Swapped one addiction for another - No Smoking Day

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Swapped one addiction for another

nsd_user663_55073 profile image
14 Replies

I have played Black Ops and GTA non stop today, stopping only for food, thank god I'm going away tomorrow or I can see another addiction happening:o

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nsd_user663_55073 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Lol, it's keeping our hands busy

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Hmm, join a new forum, how to wean yourselves off forums/gaming :D

nsd_user663_55409 profile image

Lol I was already addicted to gaming so no worries, it can mostly fit in around real life ;)

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

That's my addiction sorted, it can fit in around my life:D, now yours Kat, thanks Claire:D

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

The longer the quit, the less you'll need this forum Kat, I promise. You keep clinging to it if you need to.:)

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Oh my Jane

How are you managing waiting for GTA-V?

I'm down to bone now....finished the finger nails months ago!! :D

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

218 days and counting each and every one of them down. I love GTA. Nifty, another common denominator :D

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Lol I was already addicted to gaming so no worries, it can mostly fit in around real life ;)

Oh pish!

I thought gaming was real life! pfft!


Isn't funny how gamers have got older than they used to be?

Probably as we can now afford all the gear that wasn't even invented when we were kids.........

I remember batting that white dot across the screen for hours and thought it was awesome!

Or pulling back on a joystick (ooohhh matron .. noooo!) to make a little guy on a bike jump over some buses!! (is it buses or busses....or bussesses?)

Until of course we pulled the joystick to pieces!!!

Sorry...rambling again...I'll fetch my coat! :D

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Yeah Jane...they put it back didn't they?...the swines!!

Ooooohhhh damn them pesky games developers!!

At the risk of sounding an extreme nutter...and please .... nobody call the police...this isn't real..... :rolleyes:

Never thought I would enjoy visiting a ... ahem ... lady of the night....only to .. ahem ... ask for your money back after the transaction!! ...... then going to rob a bank!

Ahhhh ... we won't see days like that again!

:eek: Did I just say all that out loud?!? eek!


nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Do you play on xbox live by any chance, if so what's your gamer tag?

nsd_user663_52845 profile image


No I'm probably a Playstation fanboy Jane.

Well .... I was a Sega fanboy before that....got involved in the whole "saturn is better than the PS1"

Then they brought out the Dreamcast ... which ... let's face it ... was a bit sh1t!! :D

I don't really do multiplayer .... got sick of getting my arse kicked by 8 year olds! haha!

Didn't do a lot for my self esteem and cost a bloody fortune in handsets ... luckily the TV avoided most of the damage!!


nsd_user663_55073 profile image

I had a Sega as a youngster, I actually only recently sold by Vectrex on EBay, got a good price too:)

I know what you mean about multiplayer, my 8 year old son whips my ass every time, then I get my hair off with him, and tell him it's bedtime.:D so I can play on my own.

nsd_user663_55409 profile image

I never really played much multiplayer, didn't have good enough pc when I was younger then didn't have xbox gold when I first got one of them. Used to play a mmporg and team up together with people then but always got interrupted by the boy when he was smaller. Now he's 8 he plays one of these kids versions with monkeys, while I try to play Fallen Earth, which is a post-apocalyptic mmporg, but to be honest I prefer being able to pause / turn off the xbox whenever I get interrupted for the 8th time in 20 minutes to go find socks, or where's my wallet, or take the dog out, or can i have a drink mummy, or would you like a quote for new windows, or to talk to you about the problems with your windows pc..?!?

I do like having peace and quiet! Hubby has taken the boy to school and the dog is with them - so finally some time to myself (the cat is mostly well behaved!). Might put some Assassins Creed 3 on later as haven't played any in aaaages. That or Skyrim, I reckon....

Oh despite me not playing multiplayer if anyone on xbox wants to add me to nosy at my gamerscore or what games I play or anything, I'm Clairefun on there too - in fact I'm that everywhere (facebook, flickr, twitter etc) so feel free to add me! :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I've done the same thing Jane!!

One of my friends got me into GTA years ago - with a dodgy copy of GTA2 back when we were in school :eek: - and we play GTA IV together quite a bit. It's another thing that's good about not smoking though 'cos I'm not always diving out for a fag in the middle of a game.

Actually, I've always been moaning about how my rubbish laptop won't run most games so maybe that's another good use for my fag money!!

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