I feel: FANTASTIC!!!! Morning, Afternoon... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I feel

nsd_user663_3607 profile image
3 Replies


Morning, Afternoon, Evening All.

So Day 16 it is today - haven't posted on here since Day 5 I think - slap my wrists!

For those that remember, my chest was concerning me - it was tight and tender to touch along the middle of the rib-cage - I'm pleased to announce that it is no-more. The tighness went away after Day 11 or so and hasn't returned. Hence the Viks vapour rub has been put away until the next dose of Man-Flu strikes.

So, the garden is full of roses at the moment with this quit - thinking about smoking is reducing day on day - yeah, sure, temptations are there - the quit is still in its infancy but I think I am over the worse of the mind games - but I'm holding that "just one" thought shattering hammer just in case.

Only outstanding concern at the moment is managing the coming off Champix - I'm going to take it easy and come off very gradually - months rather than weeks.

The other concern I have is - how do I spend this extra cash - Oh I know, a free ticket (that I would have flicked and puffed away) to Bestival - Elton John and Snoop Dog - how can they be even in the same country - let alone the same venue - I digress!

To everyone struggling - this thing can be beaten - its does get better and you will conquer it. Believe in yourself and be proud of what you have achieved thus far!

Hope everyone is strong in their quits!


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nsd_user663_3607 profile image
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3 Replies
nsd_user663_3607 profile image

Posted in the wrong room! Doh!!!!! :eek: Deffo need a slap on the wrists now!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Well done Chris

Does it matter what room you post in? nooooooo....not when it's such good news. :)

Glad your chest is feeling better, man flu is an affliction that the W.H.O should be taking more seriously in my view!! grrrrrr!

Hasn't Snoop Dogg changed his name now and become a rasta-fairy-anne?!

(never did know how to spell that)

Should be an interesting night!

Stay strong and keep going,

Take care


nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Nice one Chris the conquorer,

If i was single and kid free I'd spend the cash on the Lions tour - it's about two and a half grand plus beer. So make it three :D

Actually scrub the single bit, kid-free I'd go again anyway.

Great news about the chest, I shared that, exactly the same experience. Phew!

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