Woohoo, made it to month 2 room :) (just ab... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Woohoo, made it to month 2 room :) (just about!)

nsd_user663_44684 profile image
10 Replies

Today has been a bloody nightmare day but i'm still not smoking :) Must admit i've not let go of my inhalator today (almost chewed the end off it :eek:) & i've had a nicorette cool lozenge but i've not smoked!!

Denise x

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nsd_user663_44684 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Well done Denise :)

I have a customer in work that stopped using an inhaler.

When he did get himself off the NRT he used to just carry the inhaler round with him for months....every now and then just breathing through it to slow his breathing down...worked for him.

(I'm going to get some of those nnnn..hhuuuge lolly's in the shape of a dummy I think!! .... that's it...a plan.....a Noddy Holder outfit and a dummy!)

As you say...main thing is you've not smoked.... :)


Big congratulations to you.

Take care


nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Denise,come and sit down in this 'ere comfy chair woman! :D

We have been watching you coming,a few times it looked a bit iffy whether you would make it to this hallowed sanctuary :eek: but You have only gone and done it,you clever sausage!!:)

Wotcha Denise, stick close to these guys. Keep at it, you are doing fab chuck. Keep going, you know what you're doing x

Max, you're lovely :D

Molly x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Now now now max, you're a brilliant forum member and you know you ar!

If and when I struggle I'll want you around !

Nuf said x

Molly x

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Well done Denise, great achievement, doesn't matter if you've chewed through the inhalator, eaten 100l of icecream or been sectioned - you still have not smoked!!! Definitely worth celebrating :-)

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Great stuff Denise! Well done :D

Sit down, have a drink and chill - you deserve it!

nsd_user663_54510 profile image

Well done Denise!!!

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

And a huge well done from me too Denise, way to go:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_54852 profile image

Hi Denise just popping into the forum to say very well done , keep chewing whatever keeps you off the ciggies.

Today is feeling a bit of a drag for me , too many things to do , ironing etc when I would rather be doing something else. Used to not mind the ironing duties as it involved cups of tea and ciggy breaks !

Anyway hang on in there before you know it the days and weeks will pass and hopefully so will the nightmare days

Take Care

Donna :)

nsd_user663_44684 profile image

Denise,come and sit down in this 'ere comfy chair woman! :D

We have been watching you coming,a few times it looked a bit iffy whether you would make it to this hallowed sanctuary :eek: but You have only gone and done it,you clever sausage!!:)

Haha, thanks Max... Made me laugh :D

Thanks for all the messages, got a hangover today so smoking is the last thing on my mind (and drinking!!)

Denise x

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

WTG Denise! Proud of ya! You show that smoke monster who is the real boss!


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