avoid the associations with smoking. I even changed my favourite coffee cup (can't give up coffee!!) just so I didn't associate my morning coffee with my first smoke.

There will be tough times but you've done it before. You can quit again and stay quit. :)

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Max you quit just as I started again,which I now bitterly regret:(

I know for a fact that smoking dosnt relieve stress,its still there after the fag.

Any way I have my day 1 quit buddies for tomorrow so *here I go again*:)

nsd_user663_7276 profile image

Hello Carol, glad to hear you're all fired up and ready for your quit. You can do this, WE can do this. Lots of previous failed quits doesn't mean this one will fail. All the best. x

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Hey Carol! So glad your joining us :)

I've my last cigarette smoked and my patch on so ready to go although I must say I am slightly nervous on how I'm going to cope in the morning, just hope I'm of the same mindset! I'll just remind myself of mum telling me to make stopping my goal!

Good luck for tomorrow, we'll catch up then :)

nsd_user663_55834 profile image

Afternoon all,

12 hours in and so far so good, feeling positive and no urges for a smoke as yet, how are my fellow quit buddies bearing up on Day 1?

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Hiya Charlie,

Got off to a slippy start this morning. I had the most awful night's sleep with that patch so woke rather moody, there were still 2 ciggs left so stupidly I had one then spent ages coughing so kicked myself up the backside and stuck on a fresh patch and havent smoked since 7 this morning so nearly 6 hours and just back from a nice lunchtime walk as opposed to a lunchtime smoke!

Well done you for starting so brilliantly! Its the mornings I panic with and I dont fancy keeping the patch on 24 hours as its affecting my sleep and I need my sleep lol! Think I may keep the patches and lozengers beside the bed so there are to hand first thing!

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

I always use a low dose patch,7mg and day 1 and 2 are a breeze for me.

Its Day 3 that gets me every time.But not this time:D

I have chest pains again,so smoking is not an option atm.I keep thinking about all that sticky tar making my heart beat harder.I keep a diary and am hoping that going back over it will help me spot where Im going wrong.

So far so good............thanks for your support and hope my quit buddies are doing fine also.:D

nsd_user663_55834 profile image

Hi Ladies,

Mrs Mash, what a shocker to the start of the day!! I know how hard it can be but your're going to have to knuckle down and do some hard graft if you want to give this up once and for all. However well done on getting through lunch, that is the first big hurdle out the way and you can start to look forward to other small goals such as reaching 12 hours, getting through the evening and before you know it it will be tomorrow morning and a complete 24 hours.


I'm with you every step so far, keep up the good work.

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Yeah I know Charlie, I need to focus more told myself that I need to wise up and try. Over 12 hours now since my last one so I'm pleased :)

My next challenge, beat the morning crave! Any tips??

nsd_user663_55834 profile image

Just have to take it hour by hour, funny enough the mornings are ok for me, however the evenings like now I'm clucking for a smoke!

I look forward to seeing you on the Day 2 page tomorrow.


nsd_user663_27255 profile image

See you on day 2 Charlie :D

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Mrs Mash, Carol Rose and Charllie

Wishing you all the very best as you embark on your quit journey, please keep supporting each other:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Thank you Fi x

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