30 days - last day then on to month 2. - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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30 days - last day then on to month 2.

nsd_user663_51617 profile image
8 Replies

G'day Bruce's and Shiela's! - i am not Australian so no idea why i said that....:confused:

it is a calendar months since my last cig and i have to say i dont know here that time has gone. It has whoooooshed by! What i do know is that I once again woke up feeling very excited and happy..... i wonder when that will stop - i hope never as its cool. I reckon i used to struggle more to get up because i knew subconsciously that i had another day of smoking ahead and i didnt was to do it - is that even possible?

symptom news:

went for a couple of weeks with nothing at all but over the last few days my chest appears to be having a mass clear out...it doesnt hurt or anything, just feels a little tight.

Also, ive decided that i no longer like white wine or beer - how weird eh? just cant drink the stuff any more..... never mind...red wine it is then ;)

Wife is still doing really well, she stopped on Oct 1st so she is on her day 9 and she appears to be doing really well...kids are obviously delighted....

all in all, everything is gravy at my end of the street, i hope it is for you too...

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nsd_user663_51617 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_52595 profile image

Thats brilliant. I love reading your posts and can't wait until I can report a full month of being a non smoker. I'm on Day 11. Woopee!!

It is a daily battle but with every day that passes successfully is another reason not to ever have to go through the process again. So not worth even the slightest puff no matter how bad the craving. Congratulations to you and great to hear your wife is giving it a go to. You've obviously been a great role model. hope my partner follows suit.

nsd_user663_48218 profile image

Fantastic news magic. I'm glad that things are going well for your wife as well. It'll be nice for the kids to live in a smoke free home. But most importantly they will see that it is ok to be a positive person and that they can be happy and upbeat without substitutions. Keep up the good work and keep up the positivity my friend!!!

nsd_user663_52779 profile image

i love these threads ! Its all inspirational, i sooo want to be where you are now although i accept I must travel the path first.

Well done to you and your wife and keep it going :)

nsd_user663_51671 profile image

Good to hear and well done.

That chest thing is weird. I seem to be the other way round from you - had it for a while but now it's going. I love these compare/contrast symptoms on the road to non/ex smokers.

Well done to Mrs M32 as well.

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Thanks everyone, yes i am very proud of her. :)

Unah profile image

Congratulations Magic. I couldn't drink my favourite sparkling wine for a couple of months. Tasted disgusting. I can drink it now :):):)

nsd_user663_51074 profile image

Magic, what can I say my little Mr Positve :-) so so glad to here your doing as always amazing without any m,ajor dramas, unlike sum :rolleyes:

Can't beleive your wife has also quit... im stil lwaiting on my partner no chance there lol

nsd_user663_6596 profile image


you truely are magic.

37 shades of awesome... total well done on your 30 days... looking forward to you joining me in Month 2.... getttttin that Olympian! :D xx

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