Room for a little one? :): Well here I am... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Room for a little one? :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
15 Replies

Well here I am, start of Month 3!!

Never thought I'd get this far back in December, but am feeling great about it all now.

When I was feeling grrrr a few days ago I wrote down all the reasons for not smoking, was about a page full then the reasons I could think of to smoke - which was 2 and they were stupid. That's really helped me to make up my mind and haven't had a crave - or even a slight wanting a fag - since :cool:

Am still going patchless, and will cut down on the gum gradually but at the moment don't want to do it too drasticially and risk messing things up!!

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Lostie!!

Really think this is *the one* now :cool:

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Way to go Gemma, I knew you'd do it!! We all have ups and downs with our quits but we all come to the same conclusion at some point that there are NO positives to smoking!!

Keep going on the same path, this is it!!

Karen x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

So chuffed for you Gemma

Well done dropping the patches too....I'll try and join you NRT free soon.

......say August 2017?

hehe gulp!

Congratulations....drinkypoos at the bar with customary rocket in it!

I know how you like your sparkly drinks :D

Well done



nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma :D

Should you ever fail i would be gutted.

But you are not gonna fail are you!!

You have the beating of this now.

Dead pleased for you X

Thanks Max!!

We're both going to be in the Penthouse before we know it :D

Lol, would be gutted if I failed now too - but my mindset is totally different to the last time I quit. Then I was feeling jealous when I saw someone smoking - now I think it's minging!! Am not breathing deeply when someone's smoking in front of me either - more like crossing the road or overtaking.

Way to go Gemma, I knew you'd do it!! We all have ups and downs with our quits but we all come to the same conclusion at some point that there are NO positives to smoking!!

Keep going on the same path, this is it!!

Karen x

Thanks Karen!!

Am definitely finding more ups than downs now and it's fab to get here!! :D

Couldnt' come up with a good reason to smoke at all, so that's got to be good!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

So chuffed for you Gemma

Well done dropping the patches too....I'll try and join you NRT free soon.

......say August 2017?

hehe gulp!

Congratulations....drinkypoos at the bar with customary rocket in it!

I know how you like your sparkly drinks :D

Well done



Thanks Greg :)

Was um-ing and ahh-ing about going onto Step 2 patches for a week or so (should have stepped down earlier) then thought "blow it" and dropped them altogether!! Am definitely not NRT-free *yet* but it's a step in the right direction. Lol, we'll both be off NRT by then!!

Ooh yes that's lovely, I do love anything sparkly :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done to you it's nice to see people really achieving a smoke free life. Doesn't make me feel so lonely on day 3 :)

Keep up the good work everyone x

Thanks Doodlebug :D

You will find it gets much easier the longer you're quit and you'll feel so much better too :cool:

Good luck!!

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Good for you Gemma-Lou! Great stuff, two whole months!

Although seriously, is it only two months? Seems like forever. Then again, two whole months! Bloody well done.

I think the month three room is about to get a wee bit busier...I'll go and re-fill the ice bucket :)


AngryBear profile image

Great going Gemma, as Hawkeye says, feels like it's been a lot longer, which can only be a good thing.......;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks everyone!!

Oh yes, it feels like flipping ages for me too - that's got to be good though :cool:

*Waves Cornish flag for Kat*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Just wondering, but how long does the burping carry on for?

Haven't had much trouble before but can't flipping stop now and it's a bit embarrassing :o

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh LOL Max!!

Don't think I want to get famous for the loudest burps in Cornwall :p Am surprised Kat hasn't complained!!

Think the only thing I've changed about my diet is the pink wafers - need a patch for them next - and I am eating more :eek: but at least I haven't got too big yet. :cool:

Must be the NRT gum, or maybe something in cigarettes surpressed it? Know they do mess around with so much.

You're much more use than Cameron, at least you're not making things worse!! Am definitely not a fan either :mad:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Great :D

Had a lovely meal for my birthday today, and one of the best things about it was not "having" to dive outside as soon as I'd finished eating and have a fag. Always used to before, but not now :D

Things like that make me feel so free!! :cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh that's really lovely, thanks Max!!

Do love my cake too and that's beautiful :D

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Happy Birthday Gemma, hope you haven't got a hang over from all those cocktails we consumed last night.:D:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Jane :D

Lol, no hangover but I didn't half sleep well last night :p

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