Why now?: Within days of completing 3 months... - No Smoking Day

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Why now?

nsd_user663_52848 profile image
17 Replies

Within days of completing 3 months I am really struggling....crave after crave....with all the usual triggers.....1st thing in the morning....stress at work...after eating...with a drink...constant battles...really irritable with my loved ones.....don't really want to go heavy on NRT again...so basically fighting it off with CT...was hoping to address my fuller figure by now.......but this is a setback.....anybody else find it tough at a similar stage?

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nsd_user663_52848 profile image
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17 Replies
AngryBear profile image

I had something similar after one month and have the odd spell now and again even now after six, but nothing prolonged. Just another stage of your particular quit I suppose, be strong, hopefully it will disappear as quick as it's arrived, but either way it will pass. Well done on 3 months by the way :)

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Hi Cymro, I'm a few weeks behind you but know where you're coming from as I have had a couple of craves this weekend (though not with the intensity you describe) too. My personal opinion is that you may be heading to "complacency" stage and you have kind of accepted yourself as a non smoker, but the inner addict is having that one last attempt at tempting you away...particularly with a "just one" scenario.

You KNOW you don't want to smoke and I honestly believe you'll come through it, stay strong, it will pass. Exercise is a good way of taking your mind off it and losing some timber too!!

Keep smiling, stay strong x


nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Evening mucker

I haven't found it becoming hard or any more difficult as I've gone through month 3 but I have found that it has "leveled off" and hasn't continued to get as easy as I hoped it would.....hope that mad sense.

I do believe it is just time mate.

I was talking to my mate that sorted the boiler for me about quitting and he told me it was the best thing he had ever done. I didn't even know he smoked!

He said once he got past the first 9 - 12 months he really started to feel great about it. He's now 6 years or so down the line and honestly does not give it a milliseconds thought.....this my friend...is where we will be if we allow ourselves. :)

I think, even as far in as we are (which isn't that far really is it? if we're honest), we still need to just take it one day at a time. I've read and said it a few times, I think we need to "live for the moment"

We can't change the past and have no control over the future so all we CAN control is this precise moment in time....and we choose not to smoke.

Sorry you're having it tough mucker. Work is also a bad one for me. It's quiet in work at the moment and I always "filled" my time with smoking so feel a bit lost at the moment.

Exercise really has helped me too, are you dabbling?

I rode around 25 miles yesterday and felt soooo good afterwards it was unbelievable. I need to feel the positives to make my quit stick and yesterday was a massive positive.

I really hope it eases off for you mate, we got a lot of quitting to go yet and your not going anywhere!!! :)

Take care


nsd_user663_52848 profile image

Thanks guys...some great replies here....Angry Bear is right in I just have to get through it....the complacency theory is interesting...think there's a lot in that....with the novelty wearing off etc......and January is regarded as pretty depressing so that's not helping.....I am hoping to start an exercise regime soon...must pump up those tyres on the bike!!!....and actualy use my membership at the local hotel health club...with a holiday booked in early February I really need to start shedding a few pounds....all in all I just need to stick at it...and keep reading and posting on this amazing forum...thanks again....as always a great help when the going gets tough.

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

That's the way mucker! :D

Mols will hate me for mentioning cycling again but get your bike sorted and get out on it. It's like having a second childhood :D.....and the weight will literally drop off you in no time at all. :)

Stay strong mate


nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Greg, I'm going to ask NSD to set you up your very own section dedicated to bikes and nothing else. How's that? But then we'd never get you out of there would we? We would have to hide away a few trout to lend a certain aroma to the place to encourage you out every now and then :D

Cymro, so well done for hanging in there! You should have seen the monster crave I had the other week. I thought I was going flipping mental! The guys on here pulled me through though. I have no idea where it came from or what caused it.

My only advice would be to come on here a bit more than usual til you feel better. Let us be there for you :)

Molly x

nsd_user663_52848 profile image

Thanks Molly...glad you you got through that...and you are right about this forum...don't think I would have got this far without it...and perhaps it was a factor during my recent crisis.

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Hi Cymro. I am just a little way behind you. I know complacency gets to me, so I got 2 stop smoking books out of the library. They have been very interesting. I was hypnoquit and the other was something like Stop Smoking 87% success. They have helped me. It is also true that January is miserable. On the bright side, the evenings are getting longer, and today I saw 2 trees in blossom. Anyway you cant go back now, 3 months is significant and if you capitulate, you will feel worse xxx

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Often Happens

Hi Cymro

yes, out of the blue strange things occur - the sub-conscious mind does not give up easily. Every now and again I would feel very restless as though something was missing in my life. It was a form of craving a cigarette, but less specific. I would eat my way though it :( and then do loads of exercise.

Deep relaxation would help too - I learned to do that in yoga, but I could only do that once I'd exercised and was exhausted.

Those feelings of missing cigarettes don't come back anywhere near as much as they used to - hang i there it gets better.:)

nsd_user663_52848 profile image

Thanks both....this all helps...this forum and setting my next goal of waistline reduction will help me through this...as well as the odd lozenge!!!!...let's keep it going together guys.

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Greg, I'm going to ask NSD to set you up your very own section dedicated to bikes and nothing else. How's that? But then we'd never get you out of there would we? We would have to hide away a few trout to lend a certain aroma to the place to encourage you out every now and then :D

Mols.....I swear to gawd that is the last time you make me spit beer all over the computer.......you are costing me a fortune in screen wipes!!!

This is what we need right now gang.....a bloody good laugh!

We're getting through it and but we need to grab each others hands.......it might get a bit stormy.....but we got wellies, really cheap see through cagouls (remember them?), silly hats with umbrellas on and gloves tied together with string!

What can possibly go wrong?


Love you peeps



nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Putting on weight!!!

Hi Cymro

my waistline is suffering too!! However, I have found a solution: the trick I think is not to sit down.:)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Mols.....I swear to gawd that is the last time you make me spit beer all over the computer.......you are costing me a fortune in screen wipes!!!


But Greg, I like making you spit coffee, beer, wine, whatever all over the place. It makes me feel better!

Don't be a spoilsport chuck :D:D

Molly x

nsd_user663_52848 profile image

Nonico....I have to sit down to do my work...so I removed the jeans!!!!!;)

nsd_user663_53437 profile image


Totally sympathise Cymro!

I had a few really bad times a few weeks ago; it came from no where after really thinking and feeling like I had a handle on things! It has stopped again, thankfully just a quick as it came back!

I also stopped excercising over xmas and the waist line has expanded.....but I must admit, I'm more worried about the waist line than the fags now, which surely is a good thing!

You're too strong now to give in anyway!!!

nsd_user663_52848 profile image

Thanks Gally...yes...waistline has taken front stage now...that other problem will fade into the background...fingers crossed!!!

AngryBear profile image

Exercise is a great motivator, it's helped me no end but one word of advice.....don't run regularly without sorting your diet out. I am running more than ever but am losing no weight at all. If anything I'm putting more on. I blame the wife for making fruit turnovers yesterday :D and I'm eating Monster Munch as I type :D :D

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