Aaaarrrgggghhhh!!: Fell off the wagon 2 days... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_16474 profile image
16 Replies

Fell off the wagon 2 days ago after 12 days :mad:. I don't know why really. I wasn't even craving particularly. Just a wistful "how bad could one be?". The answer - VERY BAD INDEED!!!!

Oh well, what's done is done and here I am on day 1 again after two packs - more determined than ever to quit nicotine in all its forms!!

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nsd_user663_16474 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Captain - fair play to you for getting straight back on here. I really admire people who keep trying... its too easy to stay off the wagon.

Take it easy and be kind to yourself.

nsd_user663_40738 profile image

Good for you Captain long as you keep trying you will finally win the battle. Sometimes you have to lose a round once in a while. The main thing is you picked yourself up and are back on the straight and narrow road.

Hope to see you hit 1 month and the 3 months and then finally the penthouse. I have a little over 3 months until I get to party in the Penthouse and I am so looking forward to it! ppat

nsd_user663_51957 profile image

Well done for trying again so soon. I did the same thing. 2 days in, and i cracked. Luckily I only had one fag, but it was one too many and had to start again.

Good luck.

nsd_user663_23871 profile image

Oh man, what a rookie mistake..... :D

That's rule #1

NEVER EVER EVER another puff.

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Thanks everyone. I felt it was better to try again ASAP. It's so easy to put it off and suddenly five years have gone by :eek:. I know. I've been there :o

Oh and Gerry, gloating doesn't suit you :p.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Ed

Sorry to hear that you fell of the wagon :( but i am def well chuffed for you as you got straight back on. I know you can do this. Stay strong and good luck my friend, if this is not your quit you will find yours and finally say goodbye to Mr Nic and his horrible habit. Just stay focused and keep us updated. We are all here for u x


nsd_user663_52080 profile image

I really feel for you Captain but well done for picking yourself up and trying again.We learn from our mistakes/temptations/demons.If it hadnt of been for members on this forum I would of fallen on Day 10. I think it gets hard around that time as they say it takes 3days for the Nicotine to leave the body so one would expect it to get/be easier around this time and it isnt/wasnt! I found myself thinking that Id rather live a week as I was when I was smoking than 10years feeling like I did.Maybe its just the addiction demons having a concerted effort around Days9 to 12 as a lot of people seem to have trouble around then.Good luck for this time x

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Done the main thing and respect for doing it by going straight back into another quit and being annoyed with yourself for caving when you say you didn't really have a craving, the mind still has a sneaky way of trying in it's own way, after all it still wants it's fix. Good luck with your quit this time around :)

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Sorry you fell :(

But so glad your got back up dusted yourself of and started again :)

That shows what a determined person you are to quit and quit for good

Those pesky voices that tell you one wont hurt or you need one to help are lying and just want to pinch the power back and take the control again :eek:

but you can beat them by keep on saying no i am not going to smoke today every morning you wake up to reinforce your quit

onwards and upwards


nsd_user663_51074 profile image

Heyyy you had 2 packs of fags your not a failure just slightly side tracked!! dont think im back to day one ( well ok so you are ) but in essance you not" you smoked 40 fags in 13 days well done you!!!

Kepp going and DO NOT pressure yourself, just stop and think about the craving at that time not the next one! you cannot control what happens tomorrow, you can only controlwhats happening this very second and no more... so chill... have a cuppa, read the paper, have a glass of wine ( ok so its8.03 just hang on until 11.00am your not classed as an alcoholic if its after 11 :-)

well done mate for not smoking today


nsd_user663_52076 profile image

You're a winner!

Sorry that you fell... But each day you don't smoke makes you a winner nonetheless.

Thanks for your post. I'm on day 10, and yep I guess I can see why you stumbled. It's not so much the cravings. I can handle those. But I feel my mind starting to budge and question itself as to who I really am.

I guess being a Smoker becomes a part of our identity. Like an illness with symptoms. Ie. just like any other addiction. I sleep far less than I used to because I need less sleep, and being at home every day all day I guess that hurts a little, in a perverse way. Every breath is so sweet. But it's also so scary. Who is this person? I don't know her.

Well done to you for resuming your quit. You know how much guts, strength and courage it takes.



nsd_user663_51074 profile image

Sorry that you fell... But each day you don't smoke makes you a winner nonetheless.

Thanks for your post. I'm on day 10, and yep I guess I can see why you stumbled. It's not so much the cravings. I can handle those. But I feel my mind starting to budge and question itself as to who I really am.

I guess being a Smoker becomes a part of our identity. Like an illness with symptoms. Ie. just like any other addiction. I sleep far less than I used to because I need less sleep, and being at home every day all day I guess that hurts a little, in a perverse way. Every breath is so sweet. But it's also so scary. Who is this person? I don't know her.

Well done to you for resuming your quit. You know how much guts, strength and courage it takes.



Shanita you just hit the nail on the head,,, identity.... who is this person I dont like him is what made me go back to it.. this time my mind s saying i dont like the smoker anymore after 3 weeks i feel completely back to normal apart from odd out burst lol


nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Hey cap'n, how aere you doing?

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Thanks everyone :).

I'm doing fine. Every failed quit is one closer to the successful one. *This* is the one!!

Complacency is always my downfall once the 'quit novelty' wears off :mad:. I'm extra vigilant now!!

Keep strong everyone!!

nsd_user663_50410 profile image

Dust your self down & get back on that horse Captain. This should make you stronger than ever (did for me) as you actually realise that all those thoughts of a smoke is fantasy! I bet those 2 packs were horrible!:eek:

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Hey CC, hows it going?

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