Back on the horse!!! Day 1 .... again! - No Smoking Day

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Back on the horse!!! Day 1 .... again!

nsd_user663_55248 profile image
20 Replies

Hi all,

Well, I went 2 weeks, then smoked last night.......dumb dumb dumb!

BUT, I will not be beaten.....I had a moment of weakness, and now I know how to equip myself....NIC CAN DO ONE!

I WILL succeed!!

Any other day one's here, 'high five'!! x

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nsd_user663_55248 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_44862 profile image

Good on yer for getting back on the horse, you'll be galloping in no time! I've had a few fails and it took me months to get back on track so well done you for going for it straight away. You really helped me yesterday with my patches gripe so thanks for that. Onwards and upwards!! :)

nsd_user663_55409 profile image

Ooh, well it's great you're straight back here, and like you say, better armed this time. Well done for jumping straight back in!

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

WOOP WOOP! High five!

You can do this. You are stronger and better than a stupid bloody plant.

Well done for getting straight back on it. You should be proud.

H x

nsd_user663_55248 profile image

Thanks guys & gals, you are a true support, thank you so much.

I didn't even enjoy the nasty things last night.....what a twit!!!

Still, I can't sit back and allow it to take over again......

Hope your all doing good.....xxxx

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Iv done it so many times I think I must be truely stupid!!!I quit 3mth and had one..then amother..ect......:(

To keep repeating the same mistake.

Im hoping I have learned my lesson this time.


Well done for getting back,:D

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Good for you Isha

Getting up, dusting off and going again so quickly :cool:

As you know the way for the first two weeks maybe you can run it with your eyes shut :)

Take care



nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Iv fished out my old Allen Carr book from yrs ago and just dipping in and out and its keeping me focused:D

nsd_user663_55248 profile image

Carol, which book have you got please? I just looked on Amazon......and Alan Carr has written loads! x

Can anyone suggest which book is best please?


nsd_user663_55232 profile image

Good for you Isha, be strong and keep going!! dont let the little shite win

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Carol, which book have you got please? I just looked on Amazon......and Alan Carr has written loads! x

Can anyone suggest which book is best please?


Its the EASYWAY to stop permantly,but I think all his stop smoking books are in the same vein.:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done for getting back on the horse again - it shows you're serious about quitting and am sure most of us here have done the same as you did!!

Know I have :eek:

If it's any consolation, I did that the last time I quit and it was a lot easier the second time around 'cos i knew what to expect and was determined not to give the girls at work another laugh :p

Good luck, I know you can do it!!

Carol, which book have you got please? I just looked on Amazon......and Alan Carr has written loads! x

Can anyone suggest which book is best please?


Am guessing it's "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" Isha :)

nsd_user663_55450 profile image

The girl is back!!

Good on you Isha.. It took me 18 months to even think about it again. Look at you go straight back to it, you have not given in. Alan Carr Easyway to stop smoking is what I'm reading. For me I carry it around in my bag and have a quick few pages when the thoughts are tough in my head... I'm a bit scarred of finishing the book actually even though you are meant to read it all before you give up, but it's working for me. xx

nsd_user663_55248 profile image

thanks peeps. Im sure I did start reading this book a long time ago, but I didn't like it....the repeatition....however, I don't think I was in the 'right place' at the time.

Funny, a lot of people read the book after they have quit! But I think anything that keeps the quit going is good. history now! Moving on! xxx

hellerscatch profile image

Well done for getting straight back on with the quit, a lot of people (including me) would have thought, ah well the damage is done, so might as well keep smoking, good on ya for not doing that ....

Angela x

nsd_user663_55450 profile image

Yep Max I am almost at the end and you are correct in everything you have said. What he has done for me so far is the same as you have said and that is to have turned it all round and I no longer feel I am missing out or giving up something. I feel really calm and yes I still get thoughts but they are not hurting me and I can deal with them.

What I am interested to know is how many of us actually keep cigarettes or tobacco in the house when they have given up. I did the first time I quit as couldn’t bear the thought of not having them close by, but chucked it all this time and feel very calm about it.

Isha did you have some in the house yesterday?


P.s I thought for 2 seconds Max that you could tell I was from down South by my typing! Doh.....I was born in Bath.

nsd_user663_55248 profile image

Right, I'll be ordering it from Amazon tonight. So strange, as today, I feel exactly how I have felt since original quit.....Confident, not bothered by not smoking, no craving etc etc......I still cannot understand why yesterday was SOOOO different.......really odd.

No, I didn't have any ciggies in the house, got rid of all 2 weeks ago. I asked hubby to buy me 10, he said a straight no! I cried in front of him.....desparate huh?!

I went out and bought them.....smoked 5, and got hubby to throw the rest.

Today I have been hunky thoughts of smoking at all.

I think he could be good to have the book though....also reading stories. Today I read the whyquit website..........I was in tears.

Smoking is (bottom line) a choice...I choose to not be a smoker. I have to learn by yesterdays set back, and not allow it to happen EVER again. x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Isha, you're a star. I'm so flipping proud of you.

You could so easily have just sat there and thought, whatever, and still have been smoking in 2, 3, 4 months time. No, that's not for you!

Well done, you go girl

Molly x

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Isha, that's fantastic news. Yours was the first blip I've seen in two months now, it really shocked me and I'm sorry if the personal message of support was out of line in any way, I was surprised and well, shocked actually and maybe that came through. More football coach, less support, apologies. :o

Don't know, but I am really pleased you've chosen to dust off and carry on, best of luck!


nsd_user663_55450 profile image

You are so strong Isha you will do it. Look at where you are right now. Not smoking. Even though I really don't ever want to smoke again and I tell myself I never will I still won't admit this in front of friends or family. I think in case I cave they all can't say you said you never would. I also think I learnt from my last quit everyday can be different.

Here's something-Every night I have my few glasses of red that way if I really feel like I need a smoke I would have to walk to the shops to get them as I no hubby wouldn't go and I can't get in the car with wine on board.. LOL this isn't something new though I always have had a few vinos most nights.

Chin Up Chick you are an inspiration. xx

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

You can do it Isha! Getting straight back up is the best thing you can do :D

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