Under attack at night now.: A few days ago I... - No Smoking Day

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Under attack at night now.

nsd_user663_52080 profile image
7 Replies

A few days ago I had a dream where a voice said to me "Go on one puff wont hurt" to which I said "No I wont cos I know it will" In the dream I felt strong and was pleased with myself for getting so far. Two nights ago I felt myself having a drag of a fag and looked down in horror and saw a fag in my hand.The voice said "Well youve had one puff you might as well have more" which I think I did.All the while feeling really upset and disappointed with myself.I was just so glad to wake up and realise it was a dream.Last nights dream was horrific.I was out at a party and I was smoking LOADS- spliffs without tobacco and then I realised in horror that I had also smoked lots of rollups.A very faint part of me was going its only a dream but the main feel was that it was for real.Again I felt terrible.When I woke up this morning I was so glad it was a dream but-and this is weird-the taste in my mouth said it had been real.It is getting ridiculous now I am on day 24 and not only have the last two days been the hardest of my whole quit Im now being attacked at night! It is like there is an evil entity around that has got its toe in my resolve ever since that woman made me doubt myself.Im seriously thinking of going to see a vicar for a holy water cleansing/exorcism type thing cos I know I cant live like this its driving me nuts! I do hope everyone is having an easier time of it than I am(maybe its cos I smoked hash and weed for 41 years as well as bakky : ( ) All the best everyone.

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nsd_user663_52080 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_51671 profile image

Hey Sue. You're not possessed. As you know I'm going through a rough patch as well and everything gets blown out of proportion. I had a smoking dream the other night and I woke up convinced i was back on them, but I decided it's better to smoke in my dreams than in reality - I guess it's just the sub/unconscious working it all through. I don't believe for one second that because it's happening in a dream it means it will happen in reality. If that was the case I would be flying in the sky with a bevy of Nubiles who worship me and want to make me a really good espresso - dreams, mental hey?

I smoked blow for years and I don't believe any permanent damage has been done. As for tasting it in the morning when I wake up, I though I was the only one so I'm glad you mentioned it. All this shite will pass, I truly believe it's just the the death thrash of nicotene trying to get us back.

Day at a time.

Big V Hugs x

Unah profile image

I'm almost 4 months quit and some mornings I wake up and feel I've smoked 40. I only had one smoking dream and I dreamt I was smoking rolled up streaky bacon:)

I found I went through phases where I thought I was through the worst and back it came with a vengeance. I think most of it is down to all the chemicals in cigarettes. There doesn't seem to be enough research into quitting. I do believe you should read as much as you can but you'll also find a lot of rubbish which should be taken with a pinch of salt.

There are quite a few people on here who give great advice. Helesbelles for one.


nsd_user663_20558 profile image

It's just your brain readjusting! And it's a very good sign. Loads of people on this site have posted about similar hideous dreams, which I believe are absolute proof that at your deepest subconscious level, you REALLY want to be quit. So you will be.

Hang in there!


nsd_user663_52076 profile image

Hang in there, it passes!

Hey Sue and anyone else having this problem.

I went through this same problem this past week, made significantly worse by the fact that I am on Champix - the only side effect I've experienced.

Since yesterday, however, very suddenly, it has completely disappeared! There's not a trace of those feelings/emotions and dreams left! So I can say it's a phase that passes.

Please hang in there. The addiction is just trying its best to lure you back. Take courage from the strength of your feelings and dreams. THAT's how desperate your addiction is getting, and worried too. Because IT is starting to believe that you have beat it!

All it takes is to not smoke for the next hour... and after that the next....

You're worth it!


nsd_user663_52080 profile image

Oh Una Thank you! You did make me smile with the rolled up streaky bacon : ) You know those air fresheners that look like joss sticks in a bottle I was smoking one of them in one dream! Mad! Hels I think youre right about all the chemicals in cigarettes.My mouth has been so clean and fresh right up to this morning.I think the taste and poss the dream was caused by the body detoxing those chemicals and like you said the sub concious sorting it all out.Today has been easier.Whether it was cos I told myself in a loud voice that I could smoke as many fags as I wanted when I was asleep I dont know! : ) Thank you everyone.Ever onwards x

nsd_user663_52419 profile image

Hi all,

Glad I found this post as Im having all sorts of vivid dreams about smoking... I actually wake up thinking its really happened, I was gutted the other morning thinking "Oh my god, after getting this far Im back to day 1", then it sunk in it was a dream... phewwww lol... Im now on day 21, dreamt last night I found a 100 pack, didnt get round to smoking any though before opening my eyes lol.. weird eh

Karyn :)

nsd_user663_52080 profile image

Hi Karyn.Its weird that we both got those smoking dreams at about the same time into our quits.I wrote my post on day 24 but the dreams had started a few days before and I notice that you are on day 21.It would be interesting to find out if other people start having those dreams approx 3weeks into their quits too.If they do it could be a biological or psychological thing-interesting! Im now on day 34 and havnt had any more dreams that I know of since that post.Well done Karyn for getting this far its a great feeling when you get to a month! Youre nearly there stick with it.All the best x Sue.

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