I have a cold.
Now ladies might call it 'man-flu'. I swear if we chaps caught mumps (ball-achingly dangerous) then our wives/partners would call it 'man-mumps', tell us to 'man-up' and make us go out on the school run.
I've had the "aaah, bless you... now can you go and get some milk from tesco's cause we've run out" sarcasm from Mrs H for days. It's really 'only' a very bad cold.
But I digress. My cold came on sunday and for two days now I've been at the 'hackey clear out' stage.
Where this is relevant, is that I'm nearly two months into my quit, and until now there's been no cough. Nothing, nowt, not a single polite "ahem", which I hadn't expected, and it was worrying me a little.
Now I'm coughing loads, and excuse the mental picture I'm about to give you...it's 'orrible. Dark, gunky rubbish, and it's about 50% more than when I've had a cold in previous (smoking) years.
So while I feel physically bad, I also feel emotionally good as I believe this is a good thing.
Maybe the cold has triggered a bronchial clear out, maybe the cilia are starting to wave again. Maybe, just maybe my lungs aren't wrecked as badly as I feared after all......