Round of applause for the Mol-meister! :D - No Smoking Day

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Round of applause for the Mol-meister! :D

nsd_user663_52845 profile image
56 Replies

There was a young lady called Molly,

Who was always so helpful and jolly,

When quitting friends were in pain, and

Started calling her name,

She said “It’s fine come stand under my brolly!!”

I know that really is a bit poo isn’t it, be honest, but it was the best I could do at short notice :D

Sooo well done for completing 4 months Mol-meister.

You are always there for anybody who needs you, for this I would personally like to thank you.

I hope you aren’t forgetting about yourself? better be good to you chuck … or you’ll have captain kick@ss to answer to!

I feel honoured and privileged to be in your gang chuck.

OK, so what’s the plan now?......

What we doin Deputy Dawg, what we doin?

Take care Moly



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nsd_user663_52845 profile image
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56 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free


4 Months its awesome :cool:

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Aww Greg, thank you. And I get a poem to boot!

Please don't send Captain Kicka$$, I promise I will be good to myself!

It is I that am honoured Greg, to have such awesome people to quit with. I can't believe how lucky I was quitting when I did and finding this forum when I did because not only have I quit but I got to meet people like you, for which I will always be grateful.

I'd like to think that we will be posting our one year, two year, three year posts near enough together every year til we are both in our 90's!

This forum is responsible not only for helping people quit, but for friends finding one another. It's a brilliant brilliant place!

Next? Well we get this ere room ready for Kazzy, Mrsm, Lostie, Loopy, Chuurles and the list goes on! We have some serious numbers coming through that door soon! Fantastic isn't it?!

Thanks again Greg, I couldn't hope for better quit buddies than I have. :D

Molly x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image


4 Months its awesome :cool:

Thanks Nic, I feel like I'm getting there finally!

Molly x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

WOW Molly that is great:D:D CONGRATULATIONS completing 4 months is fantastic.

lostie x:)

Thank you so much Lostie, you'll be in this room with us soon won't you?

What's your tipple, so I can make sure we have it in? :D

Molly x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

:o xx :)

errrrr....excuse me young lady me lad!

I hope by the time I get in my 90's I will have overtaken you!!

I thought I was catching up this month then you go and pop over in to month 5! sheeesh! The very nerve of it! :D

Mind you month 4 & 5 are stuck together...are we talking inter-connecting rooms or just one big open plan jobby? escape from me now!


I am going to keep you so entertained explaining the benefits of the new Shimano gear change levers and the controversy surrounding the new chainless bikes.....progress or backward engineering! That is the question.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh well done Molly that's absolutely fab!! You must be really pleased with yourself :cool:

Gemma x

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Molly, this is excellent!

I think I made a comment in a previous post, that those further up the mountain than us who's backsides we're looking at thinking "if they can do it, so can I" act as an inspiration.


Ahem..if you're comfortable with us looking at your backside that is... didn't mean it quite literally...ummm...digging a hole here..... :o

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Excellent news Molly, you are an inspiration to us all. Have a drink on me :D

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Molly 4 months is brilliant! You are an asset to this forum and you keep Greg entertained too. Well done girl!

I cannot quite belive 4 months have passed so quickly though? The time is flying by! Keep on keeping on Molly!:)

nsd_user663_55231 profile image

Well done Molly thats fab :D

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Thank you Gemma Lou you're so positive, I look up to you to be honest.

Thanks Hawkeye feel free to look at my backside, I'd rather you catch up and climb alongside me though, you sound like good company fella x

Thanks Max, not sure I do as good a job as you give me credit for, you are amazing on this forum! I try and it's lovely for you to say so

Thanks Josivi, it's people like you that inspire me x

Do you know, I have 2 nephews, one is 24 one is 19.

J is 24, he is really outgoing and totally outspoken about how anti smoking he is.

Dan is 19, never really said anything one way or the other although I've known he doesn't like smoking.

When I stopped, J was over the moon and said so loads, Dan didn't really say anything.

Tonight Dan said he is proud of me, it made me cry, I feel brilliant. :D

It's the same as you guys saying well done, it makes me feel sooooooo good x

Thanks so much everyone

Molly x

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Aww Molly, that brought a tear to my eye:)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hiya Jane, don't cry and yes I've had one for you and haze and Fi and Kazzi and now I not going to work tomorrow unless I have water for everyone else!

Hi Haze, I can't wait for the 6th petal. Major party, I look up to you so much. You are the kind of asset to this forum that I hope I am one day. I remember saying something about my mum one day and you pulled me up on it. Thats friendship in my book. You offer it so freely you are a genuinely lovely person Haze and I think a lot of you accordingly x

Marge - it's absolutely fantastic that you've joined us. You have my very best wishes love. Stay here with us, we will be here for you x

Molly x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Molly's Mob - Don't Mess!

I really wanted to put this up today but didn't think it would look good playing with a load of muppets at work.......hey wait a minute! ..... I do that every day anyway!

yagagagagag! :D

Please let me know peeps if you want added.. "which one is you" and I'll add the names.....or alternatively Mols .... you let me know which one you "think" people are........

I've taken the liberty of ... ahem ..... making you Miss Piggy........:eek:

Only 'cos it was either you or Kazzy and I really didn't want to upset Kazzy, not that I did want to upset you, you understand....and I only had 2 female muppets to play with....and that sounds really dodgy!!....and anyway, I thought you would just laugh it off......I thought I knew you well enough....

Molly....put that baseball bat down......come on now......physical violence never solves anything.........

Nifty turns and runnnnnsssss........" Muuummmmyyyyyyy!"......

"OK!! I'll be Miss Piggy!!.....AAARRGGHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh........!!"


nsd_user663_52535 profile image

My lovely Molly. So, so pleased at your success, I have never doubted you.

You are so, so supportive on this forum and have helped so many others (and you're so modest too!). Way to go girl:)

Fi xx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I love it Greg, absolutely LOVE it!!

Thank you so much! Not many people actually make me look better than real life but you've actually done it!! I think I love you!

Awww Greg, thank you for today, you are a proper friend and I am so lucky to have found you x

I'm going to get you back, you realise that don't you?

Molly x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image


You won't be able to get me back'll be too busy explaining to your other "mob members" why you picked the muppet you think they are!


Well.......we're all muppets inside aren't we....I know I am.

Gonna get a t-shirt made.... "Muppet and Proud"

You deserve it Mols, we got this thing covered so let's have a giggle along the way :)



nsd_user663_53658 profile image

My lovely Molly. So, so pleased at your success, I have never doubted you.

You are so, so supportive on this forum and have helped so many others (and you're so modest too!). Way to go girl:)

Fi xx

Hiya Fi, which muppet would you like to be?

I only try to be like you and Haze. You are both so flipping brilliant, you are like suns shining on here. I always feel better when you are both around!

Can I just say, if I had a wish just now, it would be that Karen, Greg, Biggrin and me could come have a drink with Haze and you!

That would be confusing, deep, funny and beautiful

Molly x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image


You won't be able to get me back'll be too busy explaining to your other "mob members" why you picked the muppet you think they are!


Well.......we're all muppets inside aren't we....I know I am.

Gonna get a t-shirt made.... "Muppet and Proud"

You deserve it Mols, we got this thing covered so let's have a giggle along the way :)



You took the words right out my mouth you guru you!

No more cycling talk then?

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Even better Mols..........thanks for that!!

"Cycling Muppet & Proud"



nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Hiya Fi, which muppet would you like to be?

I only try to be like you and Haze. You are both so flipping brilliant, you are like suns shining on here. I always feel better when you are both around!

Can I just say, if I had a wish just now, it would be that Karen, Greg, Biggrin and me could come have a drink with Haze and you!

That would be confusing, deep, funny and beautiful

Molly x

That would have to be Cookie Monster !!!!! Mines a G and T, ice and slice:)

Fi xxxxxxxxx almost crying:) with your kind words:)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hiya Fi, which muppet would you like to be?

I only try to be like you and Haze. You are both so flipping brilliant, you are like suns shining on here. I always feel better when you are both around!

Can I just say, if I had a wish just now, it would be that Karen, Greg, Biggrin and me could come have a drink with Haze and you!

That would be confusing, deep, funny and beautiful

Molly x

I would be there like a shot! I would love to celebrate your milestone Molly!:)xx

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

That would have to be Cookie Monster !!!!! Mines a G and T, ice and slice:)

Fi xxxxxxxxx almost crying:) with your kind words:)

Oops, errr, think Cookie Monster is Sesame Street!!!!! Dohhhhhhhhh:)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

See what I mean? Beautiful! I had no idea!

Thank you both so much. Tell you what, we will try to meet one day? Us and hopefully Beckysharp? Got to, she's brill, and she loves Jackson Browne to boot!

That would be an awesome ladies lunch?

Molly x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

See what I mean? Beautiful! I had no idea!

Thank you both so much. Tell you what, we will try to meet one day? Us and hopefully Beckysharp? Got to, she's brill, and she loves Jackson Browne to boot!

That would be an awesome ladies lunch?

Molly x

Count me

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Even better Mols..........thanks for that!!

"Cycling Muppet & Proud"



Aww Greg, are you still up?

Everyone, Greg has come down with a (please imagine a deep echoey voice) "Man Cold"

Oh dear, you don't reckon he'll be incapable of sending Captain Kicka$$ out do you?!!!!

Wayyhayyyy! Lets send him something awesome as a get well present like a curried jelly fish!

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Count me

And me:).

Fi xx

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Have no fear Fi.....Photoshop is here!! :D


Oh poo....I've made a mess and forgotten to rub some of the pic out..grrrrrrrrr! soz!

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Have no fear Fi.....Photoshop is here!! :D


Oh poo....I've made a mess and forgotten to rub some of the pic out..grrrrrrrrr! soz!

Which one am I?

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Have no fear Fi.....Photoshop is here!! :D


Oh poo....I've made a mess and forgotten to rub some of the pic out..grrrrrrrrr! soz!

Aww Greg

Thank you so much you Computer Whiz Kid. Love it:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Which one am I?

Please excuse him Haze, he's coming down with not just any cold but MAN FLU!

Molly x

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Woo-hoo!! Well done Molly you're doing great! :D

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

I wish I could be in molly's muppet mob - I'd be the mad looking shrimp thing in the front :)

Congratulations Mol, you have soooooooo got this thing nailed. I can tell.

Keep on keeping on!


nsd_user663_53306 profile image

Late as usual.......huge congrats Molly, you are an inspiration :)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I wish I could be in molly's muppet mob - I'd be the mad looking shrimp thing in the front :)

Congratulations Mol, you have soooooooo got this thing nailed. I can tell.

Keep on keeping on!


Wow, of course you can be the shrimp thing Helen! I've had a word with Greg and he is apparently going to sort it tonight (provided he doesn't become toooooooo incapacitated with his cold of course - he is a very poorly boy at the moment).

Molly x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Thanks Juju and Cupcake, it feels good getting to 4 months done! I can't really believe it to be honest :)

Hurry up and get here :D

Molly x

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

4 months!! They're flying by, well done you, its becoming a bit easier isn't it? I can still see you in the distance mind so no misbehaving!!!

K :-)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I'm not in the distance Kazzy, I'm waiting for you! You are my original quit buddy, we are in this together. Sides, you're leading the way totally with the fitness, you put me to shame girl!

Thanks for your message mate :)

Molly x

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Well we are all fellow muppets!!! Now who mentioned cookies???

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

You rotter!!!!! Now all I want is cookies!!!! Not fair, not fair at all :D.

Chocolate chip hmmmmm

By the way, do you like your muppet?

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

I wish I could be in molly's muppet mob - I'd be the mad looking shrimp thing in the front :)

Congratulations Mol, you have soooooooo got this thing nailed. I can tell.

Keep on keeping on!


Oh H

Is there any better muppet than the shrimp?

I think not!


nsd_user663_53617 profile image

I love my muppet!!!!! Quite a likeness if I do say so myself!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Yayyy's it? :)

Fancy a drink.....I've only got a little bit left in the bottle but you're welcome to the bit of lemon! :D

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Are you on tequila or lemsip??

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I think he was on jack Daniels, Jane brought it over.

I'm just cracking a tin of boddies now, only the one, I promise!


nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Neither chuck.

Cointreau & Lucozade

(other orange flavoured liqueurs are available - as too are expensive bottles of sugar and water!)

I just figure if you stick a lemon's got to be healthy....hasn't it? :confused:

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

For sure, one of your 5 a day and all that!!

nsd_user663_53658 profile image


Really pleased you've come on here tonight you two!


nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Ohhhh .... I don't just have the one bottle!....burp! :o

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Well 5 bottles, 5 pieces of lemon and you're sorted!!

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Yay, I'm a muppet. And just to prove this is me, see, me and Pepe are both actors...

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Muppets & "anti smoking"

Peter Sellers & the Muppets. We've got the cigareeeeeetes covered - now for the whisky and wild women (or wild men). Actually I think wild men are OK for health.:)

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Yay, I'm a muppet. And just to prove this is me, see, me and Pepe are both actors...

Oh my word H!

We're going to have the P.L.F on to us! (Prawn Liberation Front)......

Pepe is a Prawn not a Shrimp????

Who knew?.......not me obviously! :D

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Si, si. He is a keeeeng prown.

nsd_user663_53891 profile image


wow congrats Molly!

Youv been so incredible on this forum and really have done an incredible job! especially with some of the stress youv been thru! Congrats again and i think there is still some leftover pizza for you!!!:D:D:D

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Thanks Charlie, it's good to hear from you and I'm well chuffed you're doing so well :D

Molly x

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