114 days on...5k done.: OK, 114 days after I... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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114 days on...5k done.

AngryBear profile image
23 Replies

OK, 114 days after I last had a cigarette, I've this morning completed what is hopefully just my first organised run.

It was the 5k Fun Run attached to the Great Eastern Run (the half-marathon) in Peterborough. I was one of over 1000 runners and although the results aren't on the website yet, I clocked myself at 35m 09sec, which was much faster than I expected and a full 13 minutes ahead of my running partner who was walking after half a kilometre....and she's a heavy smoker. I'm not being judgemental in pointing that out, but that was where I would have been, if I'd tried it at all.

My medal is very nice :) and my legs are still a bit heavy three hours or so after finishing, but I only walked twice, both times for about ten seconds. The rest I ran.

The reason I'm putting this on here is that up until June 22nd this year I smoked like the proverbial chimney, up to 40 a day if work was extra boring, and it got so bad that I was breathless if I walked too far, or lifted too much, and my chest wheezed & rattled nearly, by the end, all the time. The last time I ran, before quitting, was 2008 while "helping" the missus train for her Race For Life run that she did. I managed about 50 yards. Since August 29th I've been doing 1.5 mile circuits around town, preparing for today. They started slowly but have got quicker as time's got nearer to the race.

So this is my example, primarily to myself I guess; if I want to do what I did this morning again (and it was a lot of fun and a real rush crossing the finish line), then I need to keep doing what I'm doing and stick to this forum.

If I smoke again, I'll never run again. It's that simple.

The saying that "if I can do it, anyone can" has never been more appropriate than today.


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AngryBear profile image
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23 Replies
Dippy_Egg profile image

Angrybear. I am so chuffed for you. Really. I actually feel a bit weepy reading your post. Not for any other reason than the total recognition of how massive and wonderful this is for you..... and for me on my bike.....and for shelley in her new trainers.......and magic on his spinning bike....... just generally for people like us who very nearly threw our lives onto the council skip. Gutted for your wife......but there's always next time. Enjoy tonight you two. Enjoy enjoy......hope them feet are soaking in a lovely warm basin of bubbles and the drinks are flowing. Well done. x :)

AngryBear profile image

Thanks Dippy & Una.....feet not bathed yet, got tea to cook :D

You're right though Dippy, for me it's just another example of what you can do if you want your freedom and plough through the cr*p (if you have any!) to get there.

People (usually non-smokers) could argue that it's no achievement as we chose to smoke in the first place etc etc but you can't turn the clock back; all you can do is deal with the now.

It's a horrible addiction to kick but, although I've appreciated the after-effects of quitting before, for me, this morning, it felt like one of the best things I've ever done.

AngryBear profile image

Hope this works :) :)

nsd_user663_49415 profile image

Magnificent effort mate. My hat is very much doffed in your direction.

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


What a fantastic achievement, be proud of yourself. Way to go!

Fi x

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Well done AB.

I'm sooooo happy for you. You have come along brill in this giving up lark.:D

Big well done

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Angrybear. I am so chuffed for you. Really. I actually feel a bit weepy reading your post. Not for any other reason than the total recognition of how massive and wonderful this is for you..... and for me on my bike.....and for shelley in her new trainers.......and magic on his spinning bike....... just generally for people like us who very nearly threw our lives onto the council skip. QUOTE]

Ah this is so true, would never have believed i'd be doing 20k a day on a spinning bike although ive not been on it for nearly a week as ive had man flu (serious shit).... back on tomorrow i hope!!! yey!!! :):):)

AngryBear profile image

Ah thanks all, legs are a bit sore today, but would do it again this weekend if I could find another race.....................oh the website has me down as a 34min 43sec finish so I will bow to technology and go with that :)

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

run forrest run!!!! ;):);):)

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

All this talk of running and exercise is making me feel a little sad. As I Carnt do any running till I'm all sorted with the cardiologist :(

When I can finally do it I. Gonna be 20 st and just be able run the street and back:p

AngryBear profile image

Shelly you'll be back on the roads before you know it; my missus would sympathise with you, she had to sit it out as her Achilles is still inflamed....I told her the same thing, it will come soon ;)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Mr A. Bear, salutations to you and your remarkable achievement. Way to go!!

I can't run. Even all this time after giving up I get all asthmatic and wheezy after a very short distance. And my legs appear to have no strength in them at all. So pathetic :(

Hope you're still on a high :D

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Very pleased for you angry bear on two counts one for quitting and staying quit and two for running a marathon, i find running really hard work but i am climbing the stairs of the local college to the 5 floor 4 times a day which im noticing is getting easier everyday . a year ago would have found me collapsed on the first floor.


AngryBear profile image

Thanks Helsbelles & Mash, although go easy Mash, it wasn't a marathon, not yet at any rate ;) !

Yeah still on a bit of a high when I think about but have to remember I'm not Mo Farah! The second one is in my sights though, there's one a few miles away from me on Nov 25th. so hoping to go on that one :cool:

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Just seen this so glad I didnt miss it.. SO SO chuffed for you. I always cry when I watch people running as I know the effort that goes into it and you have stuck with this AB. I take my hat off to you and I hope you are very proud of yourself, keep going you will just get better and better.:D

nsd_user663_49741 profile image





AngryBear profile image

Thanks Haze, it is a good indicator as to where I am personally in my quit :D and Sab no need to apologise, I quit in June too anyway ;)

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Great job Angrybear!

I'm envious of you. I still have my gear wrapped in plastic since I bought it several months ago, with the intent to start C25K :-( One of these days...


nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Hello AB

It's taking me a bit of time to catch up with posts - I haven't really kept up to date since late August for all sorts of reasons, mainly work.

Delighted to see you're still doing so well with your quit, and now 5K runs. Absolutely well done you. :D

I've went through the 6 month mark a couple of weeks ago. :D


AngryBear profile image

Well done on six months Shazza ;)

Only when you're ready Alex, I just wanted to have a go because I used to like it when I was younger...It's quite exhilarating in one way, although it hurts, there's no doubt about it.

The lovely missus treated me to an MP3 player yesterday to help keep me going :rolleyes: bless her! Some of this weight might come off, there's no telling!

nsd_user663_58817 profile image

This is worth a re-post !

Just really wanted to say, so glad I found this post and really enjoyed reading it.

I am halfway through my 5 K Training and at the moment the longest I am running is 2 x 5 min runs and 3 x 3 min runs in one session.

Finding it a bit tough as carrying so much more weight and it's not shifting. Plus the programme I am on insists I only run every other day. Feel I could do better if I ran every day but I am heeding the advise.

So don't feel confident as yet entering an organised 5k run yet, but it's only a matter of time I just know it.

For me to be thinking of achieving this is a miracle at the ripe old age of 52 !!

AngryBear profile image

Great going woo, take it at your own pace....I was beaten in the half marathon in March by a lovely lady in her late sixties so age is no barrier :-)

AngryBear profile image

Well, you've lost loads since you first started running mate! Awww, bless her, that's what true love is made of! So come on, dish it up, what tunes will be keeping you going tomorrow?

Ha I've had it a while now.......Jan Hammer, Trent Reznor, David Bowie, anything with a bit of aggression really....the kids put Nero and Chase & Status on it too....:rolleyes:

Not what you're looking for?