Pride comes....: So there I was a couple of... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Pride comes....

nsd_user663_54849 profile image
8 Replies

So there I was a couple of days ago all smug and 'this is so easy' ra ra ra

And I got to day 38

So why is today soooo ruddy difficult? I dreamt about smoking for the first time in ages last night and that I had one and ruined my quit. Had terrible guilt when I woke up and took me hours to realise i had not smoked

But then for the rest of the day I have genuinely missed and mourned the cigarette I didn't have!? It's so weird!?

Have had a particularly stressful day with work but why after all this time is it coming back to bite me? Maybe because I was so smug?? I am irritable angry craving badly and generally all aaaargggghhhh

So I haven't caved in and don't plan to this evening at least but why am I getting my worst crave of all (literally lasted hours) 38 days after I quit!?

HELP!! And thank you and sorry!!


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nsd_user663_54849 profile image
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8 Replies

As my dear sweet mother, may she rest in peace, used to say, "Because!"

There's no way of knowing why you got your worse crave after 38 days, but here's another way to look at it: you FINALLY got your worst crave over! After this, it's all downhill!

You managed to deal with the worst crave ever. Congratulations on your success!

nsd_user663_54849 profile image

Wowser DGee you are almost at a year! Amazing well done!! Woop!!

I am cold turkey too. I love the 'because' reasoning! Very true. Still ruddy craving hours later but also know I am not going to give in, not sure if that's a real crave or not but thank heavens I live alone I feel ruddy irritable and woe betide anyone who crosses my path this eve!!

Thanks for your support though wise words

And an early congrats on your success!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image


Try to relax if you can, very difficult I know...I have had plenty of aaaarrrgghhh moments.

I just keep telling myself that I am still just a beginner at not smoking.

I am only learning the ropes, the one and only thing I can say I have learnt so far is to try and have patience .... most difficult as I must be the most impatient man around.

It does get easier but there are moments and I know there will be more to come.

You sound really positive through the turmoil.

Stay strong and keep going,

Take care


nsd_user663_54849 profile image

Wise words Nifty and Max in hindsight its because I have just finished a two day sales conference with normally fag breaks every hour (and moaning and griping etc) and instead I have been stuck inside eating lots of food

Then got stuck in traffic on way home and woman in car in front of me smoked three cigarettes and omg did she enjoy every puff??!!! I was left chewing my nails and wishing I was a smoker

MASSIVE DOH! I was doing so well how strange! My teeth are on edge I am so grumpy and am about to explode I have eaten so much


Thanks for the support guys I guess I just have to keep reminding myself it would taste horrible!?

Darnit I would love a cigarette!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Exercise mate.

Really helps me if I'm struggling.

700 calories on the exercise bike, I get off it with wobbly legs, have a shower, have a beer then wobble to bed .... usually sleep like a baby and wake up feeling smug that I beat another one

Dig in mucker, stay strong.

Take care


p.s maybe you should have crashed into her for the fun :-)

nsd_user663_54849 profile image

Max this is prob a bit inappropriate but just for the moment I love you! You are so right re that ruddy woman and her cigs! Were you born this wise? You are a ruddy legend!

Nifty 700 calories! How long do you run for!? No wonder you have wobbly legs!! You are my new inspiration to get fit! At the moment I am lying on sofa drinking wine and feeling a bit miserable! Tragic!!

Thanks so much you two, you made me laugh and inspired me and I am over that crave! Here's hoping that's the worst it lasted approx six hours on and off! Definitely would have caved in without this forum, you are ruddy wonderful all of you!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Like Little & Large! haha

Not running, exercise bike, computerised jobby...usually takes about 40 mins or so.....but it feeeeels like hours ... :)

nsd_user663_54958 profile image

With you on that wine. Had about half a bottle in the middle of the week :eek: and hmmm counting about 50 toffees now. This helps too :p

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