Hello, newbie here.: Hello all. I registered... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hello, newbie here.

nsd_user663_7276 profile image
23 Replies

Hello all. I registered three years ago but not sure if I even posted. I was unsuccessful that time, and several times before, and since.

I am sick and tired of this addiction and ready to claim my freedom.

But I have niggling doubts. Namely: I have been unsuccessful so many times, what will make this time different?

I wanted to find a stop smoking group in my area, as I understand the NHS run these, but there are none nearby, just the one-to-one drop in sessions. I have been to that a couple of times but found some of the nurse's advice a bit odd, and she was keen to give me NRT, which I don't want to use.

So, in the absence of a group of 'real life' quit buddies, I am looking for some here. I need to do this. I want to do this. Tomorrow I will return as an ex-smoker. I will have a read around and look for wise words and companionship.

Wish me luck!

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nsd_user663_7276 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_54938 profile image

well come

hi new leaf , welcome , just keep reading all post and believe me it will help , am on day 39 and this place has help me so must , XXX

nsd_user663_55248 profile image

Hi New Leaf,

I'm glad your here! It's a great forum, albeit with slightly nutty people ;-)

I think one of the best things to do when quitting this nasty smelling addiction, is to remember it is a CHOICE. Take it hour by hour, and simplify it all, it does help.

Ie, If I smoke 'just one', I'm hooked.... Simples. There is NEVER a 'just one

I found it useful to write out my reasons for packing it in too. Keep the list nearby.


Keep yourself busy as much as possible.

Drink Ice cold water

Suck sugar free sweets

Start knitting! Keeps your fingers occupied!

And remember YOU CAN DO IT. X

nsd_user663_55232 profile image

Hi new leaf, good luck with the quit this time, just keep coming on here and reading the posts, it will get you through it :) all the best

nsd_user663_53891 profile image

Sounds like your heads in the right place Newleaf! I had doubts too but hopefully youll soon realize that you CAN do this and it will feel great!

nsd_user663_55040 profile image

Wish you every success in your quit :D like a lot have said keep posting/reading comments on here as this is a great support network on whatever method u use to quit :)

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Well done Newleaf on your choice to quit, as some have said, this forum is as good as any quit group. Good luck on your quitting adventure. :D

nsd_user663_55311 profile image

Good luck! Try and you will succeed

nsd_user663_7276 profile image

Thank you for such a lovely welcome!

I have found the morning okish until about an hour a go. Now sitting in my car outside the newsagents! Came very close to going in and buying some.

But getting on here and reading your messages has really encouraged me.

I CAN do this, and I WANT to do this.

Thank you all so much for getting me over my first hurdle. Expect there will be a few more to come but one hour at time, eh?

nsd_user663_7276 profile image

Thanks so much, lovely people.

Hanging in there. 15 hours.

Is it normal to feel completely spaced-out? I seem to remember this from last time but had forgotten how extreme it is!

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Yes, it is completely normal to feel spaced out, you are doing sooooo well, you have got this far, not long now, tomorrow is another day.

nsd_user663_7276 profile image

Good luck Newleaf :D

Of course there are people who are spaced out all the time,even without quitting,like Willpower ;)

Lol :)

Thanks all, I really appreciate the support. Just coming up to 20 hours smoke-free and feeling very proud. Also feeling like I've been hit by a truck with the lethargy, but I know that'll get better in a few days.

Looking forward to Day 2. :)

nsd_user663_44862 profile image

Welldone. Newleaf! Just coming to the end of my first day too! Looking forward to seeing us clocking up the days!!!

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

But I have niggling doubts. Namely: I have been unsuccessful so many times, what will make this time different?

Don't forget how addictive nicotine is and that it the brain/body that craves it, when you try and IF you fail try again until you don't fail, you would be surprised just how powerful you can be.

It doesn't matter if you have not been here for so long or have not posted, the main thing is your back again so obviously your serious about quitting. Having doubts about quitting because your have been unsuccessful so many times? Use it to your advantage and put the quitting experiences and the determination to finally to give up to your advantage. I had about 30 "that's it I'm giving up" situations only to drive, walk and whatever to get the next smoke half and hours later, on the other hand I went 5 really serious cold turkey quit with the 5th being the one that broke the back of it which was now over a year ago, 40 cigs day and health just deteriorating.

I am proof the same as many others will be that the saying "don't give up giving up" does work for some anyway. You need to turn the crave to beat the quit from the crave making you go into the next shop or sticking the nearest ciggy in your gob, to in the early stages getting you saying "no" although it can be frustrating at first and you'll find yourself not after long doing this with a bit of effort even in the early stages. You will get more cravings but you learn how to deal with them, you'll feel at bit strange at first with sleep, the body repairing it's self, ridiculous appetites so don't worry if you put on a few pounds you can work on that later on.

You'll read a lot saying on here as you progress that it does get better and to stick at it, even 2 or 3 months in you may or may not be thinking "why an I doing this, when does it get better?" "why are people always saying this" There saying it because it's the damn right truth, it does get better it just takes time, think of how long you have smoked for and how much damage has been done, well, the body sets out to repair it the best it can so that what makes it take so long, individuals are all different on a quit but same crave is the one where all trying or have beat.

This is based on cold turkey, I've never used substitutes but they work for some, it's not easy but it will not take long to get in a better state of mind, I'm over a year in now and I feel great, but yes, like a lot are going through now 12 months ago I was the same and finally battled through all the early staged, most days I don't even get a crave and if I do it's gone immediately.

Do yourself a favor and stick with it, it can have it's perks as well, just think of all the cream cakes and other goodies you can scoff and get away with it without any grief, but please be aware, when your happy that you can stop properly you then have to stop the cakes otherwise you'll be super fat lol but it's good at the time.

Good Luck everyone who's just quit, I've done it and if I accomplished it them then god knows whats stopping you as I originally super sucked at giving up, everyone has their time, you just have to keep trying until that time arrives.

Add on.

One thing I found personally as well it that different situations, E.G, you have packed in for a week and then all of a sudden you have to go somewhere/do something for the first time since you quit, and doing this thing you used to smoke before/after/during, you'll probably find yourself getting cravings although you know you have quit, it's the evil monster/nicotine reactors tricking you saying that you normally smoke in this situation so light up, in a lot of situations like this I found the things you have done previous and smoked, you go through them again only this time not smoking and killing the crave and then do the same on other situations, it's like re-programming yourself in a way.

nsd_user663_7276 profile image

Great post, thank you steelfixer and well done on getting to a year :)

The food thing terrifies me, actually. My eating is...um...disordered at the best of times so the impact of not smoking is scary for me. Putting on a few lbs is much healthier than smoking, but for me, it's a really scary thought. Need to get my head round it really but it'll be hard.

Just starting day 2 and I feel ok. Had the night sweats last night (yuck) but slept really well apart from that. Still tired though and lucky enough to be having a lie-in. Really need to get up and do stuff but I could happily spend the day in bed!

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Being knackered was part of it, I was working 12 hrs shifts as well and wanted to finally sleep when i had to get up and it was rancid, with this though this was one of the parts i was lucky with as lot seem to have the sleep probs for longer at the time so i classed myself as quite lucky really although I had other side effects in other things longer than other, we really are a strange breed looooool :D;)

nsd_user663_7276 profile image

Thank you so much, you are brilliant people.

Sorry to say I woke up this morning feeling angry and knew straight away that I wanted to smoke today. I had made up my mind and I wouldn't allow myself to talk myself out of it. I have just been to the shop and bought the wretched things and I've just smoked one.

Needless to say, I feel pathetic and depressed that I have caved.

I am looking at Sunday for my new quit day. I need to think about how I can so things differently. I was so bloody-minded, I convinced myself I could do it cold turkey. I had read Allen Carr and I thought I was ready but I obviously wasn't.

I have patches and gum at home and I am going to use those on my quit day on Sunday.

Thank you again for your fantastic support, I'm only sorry I couldn't do it justice.

nsd_user663_44862 profile image

Aw, dont beat yourself up. You will come back stronger than ever. My last quit was cold turkey and i found it absolute torture. The patches seem to take the edge off things for me, but different things work for different people at different times. Forgive yourself and when you are ready i will be here waiting for you. Lots of love. X

nsd_user663_7276 profile image

Denise, thank you, very much appreciated.

In the meantime, you keep on keeping on :)

nsd_user663_7276 profile image

Thank you kat, you are fab. :) Really appreciate the kind words and support here.

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Newleaf, a belated welcome from me!

That's how it works...we take inspiration for the people further up the mountain than us, and they offer their encouragement. They have trodden the same path, and have the wisdom and experience of the quit. Then in turn we offer the same inspiration to those behind us. We look ahead, and look over our shoulders.

And we're all aligned to the same objective. Humans beating the crap out of a plant. :D

You'll be looking over your shoulder before you know it - hurray, sunday is just the start, the quit is strong in you this time methinks!

And we laugh our butts off along the way, be prepared to take part in that circus!

Glad you're here!


nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Plan your strategy and when you've got your plan in place and all the ammunition you need then fly your flag and declare war!:)

Whooo that's good! :)

nsd_user663_7276 profile image

Thank you Hawkeye, great post!

'Beating the crap out of a plant'.... Isn't it amazing that that is all it comes down to? It sounds so simple but it really is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do :(

Hey ho. Onward and upward. Tomorrow is a new day; a non-smoking day.

nsd_user663_55464 profile image

You will be fine ive stopped for a total of four years before in two two year stints both times i used nicotine gum and it was a hard slog but was do~able. cold turkey is hard and isnt for everyone the main thing is to be so proud of yourself for wanting to quit and doing something about it you will probably find it easier with nrt xxxx

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