Failed at the first hurdle! So dissapointed. - No Smoking Day

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Failed at the first hurdle! So dissapointed.

nsd_user663_55554 profile image
16 Replies

I have failed my first day of quitting, I am so dissapointed/angry at myself.

I was at work this morning and all I could think about was smoking, lighting up, taking a drag and inhaling that fantastic sense of relaxation and calm. I caved at about 11AM and popped across the road for a 20 packet of L&B Gold then smoked about 3 in a row, I felt a sense of relief almost immediately but felt like I could kick myself. Now I'm right back on square one again. I know people who had MUCH stronger nicotine addictions to me and they quit, so why can't I?

Does anyone find it helps if you quit on a new week instead of trying to quit out of the blue on a Wednesday? New midset new week etc.

Thanks for all of your support,


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nsd_user663_55554 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_54852 profile image

Don't be too hard on yourself, many people including myself have previous failed quits, you just need to regroup your thoughts and beef up your mindset.

I'm sure that there's no science in it but midweek on a working day worked for me so that I was fully occupied and had a few days of non smoking under my belt before the weekend. You need to be determined and its probably best to avoid any impending 'stress' triggers , eg. exams, job interviews etc

All the best ... you can do it .. just keep reading and posting on here if it helps.

Donna :)

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Gallows,,,I have failed on the first day dozens of times..and the second,third ect ect:(

We all have at different times,just get back up and try again.

bloody nicotine addiction!!! eh!!! Its an ongoing process Im afraid,we are all in the same boat fighting it.:)

hellerscatch profile image

I kept one cigarette from the night before, had it after breakfast and then put a patch straight on, it was a thursday, got to say I was fine doing it that way :)

AngryBear profile image

Mine was a Sunday; it'll fall right when it falls right I guess, but don't beat yourself up over it, it's not an easy thing to do, quitting. Makes it makes it all the sweeter when you get it :)

nsd_user663_44684 profile image

Hi Dan, I don't think it makes any difference what day you quit - what I think is important is how much you want to quit... If you really want to stop, it doesn't matter what day, time or month it is.

Hope you can try again :)

Denise x

lefoy123 profile image

failed at the first hurdle

Good evening Gallows,

you didn't fail you just didn't succeed. Dont worry about it as you've probably noticed reading posts on the Forum your not the only one whose caved.

The trick is to turn the negative into the positive by learning why you failed and not repeating the incident.

So pick yourself dust youself down and start all over again and remember we don't do failures in the Forum only those who haven't secceeded yet


Michael a.k.a:-lefoy123

lefoy123 profile image

failed at the first hurdle

Hello once again Gallows always remember God loves a trier

Michael a.k.a:-lefoy123

nsd_user663_55554 profile image

Thank you for all of your replies, even though I haven't quoted them all I have definitely read the and taken them in! I really appreciate all of your support its unreal :) thank you for helping me stay in the right mindset. I think it's harder for me at work as 3 of my co workers smoke! Ill just pick myself right up and try again!

Thanks again

Dan x

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Monday evening, in the cold and the rain, 7.30pm on my way out for food and a drink. Oooerr! Threw them in the nearest bin.

It's the mindset in my view. Admittedly I'd been thinking "I really must quit soon" in the run up, it just felt right, and the morning after the honeymoon period kicked in and along with it the post-decision rationalisation that led to one day at a time, hour by hour, day by day for the first month.

Then I found this forum.

Hope you try again, don't give up giving up!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

I set my quit date 2 weeks away and spent days panicking about it the nearer it got.

Thought i would teach myself a lesson and quit before the date...surprise myself so to speak...."haha .. that'll teach me!"

So far.. it's stuck.

You can do, just keep plugging :)

Does anyone find it helps if you quit on a new week instead of trying to quit out of the blue on a Wednesday?

Makes no difference at all, in my opinion. Best time to quit is when you're really, really ready to quit. Not when you're thinking it might be a good time, or that you should quit, or any of that. A time will come when you simply KNOW it's time to quit.

When that happens, quit.

I say that because I used to look for the "proper" time to quit - first of the year, first of the month, whatever. All that did was prolong my smoking career. What I learned (FOR ME) was that the best time to quit was when I was fully ready and committed to quit.

The fact that for me it was in the middle of the month is rather ironic. I thought it should be January 1, or my birthday, or something like that.

nsd_user663_4522 profile image

I dont post much anymore...but in the first few days I posted all the time, I was taking my quit hour by hour, grinding my teeth, walking around, starting fires in my metal bin in the back garden...I felt like crying and I am a bloke....I hated everyone...but I battled through it....this is about you...we are all intrigued because you gave up quite quickly and reached for the fags...we all related to it because we all wanted to do it.....the difference is we didnt...I am not holier than thou...this is bloody hard but you have to want to do it....YOU WILL NEVER SMOKE AGAIN!!!...does that sound TOO HARD or does it sound ACHIEVABLE.....ask yourself the question....Grieve for your fags...come back when you are ready and we will help you...40 days COLD TURKEY for me tommorow and do you know what I am gonna give myself a pat on the back...This will work if you want it to work...

nsd_user663_52809 profile image

You didn't fail mate ....You just figured out how not to quit smoking.

Keep trying and we will all be here to call you on!

nsd_user663_54938 profile image

try and try again

if you want it , try again DONT give up on trying best of luck x

nsd_user663_55554 profile image

Monday evening, in the cold and the rain, 7.30pm on my way out for food and a drink. Oooerr! Threw them in the nearest bin.

It's the mindset in my view. Admittedly I'd been thinking "I really must quit soon" in the run up, it just felt right, and the morning after the honeymoon period kicked in and along with it the post-decision rationalisation that led to one day at a time, hour by hour, day by day for the first month.

Then I found this forum.

Hope you try again, don't give up giving up!

Thank you Hawkeye! I need to get in the right mindset first I think!

I set my quit date 2 weeks away and spent days panicking about it the nearer it got.

Thought i would teach myself a lesson and quit before the date...surprise myself so to speak...."haha .. that'll teach me!"

So far.. it's stuck.

You can do, just keep plugging :)

Haha, that's a great idea! I'm guilty of doing the same... Aren't we strange :) thanks for your story and support it means a lot!

Makes no difference at all, in my opinion. Best time to quit is when you're really, really ready to quit. Not when you're thinking it might be a good time, or that you should quit, or any of that. A time will come when you simply KNOW it's time to quit.

When that happens, quit.

I say that because I used to look for the "proper" time to quit - first of the year, first of the month, whatever. All that did was prolong my smoking career. What I learned (FOR ME) was that the best time to quit was when I was fully ready and committed to quit.

The fact that for me it was in the middle of the month is rather ironic. I thought it should be January 1, or my birthday, or something like that.

Thanks DGee, I think my reasoning to quit on a Monday was just my mind telling me to prolong the date... It's easy to say "I'll quit next week, I'll quit next week"

I dont post much anymore...but in the first few days I posted all the time, I was taking my quit hour by hour, grinding my teeth, walking around, starting fires in my metal bin in the back garden...I felt like crying and I am a bloke....I hated everyone...but I battled through it....this is about you...we are all intrigued because you gave up quite quickly and reached for the fags...we all related to it because we all wanted to do it.....the difference is we didnt...I am not holier than thou...this is bloody hard but you have to want to do it....YOU WILL NEVER SMOKE AGAIN!!!...does that sound TOO HARD or does it sound ACHIEVABLE.....ask yourself the question....Grieve for your fags...come back when you are ready and we will help you...40 days COLD TURKEY for me tommorow and do you know what I am gonna give myself a pat on the back...This will work if you want it to work...

Thanks for your story Dean, sounded a really hard time for you. Congrats on your 40 days with no disgusting cigarettes!!! Keep going we're all here for you.

You didn't fail mate ....You just figured out how not to quit smoking.

Keep trying and we will all be here to call you on!

if you want it , try again DONT give up on trying best of luck x

Thank you both, your support really does help knowing I can speak to people who are going through the same feelings as me. Keep going!!! X

nsd_user663_55248 profile image

I also allowed myself the last cancer stick first thing in the morning, then stuck the patch on. It was a Tuesday!

Don't panic about it though, you will do it. I have faith in you. X

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