day 7- my worse day so far: Today has been a... - No Smoking Day

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day 7- my worse day so far

nsd_user663_52331 profile image
4 Replies

Today has been a struggle. Constant thoughts of lighting up, havn't done it though. It's so good to go on the site and read the latest stories of familiar names. This quitting is a lonely thing, no-one really understands except us forum buddies. You've got the people in your life who have never smoked so have no idea what it's all about, the people who have already quit, they really have no sympathy, and then there are the one's who still smoke. It is impossible to find some-one in your close circle of friends and family giving up at the same time. I don't know how they did it back in the day before internet forums and all the aids they have today.

Is it just me, but it is only day 7 for me, and I have only been registered on this forum since day 4 but for some reason it feels like months. Quite odd.:confused:

I feel better now I have put some words down. Takes your mind off it. Also a big well done everyone, I have been following your journey's and gaining strength from your strength, couldn't have done it without you.

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nsd_user663_52331 profile image
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4 Replies
nsd_user663_51617 profile image

G'day Blossom.I agree this forum is such a help and totally get what you say about nobody understanding; that is bang on.

Really pleased that you got through the day without caving.


nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Well done on reaching

day 7

But sorry to hear your struggling Blossom :( and your right no one really gets what your going through when you quit

Well apart from everyone who is on here :D

I know that this place is full of amazing people and in some cases slightly mad people (like me) but in a good way :p that get it and it helps to know that whatever your going through espeically in the early days that someone wilbe around to offer support encouragement and understanding

You will get through this and it does get easier with time just try and distract your mind keep thinking positive thoughts and read post read post on here everytime you feel the need alot of people get through the early days saying if i still want a ciggie later i will have one but then keep on saying that everytime it helps to take some of the pressure of

you can do this

Sending you virtual HUGS and POSITIVE VIBES


nsd_user663_44118 profile image

Today has been a struggle. Constant thoughts of lighting up, havn't done it though. It's so good to go on the site and read the latest stories of familiar names. This quitting is a lonely thing, no-one really understands except us forum buddies. You've got the people in your life who have never smoked so have no idea what it's all about, the people who have already quit, they really have no sympathy, and then there are the one's who still smoke. It is impossible to find some-one in your close circle of friends and family giving up at the same time. I don't know how they did it back in the day before internet forums and all the aids they have today.

Is it just me, but it is only day 7 for me, and I have only been registered on this forum since day 4 but for some reason it feels like months. Quite odd.:confused:

I feel better now I have put some words down. Takes your mind off it. Also a big well done everyone, I have been following your journey's and gaining strength from your strength, couldn't have done it without you.

If I can offer some words of advice; you are making a big mistake by trying to NOT think about smoking. All you are doing is creating a phobia, you cannot expect to suddenly erase the subject of smoking from your mind, in any case you will be constantly reminded during the withdrawal period.

Rather than attempt to block your mind to smoking, (impossible though that is), when you experience a pang say to yourself:

"I know what this is, it's a pang from nicotine withdrawal, something that I've suffered ALL of my smoking life, isn't it fantastic that I'm expelling this evil from my body".

Pangs are one of the many evils of the drug, rather than fear them rejoice because it's the beginning of the end of a terrible disease.

BTW I know how you're feeling, it's day 9 for me, and apart from feeling that I have a low grade fever since I stopped, the pangs really have become moments of delight because I know that every time I have a pang I am one step further to achieving my goal. Hang in there.

nsd_user663_52080 profile image

Today has been a struggle. Constant thoughts of lighting up, havn't done it though. It's so good to go on the site and read the latest stories of familiar names. This quitting is a lonely thing, no-one really understands except us forum buddies. You've got the people in your life who have never smoked so have no idea what it's all about, the people who have already quit, they really have no sympathy, and then there are the one's who still smoke. It is impossible to find some-one in your close circle of friends and family giving up at the same time. I don't know how they did it back in the day before internet forums and all the aids they have today.

Is it just me, but it is only day 7 for me, and I have only been registered on this forum since day 4 but for some reason it feels like months. Quite odd.:confused:

I feel better now I have put some words down. Takes your mind off it. Also a big well done everyone, I have been following your journey's and gaining strength from your strength, couldn't have done it without you.

Oh Blossom WHERE ARE YOU? I cant find you.I really hope you have stuck with your quit.Why did you try Cold Turkey? After so many years smoking maybe you should of used NRT.If you have slipped for a bit and had a smoke I do hope that you realise again why you wanted to quit and try again.Looking forward to seeing you here again real soon.Love and thoughts.Sue x

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