Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew: Hello room... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew

nsd_user663_42220 profile image
97 Replies

Hello room 6 months+ :D

When I looked down the board to where you were all those days, weeks and months ago, it seemed like the unattainable dream, yet here we are! :D

I've got you on a 7 month lease, but my deposit is already down on a pad in the Penthouse so I won't make myself overly comfortable. :cool:

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nsd_user663_42220 profile image
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97 Replies
lefoy123 profile image


Good Evening I keep finding reference of being admitted/gaining enrty to the "penthouse". May I ask what the criteria is for admittance. I've had a look around the site but can't find an answer.


Michael a.k.a:-lefoy Glasgow

Hi Michael

The penthouse is a mythical place that you go to when you hit the 1 year quit mark.

Whilst of course it does not really exist, it is the celebration room for an execptional milestone....:D

nsd_user663_47108 profile image

Don't worry, you are not the only one, Michael!

It took me a while to work out what others were talking about when mentioning this "penthouse" thing... :o

nsd_user663_18145 profile image


your doing so well:D

we will have to add another floor ;)

yippee :D

any excuse to add another couple of bars and another pool:p

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Crew members !!

Greetings, I have also arrived.. sorry a bit late as was out of town .. but still going strong and getting a lot easier ... last one month has been the most stressful due to my job but i have stayed quit .. quite easily !! loving the smoke free summer and clean lungs... started exercising a lot too as had been eating loads the last 5 months ... but had decided one thing at a time..

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

This part of the forum sure did seem far away!!

I'm here and not going back either.

Gina, you can join me lol I've been dieting since about march and feeling so much better for it! I'm 2 1/2 stone down and 2 dress sizes down I've never felt better. Smoke free and thinner! Its amazing.

I think I'm a bit like you Gary, I'm either all or nothing, I wanted to be healthy and sort out my eating habits as well as being smoke free and you know what, I'm pleased I made that decision. 2012 has turned out to be a brilliant year for me so far. I know the fags will always have a little pull on me, like a little hold over me but I feel strong and better than to give in to it at any time. Hey, I've even been to the metrocentre twice and really enjoyed it as not had to worry about not being able to get out to smoke!! Little things like that make me glad to be me and to have made that decision I did in january.

Si, hope you're still with us and are getting on a bit better!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks for your well wishes Carol62 and hi Rochelle and Gina. :D

Come on Si, you should be moving in with us today, where are you?

I'm getting a teeny, weeny bit worried :confused:

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Hello gang

Rochelle, that is amazing news, you have to tell me how you did it .. i completely understand though how strong minded one gets after quitting smoking , one can achieve anything ..

this year has been great for me too .. i look forward to the rest of the year ..

hope Si is doing fine !!

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Rochelle, that is amazing news, you have to tell me how you did it .. i completely understand though how strong minded one gets after quitting smoking , one can achieve anything ..

this year has been great for me too .. i look forward to the rest of the year ..

hope Si is doing fine !!

Well done, its a hard habit to kick but we're doing it :)

I've done it through healthy eating only really, bit more walking but not put myself out really lol been going to slimming world but lost half stone before that with healthy eating advice from my smoking nurse

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I'm getting worried about Si :(

He logged in today but didn't post. I hope he hasn't lost his quit.

Si, let us know how you are doing buddy, we're all in this together no matter what. :cool:

Just as an addition, today (4th July), is my 25th wedding anniversary and the first one ever as a non smoker! :D

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

congrats on the 25 years......the woman must be a saint:D only joking.

Even better, you are smoke free and likely to have more years with the Mrs :D

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks for the congrats Shojam :)

Mmm, being smoke free means I'm likely to have more years with the Mrs? :eek:

Where's my cigars, quick! :p

On Friday I go on holiday, the first day of my 25th week and the first holiday which will be smoke free - another trigger point which is about to be obliterated!

I'm feeling sad though because despite signing in, Si has not posted for a long time, not even to announce his arrival in this new room.

I hope I'm wrong, but I'm beginning to think he may have lost his quit.

Si, whatever has happened, just let us know.

I'm just wrapping up the loose ends of another very hectic college year, then my holiday, then I'll be back on here regularly again.

Keep on keeping on everyone, down that yellow quit road! :D

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Yeah come on Si, tell us how you're doing even if you lost the quit.

Have a nice holiday Gary, 6 weeks to go til mine!

nsd_user663_43995 profile image

yayyyyyyyyyy capitan your still smoke free :D not that i ever doubted youu, Hope you treated your wife to a lovely present with all that smoking money you saved :D

Si22 profile image

Hi folks. Thanks for asking how im doing. And for wondering where I am. I unfortunetly lost my quit about a month ago. I knew I was going to start again as I was struggerling every weekend. They were getting worse as the weekends went on. It all came crashing down a friday when we had to take our family dog to be put to sleep as she had liver damage.we had had her only 18 mth. She was 5 years old. She was a rescue dog and was found tide to a table in a drug den in leeds. We took get on not knowing she was ill. We spent over the 18 months we had her just short of 1500 pound. But in the end she was very thin and very poorly. We had yo make a tough choice. And that was to take her to the vets to be put to sleep. A choice I never want to make again.

I knew that day when I woke up it was going to be tough, and I more or less knew I was going to smoke. I'd missed it so long. By having a rubbish streesed day ahead almost gave me an excuse to have one. I even went to the bank to get some cash out on the way to work. I was planning to start again. I came home from work at eleven still not smoked at that point. We took the dog to the vets. We couldn't even go in it was that terrible. My wife went back to work after we had had a cry together. I just stood in our garden missing my little friend. And missing smoking. So I went on to the shop and was going to buy some. I just couldn't so i bought a paper. I came home for ten minutes then walked back on and bought some. The relief was great but the disgust within myself was worse. Im still smoking now. And to be honest with you people I probably will be for a while yet. Im just not ready yet. I will try again probably when the memory if how tough it us to stop removes its self from my head.

All I can say is a massive thanks you to everyone who helped me quit for four months. Im sorry I let the team down. Im sorry I've left it so long to let you know where i am in my life. Keep up the quits. Don't do what I've done and given up. Im a weak willed person who gave in by finding an excuse. Keep going folks. Maybe one day I will conquer this drug. When I make that decision to change my life to that of a none smoker.

Well done and keep on trying. You are better people than I am. Regards and best wishes to all. Simon

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hi Si, You were the first person to welcome me on to this forum thanks for that. Having just read your post, that has just made me want to cry, how awful for you and your wife it is heartbreaking. A pet becomes part of the family.No wonder you were stressed.

You get your head together and I am sure you will decide to quit again and remember 4 months is a serious quit if you can do it once you can do it again. Take care and thanks for letting us all know we missed you.

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

For Si

Si, please dont put yourself down for being weak for a moment when the rest of the world came crashing down.. i dont think this makes you a bad person or us staying quit, better people .... i just hope from the bottom of my heart that you dont leave it for too long to start again ... i am routing for you fellow same date quitter to start again .. i know letting go of a family member you love is very very tough .. but life will never ever be smooth , just think before you are too tempted to smoke - is this going to solve any of my current problems or make me feel better ? if the answer to any of those questions is yes then go right ahead - this is what i do during my hour of need .. good luck Si and keep coming back here as often as you can ..


nsd_user663_40832 profile image


I read your confessional yesterday and just thought Id send a quick note to say dont be too hard on yourself.

Your description of the moment of no return, when the urge to go the shop becomes too strong is a painful and familiar thing.

I did about 4 months also, and am trying to be philisophical about it. We must have done some good keeping off for that period and hopefully next time will be the one.

Stag do in Budapest was my real downfall where I smoked liked a chimney and since have slipped back. Im still buying 10's and secret smoking but no way back at the minute.

See you back on the wagon at some point

Good luck

Si22 profile image

Thanks Andrew. Nice to know there's others outthere just like me. I too am not ready yet to get back on the wagon. I will eventually but just not yet. Ill keep logging in to here every now and then. If you find you are ready some day drop me a message to and we all see if we can do it together. Not ready yet mind. Cheers Andrew.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Aww Si, I come back off holiday and see this :(

I'm so sorry you lost your quit, but don't beat yourself up about it and don't think you let anyone down or that we are better than you.

I know you were having it tough at weekends and I really know how pets get to you.

I've had strays and rescue cats all my life and 4 1/2 years ago had to make the same decision you did with my "little man" Floyd.

Having to make the decision to put him to sleep is the hardest decision I have ever had to make and I don't mind admitting I cried like a baby for months afterwards.

I wrote a poem about it, I hope it helps...


When it is time for me to go,

Please do not fear, I’ll let you know.

We have been friends through rain and shine,

I am yours and you are mine.

I know you love me, I know you care,

You look after me, you are always there.

I hope you know I feel the same,

I purr at the mention of your name.

You took me in when times were bleak,

We connected though we couldn’t speak

You gave me all you had to give

A happy home, a chance to live

My life with you is full of joy

You treat me like your little boy

I wish I could tell you how I feel

I hope you know my love is real

I steal your chair, I steal your bed

I pester you till I’ve been fed

You never moan and never shout

In spite of all the rules I flout

I’m glad of all the time we’ve shared

I’m glad I found someone who cared

I’ve tried to repay you everyday

In my own peculiar way

Before I suffer let me go

It’s the greatest act of love to show

Please do not think you’ve betrayed me

By helping me pass on peacefully

Just be there like you always were

Comfort me, I will try to purr

I know it is the right thing to do

I’d do the same if I were you

So when my time comes please be strong

It is the right thing, not the wrong

Please spare me from enduring pain

Be sure that we will meet again

At Rainbow Bridge I’ll wait for you

We’ll meet again as you pass through

To love each other as before

Side by side for evermore

When you feel ready to try a quit again we'll all be here waiting to help and you'll always be a member of Dolly's Mixtures. :cool:

Si22 profile image

Awe mate that poem is awesome. Thanks for such kind words. Ill keep checking in hopefully to spur me on to climbing back on the wagon. Ill be in touch. Regards and kind wishes to all. Simon

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Whenever you're ready we'll be here to help you Si. :cool:

Well today at 11.30pm Rochelle and I completed 6 months smoke free :D

Gina is not far behind and neither is Becs, I wonder if she'll look in as it is a 6 month milestone?

Normally I'd be really chuffed at achieving half a year but recent events on here have made me feel a little subdued.

Still, an important milestone which has now been documented. :cool:

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Sorry about your dog Si. I know its hard and we've all been there, me included. Lost my dog a few years ago that I'd had from being 4 years old, they become part of the family, and you never ever forget them. Can't imagine life without the two little terrors I have now, which I got from kennels as their previous owner decided she didn't want them :( so you can't be blamed for losing the quit so don't be too hard on yourself.

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

My holiday has arrived. I go at 1. This is the last 'danger zone' for me. I've done everything else including drinking lager in the warm weather. Wish me luck!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Have a fabulous holiday Rochelle :)

Don't forget that on Sunday night we will have both completed 7 months clean! :D

Gina, I hope you are still with us, sign in and let us know.

Si, how's it going buddy? I hope life is treating you well :)

Enjoy yourself Rochelle, think about all the extra things you can buy instead of fags :D

nsd_user663_42220 profile image


As of 11.30pm last night, Rochelle and I completed 7 months smoke free! :D

Feeling great and looking forward to the Penthouse in 5 months time :cool:

nsd_user663_43995 profile image

Well done capitan :D

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Hello mixtures


As of 11.30pm last night, Rochelle and I completed 7 months smoke free! :D

Feeling great and looking forward to the Penthouse in 5 months time :cool:

Hi guys , I m on a long long holiday until first week of oct so will not be logging in as much but fear not I m still quit and going strong but still taking one step at a time and being cautious ! My one slip on my 10th had taught me the lesson !

Next step 9 months !! Have a great holiday guys !!

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

I did it, 2 weeks all inclusive with a lot of vodka and beer and I didn't want to smoke. :)

Have a nice holiday gina x

nsd_user663_43351 profile image


Well done Rochelle ... And congratulations to both you and Gary for completing 8 months !! Where is he haven't heard from him in a while ! I complete 8 months at 12 noon tomorrow and start my 9 th month !! Still on holiday but now with family !! Enjoying my smoke free time as I don't have to constantly step out to smoke ! Makes my mom very happy ! My dad quit a 40 year old habit for the first time 10 years back and never touched I since , hope to quit it for the first and last time too


nsd_user663_43218 profile image

Well done

to the dolly mixtures crew - you are truly an inspiration and proof that it can be done and done with a smile :)

nsd_user663_18145 profile image


You lot are certainly an inspiring bunch of people

looking forward to seeing you in the penthouse

not that long to go now


nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Well it's been a good while since I've been on here, August and September are always a busy time as I prep for, and start, the new college year.

Thanks to Karri, PLL86, Dottie12 and Carol62 for your congratulations to the stupendously brilliant Dolly's Mixtures! :D

Rochelle and I completed 8 months at 11.30pm last night and I believe Gina will complete 8 months on the 30th. :D

I'm still hoping Si and Dolly herself will one day come back and give it another go, I hope life is treating you both well and we'll be here for you when you want to try again.

I also often wonder if Becs is still smoke free. If you do look in Becs, let us know.

I'm almost embarrassed to say this as I don't want it to come across as cocky or big headed, but me and smoking are well and truly done.

I don't get any craves or desires to smoke whatsoever. Occasionally, the thought will cross my mind that "I could smoke now". It's not a crave at all, it's my mind still remembering some trigger or conditioning that, in that situation in the past, I would have lit up.

It lasts a millisecond and it's gone.

I smoked for 31 years. I smoked miniature cigars for most of that time and inhaled them like cigarettes.

I never thought I'd be free of the evil weed which is why I never tried to quit before. This quit is one that I stumbled into due to the death of a friend due to cancer. Out of respect for him, the day after I said to myself that I wouldn't smoke for a day. That day has turned into 8 months.

Was it hard? The first few weeks were tough. This forum was an immense help and, like most newcomers, I was glued to it all day, every day. After a while I definitely had a change of mindset and I genuinely don't want to smoke anymore. I no longer feel I've given something up.

It's hard to put into words, but for any new quitters reading this, it does get better. How long it takes you before you feel like I do may vary, but you can do it. I just constantly used NOPE at the start. Not One Puff Ever.

Now I very rarely think about it and the craves have genuinely gone.

It went from being a battle to a doddle and all that came about due to the change of mindset. I went from trying to give up to not actually wanting to smoke, even during a crave. My body seemed to think it needed to smoke, but my mind no longer wanted to. Does that make sense?

Good luck new quitters, there is light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to battle it out for a while until your mind catches up with your desire to quit.

Onwards and upwards Dolly's Mixtures, to the Penthouse and beyond! :D

nsd_user663_43995 profile image

im glad your still here...and nice way of quiting, maybe its your friends way of saying they are with you still

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

Hi Gary

Reading your last post has made me want to give up again, I have been trying to get myself ready to give it another go. I am so pleased you have sucessfully quit and to think I could have been there a few days behind you makes me want to kick myself. Hopefully I will be back on soon, keep watching! best wishes dolly

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

PLL86, thanks for that and I'm glad you're still here too :D


Great to see you haven't given up thoughts of quitting.

You helped me get through the early stages when it was tough going and I'd love to be able to return the favour! :cool:

Never say never and trust me, I always look to see if you've given it another shot. After all, without you we would just be called Mixtures :p

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Thought I'd pop on here and say hello, :) what a great post gary, just put into words how it is. The early days were pretty tough, not because I wanted to smoke but because the body craves the drug its been given for all those years! But I can honestly say that now, at this stage, its like being a smoker is a distant memory? This forum did help massively, don't think I'd have breezed through the first part without it, loads of members on this forum are massively inspirational.

Unah profile image

Great post Gary. One that deserves to be bumped often.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Hi Rochelle, it feels good doesn't it :D

Una, thanks for your kind words it's appreciated :cool:

I know you've been having it tough of late but it will improve I promise.

I've posted more in the "Una baby" thread about it.

nsd_user663_43351 profile image


Just checking in to see how my favourite group is doing ! Back from my long holidays ! Very relaxed and very smoke free ! Experiencing my first fall as a non smoker :) by the end of another 3 months give or take a few days more , I would have experienced all changes/holidays/ stresses as a non smoker ! Soooo excited !! :)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Sometimes life is a sh*t

Sometimes life tries everything to throw you off course and this year has been one of really mixed emotions for me.

Today at 11.30pm I, along with Rochelle, achieved 9 months smoke free.

As many know, this is a quit I fell into following the death of a friend from cancer aged 65.

I've recently just lost another friend aged 42 from cancer and earlier this week another friend I've known since I was 10 years old was put on full life support due to alcohol problems.

Tonight I was told that he is not expected to survive the weekend. He's 51.

3 deaths in 9 months, it's true what they say, the older you get the more funerals you go to and the less weddings you attend.

This is all in a year when I celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary to the love of my life.

For many, the 3 deaths would lead back to smoking but they have just strengthened my resolve never to smoke again.

3 deaths aged 65, 42 and 51. Life is too precious to waste and certainly too precious to play Russian roulette with by loading the gun with cancer sticks.

9 months achieved and 3 more to go to the penthouse.

In memory of my friends I will not fail.

nsd_user663_43351 profile image


Oh god Gary I cried reading your post just now ! I will not fail too ! Thank you for providing that additional strength ! Many hugs

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Soo sorry to read your sad news Gary

sending you ((virtual hugs))

but so glad to see your still going strong

looking forward to seeing you in the penthouse which isnt that far away now :)

take care of yourself

Carol x

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Gina, Una G & Carol62.

Well my mate, being the stubborn son of a gun that he is, is hanging on and still with us.

The doctors are amazed and have actually turned down his ventilator, meaning that, albeit with a little help, he is breathing on his own.

They say that he is really ill though and it's very touch and go.

Still, if there is a god up there I hope he's listening, because I'm praying really hard.

9 months for you real soon Gina, keep it going girl :)

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

9 months !

:) only 90 days to penthouse ! Yay

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Well done Gina :D

Wow, what a difference a week makes. A week ago my friend was not expected to make it past the weekend. Two days ago he was moved into a high dependency ward (which is an improvement on an intensive care ward), and today he is moving into a normal ward. :)

He's still very ill, and there's a long way to go, but he's awake, trying to talk and does understand where he is and what's going on.

Throughout all this I'm pleased to say that I never once thought of having a smoke, something that would have been an automatic response only 9 months ago.

Last night I achieved 40 weeks clean, meaning that in just 12 weeks it will be 1 year!

Hurrah! :D

Unah profile image

Great news Gary, hope the improvement continues. Congratulations on getting through all the stress without a puff :D:D:D

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Addiction is a cruel thing :( pleased to hear your friend is doing better

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Rochelle and Una. :)

It would appear that I've either upset, annoyed or irritated people on here as apart from a couple of people nobody comments in this thread :(

Still, my mate is now talking, albeit a bit rambling at times, and is now eating puréed food rather than relying purely on drips. :cool:

I don't want to think too far ahead but it's going well and the doctors are stunned.

In other news, another week goes by and the once elusive penthouse is now just 11 weeks away. :D

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

I think people just see this as a "dolly mixtures" thread. You all tend to pop in, give an update and disappear. I personally just see it as somewhere for you all to catch up with each other. It certainly isn't you personally :)

That's what I thought too. Well done Capitan on holding your quit despite the difficulties you have been facing.

Unah profile image

Shouldn't think you've upset anyone :) Hope everything keeps going well.

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hi Capitan, as Karri and Biggrin have said I thought this was just a dolly mixtures thread I did not realise you had posted about personal stuff. I am glad your friend is making a good recovery I know all too well the devastating effects Alcohol can have on peoples health and relationships. Thanks god people stick by thier friends in times like this. Sorry if you felt ignored it wasn't intentional.

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Hi Capitan, as Karri and Biggrin have said I thought this was just a dolly mixtures thread I did not realise you had posted about personal stuff. I am glad your friend is making a good recovery I know all too well the devastating effects Alcohol can have on peoples health and relationships. Thanks god people stick by thier friends in times like this. Sorry if you felt ignored it wasn't intentional.

Gary I always read your post and say a prayer for you on your difficult times, u are a huge source if inspiration for me and I m sure for many others here in this forum !! I hope your friend is doing better now ?

Big hug


Ps: 10 months here we come very soon

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks everyone above ^^^ :D

This isn't an exclusive thread for Dolly's Mixtures, it's just easier for us to find each other and post in the same thread :cool:

My mate is doing well now and the doctors say he is getting better every day. Unfortunately I haven't been able to visit him for a week as the ward he is on has got the norovirus on it so it has been quarantined.

The last week has seen a few milestones reached. On 20th November it was my birthday, on 21st I reached 300 days quit, on 22nd I reached 43 weeks quit and on 26th both Rochelle and I reached 10 calendar months quit :D

Gina will be with us very shortly and the countdown is really on, not only to Christmas, but also to the 1 year mark which will see us all enter the Penthouse!

Dolly and Fleetwood, are you still quit? I know you'd come back to try again but I haven't been on for a while and I can't see any recent posts from either of you.

Si, have you thought about giving it another try? Even if the answer is no, it would be nice to say hello to you again, are you still popping in to have a look?

Keep on keeping on everyone, down the yellow quit road :D

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

10 months and going strong

Just checking in to say I m 10 months quit and looking forward to penthouse !!

Gained a stone in the first 6 months , so now trying to lose the weight and the inches !! It's looking good so far , also started eating extremely healthy !! Don't know if its your experience too but I feel my face skin looks 10 years younger :)) so over all very happy with my decision !!! Have a happy Xmas everyone !!!

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Wooo 10 months!! I forget how long it is lol you keep me updated on my own quit Gary!!

Good luck with the weight loss Gina, I'm currently at 4st 5lb lost, feel bloody amazing for it!! Loving excersise right now, go to a kettle bells class and 2 zumba classes. 2012 has deffo been my year lol if you're not sure what diet to follow I love slimming world, so easy to follow and never go hungry x

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Well done Gina and Rochelle :D

Wow Rochelle, you've lost 4st 5lb whilst quitting - that's fabulous and you will be the envy of many on here!

I looked up that kettle bells thing, it looks interesting. Do many men do it? It looks a good way to exercise and build up muscle tone at the same time.

I've put on nearly 2 stone and have gone up a waist and shirt size. In fact I've never been this heavy in my life!

The weight gain has stabilised now so I now want to find an effective and enjoyable way to start losing it and tone up.

I'm going to start swimming, but this kettle bells malarkey looks interesting too.

nsd_user663_53753 profile image

Congratulations to all the Dolly Mixtures Quit Crew that are celebrating their 10 months of smoke free living, well done to you all. :)

Ok so I'm intrigued into kettle bells, maybe it's a new xmas decoration...going to google it now. :confused:

All the best to you.

Love May x

Just googled it... oooh they look heavy, I think my xmas tree might topple over if I hang them on it ;)

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Wow !!!

Wooo 10 months!! I forget how long it is lol you keep me updated on my own quit Gary!!

Good luck with the weight loss Gina, I'm currently at 4st 5lb lost, feel bloody amazing for it!! Loving excersise right now, go to a kettle bells class and 2 zumba classes. 2012 has deffo been my year lol if you're not sure what diet to follow I love slimming world, so easy to follow and never go hungry x

4 stones and 5 lbs ??? Wow Rochelle you are my hero and that too on your first 10 months of quit ! You have truly achieved amazing results !!!!

I will look up slimming world too ! In the mean time I m doing a combination of boot camp in the park , bikram yoga , Zumba and body pump classes ! Have eaten extremely healthy in the last 6 weeks and will maintain that for life now :)

I ve tried kettle bell in the past , it is very effective to tone up I agree .

Once u have quit smoking doesn't accomplishing other things seem easy ?? :)

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Hi May

Congratulations to all the Dolly Mixtures Quit Crew that are celebrating their 10 months of smoke free living, well done to you all. :)

Ok so I'm intrigued into kettle bells, maybe it's a new xmas decoration...going to google it now. :confused:

All the best to you.

Love May x

Just googled it... oooh they look heavy, I think my xmas tree might topple over if I hang them on it ;)

Congratulations on your quit !!!!

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Well done Gina and Rochelle :D

Wow Rochelle, you've lost 4st 5lb whilst quitting - that's fabulous and you will be the envy of many on here!

I looked up that kettle bells thing, it looks interesting. Do many men do it? It looks a good way to exercise and build up muscle tone at the same time.

I've put on nearly 2 stone and have gone up a waist and shirt size. In fact I've never been this heavy in my life!

The weight gain has stabilised now so I now want to find an effective and enjoyable way to start losing it and tone up.

I'm going to start swimming, but this kettle bells malarkey looks interesting too.

I just found my apetite lessened when I quit. I remember posting on here that I just didn't fancy food at one point. So the dieting just seemed the right thing to do. I know I am an exception to the quitting smoking rule as most put weight on lol but I always like being different!!

My kettle bells class is mixed men and women, the men obviously use a heavier weight than us ladies but it is fun and the lad that runs it is a personal trainer and a bootcamp instructor so he knows his stuff. The class I do is full body but there is just upper body classes too. We have an hour workout with 5 min warm up which is jogging around the room and punching to the air and out to the sides and side stepping lol then he does a different routine every time with what we do with the kettle bells and also do things like sit ups and press ups. I really enjoy it and I've bought a kettlebell for home use to do bits here and there for extra toning. I love it :)

Love zumba too but don't suppose you would fancy that lol

4 stones and 5 lbs ??? Wow Rochelle you are my hero and that too on your first 10 months of quit ! You have truly achieved amazing results !!!!

I will look up slimming world too ! In the mean time I m doing a combination of boot camp in the park , bikram yoga , Zumba and body pump classes ! Have eaten extremely healthy in the last 6 weeks and will maintain that for life now

I ve tried kettle bell in the past , it is very effective to tone up I agree .

Once u have quit smoking doesn't accomplishing other things seem easy ?? :)

It honestly wasn't a struggle, I stopped smoking so thought might aswell get my eating under control lol only really started the classes the last couple of months though. Bikram yoga sounds really good!! There's no classes where I am though. There's other classes like bokwa and boxcersise which I havnt yet tried lol

I love eating healthy it makes me feel really good but of course I'm looking forward to a bit of indulgence at christmas :) I am expecting a bit of a gain though when I weigh in, I put 10lbs on in a fortnight when I went to turkey this year!! Took me 3 weeks to get off lol xx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Congratulations to all the Dolly Mixtures Quit Crew that are celebrating their 10 months of smoke free living, well done to you all

Thanks May, you're nearly at 1 month quit yourself now, well done to you! :D

Well Rochelle and Gina, we're nearly at the 11 month stage!

It's boxing day for Rochelle and I and it's 30th December for Gina.

A couple of new trigger points about to be obliterated, those being Christmas and the New Year. As we welcome in the New Year we will also be on the final straight to the 1 year mark and the penthouse. :D

To any newcomers reading this, I didn't start off thinking I would quit for good, it was going to be a 1 day quit out of respect for a friend who has passed on.

We're nearly there guys, onwards and upwards! :D

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Way to go El Capitan :)

Thank you for giving us toddlers inspiration....very much welcomed.

Well done to The Dolly's for doing so well :D

Cheers mate


nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Cheers to you too Greg :cool:

2 months quit for you tomorrow, well done! :D

You're one of the inspirational people of the new crop and I've no doubt that in 10 months time we'll be sharing a cold one in the penthouse as you reach your 1 year milestone. :cool:

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

47 weeks done, but in all honesty I can't wait for this year to end :(

Having lost 2 friends this year already, I lost another one last week and my year will end going to my third funeral of the year.

It was nearly 4, but another friend who was in intensive care and given 2 days to live has made a miraculous recovery.

Boxing day will see Rochelle and I complete 11 months with Gina just a few days behind us.

If I'm not on again before, I wish everyone on the forum a fantastic christmas and a happy new year.

Remember, the best christmas present you can give yourself this year is a smokeless one. Don't be tempted to have one because "it's Christmas and party time" or "for old times sake".

Have a good one everybody! :D

nsd_user663_44157 profile image


You have had such a bad year but you have stayed strong and I am sure you have been an inspiration to many on this site.

Have a good Christmas and lets hope this is the start of better things to come


nsd_user663_52535 profile image


You have had such a bad year but you have stayed strong and I am sure you have been an inspiration to many on this site.

Have a good Christmas and lets hope this is the start of better things to come


Capitan, you certainly has been an inspiration, and so supportive of others. You're on my list of must read threads! Hopefully next year will be a better year for you.

Well done to you and your crew, almost a year, amaaaazzing:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks everyone above ^^^^ :)

Well on Boxing Day eve Rochelle and I hit 11 months quit and I do believe that Gina hits 11 months today. :D

It's hard to believe that in 4 weeks time we will have achieved 1 year quit and become Penthouse Residents! Being part of this forum helped immensely, particularly during the first couple of months.

As usual, all the family came to our house on Christmas Day, so we were surrounded by the people who mean the most to us in this world - better than any present I could be given. :)

I hope everybody on the forum had a great Christmas and I wish everybody a happy and prosperous new year. :D

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Yep, not long now til we've graduated :) lol, I agree this forum helped massively in the early stages, especially on the mornings when the cravings came. Was a welcome distraction!

I've had a lovely Christmas too, over indulged and just generally sat on my ass and did nothing due to being off work for the festive period lol got til next Tuesday off :) happy new year to all! X

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Hi Rochelle, not long to go now :D

Gina, where are you?

Becs, are you still quit?

Si and Dolly, Happy New Year! If you read this, pop in and say hello :cool:

I'm almost as excited as I am waiting for Christmas :D

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Well at this time in exactly 3 weeks time Rochelle and I will be in the Penthouse after achieving 1 year quit! :D

4 days later, Gina will be joining us :D

3 weeks to go, it's funny as at the start I wondered if I would make 3 weeks in total!

The countdown is on and the excitement is growing :)

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Hi !!

Happy new year everyone !! So excited to reach the one year mark :)) not long now !!

Well at this time in exactly 3 weeks time Rochelle and I will be in the Penthouse after achieving 1 year quit! :D

4 days later, Gina will be joining us :D

3 weeks to go, it's funny as at the start I wondered if I would make 3 weeks in total!

The countdown is on and the excitement is growing :)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Well done to all the Dolly mixtures. Just brilliant!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Haze, you're only just behind us yourself! :D

Yep, in the words of Nina Simone, I'm feeling good! :cool:

Birds flyin' high, you know how I feel

Sun in the sky, you know how I feel

Breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me.

Yeah, it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me, ooooooooh...

And I'm feelin' good.

Fish in the sea, you know how I feel

River runnin' free, you know how I feel

Blossom on the tree, you know how I feel

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me,

And I'm feelin' good

Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know,

Butterflies all havin' fun, you know what I mean.

Sleep in peace when day is done: that's what I mean,

And this old world is a new world and a bold world for me...

Stars when you shine, you know how I feel

Scent of the pine, you know how I feel

Yeah, freedom is mine, and I know how I feel..

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me


And I'm feelin'... good.

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Great post great song!:)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Last night Rochelle and I reached...



350 DAYS!


As of today, we have 15 days to go to reach the penthouse :cool:

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

351 days !!!

In exactly 14 days I will also be at the penthouse !!!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Well done Gina, we're nearly there now :D

nsd_user663_42220 profile image


Next Thursday at 11.30pm will be 52 weeks, but the actual completion of 1 year quit by date will be Saturday 26th at 11.30pm



If any new, or relatively new, quitters read this, it can be done.

I was a hardened smoker, I believed I really enjoyed smoking and this quit was only meant to be a 1 day tribute to a friend who had passed away, yet here I am strolling up Penthouse Boulevard with a shiny set of new keys in my hand. :D

It is possible, you just have to believe it gets better because it really does. :cool:

nsd_user663_53658 profile image


If any new, or relatively new, quitters read this, it can be done.

I was a hardened smoker, I believed I really enjoyed smoking and this quit was only meant to be a 1 day tribute to a friend who had passed away, yet here I am strolling up Penthouse Boulevard with a shiny set of new keys in my hand. :D

Wow Capitan, you are an inspiration to me. I'm really chuffed for you and I just love the picture the above formed in my mind! :D

Huge well done and I can't wait to congratulate you when you walk through those doors.

I'll see you there in 36 weeks and 1 day! :D

Molly x

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Gary & Rochelle

WOW in just 3 days or less you will reach the penthouse !!! Make some room for me I m coming ! This Jan has been the longest month for me personally in this deep desire to reach the year mark !!!

Haven't heard from Rochelle in a while , hope she is doing ok , she is a toughie anyways so nothing to worry I m sure , must be too busy going to the gym and eating healthy to notice the year mark is round the corner !!

Good luck Gary and thanks a ton for being such an inspiration to me and others in this forum

See you in the other room soon

Next Thursday at 11.30pm will be 52 weeks, but the actual completion of 1 year quit by date will be Saturday 26th at 11.30pm



If any new, or relatively new, quitters read this, it can be done.

I was a hardened smoker, I believed I really enjoyed smoking and this quit was only meant to be a 1 day tribute to a friend who had passed away, yet here I am strolling up Penthouse Boulevard with a shiny set of new keys in my hand. :D

It is possible, you just have to believe it gets better because it really does. :cool:

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Molly, I'd like to thank you for taking the time and effort to actually post a reply in this thread. :)

I don't feel part of the forum anymore as this thread is generally ignored.

You will definitely make it, you can just tell. (Lisa from this forum said that to me about a year ago - where are you Lisa?)

Gina, how thrilling is it! :D

Don't worry about Rochelle, she'll swing by soon, still quit and telling us she's lost even more weight! :cool:

It was exactly 52 weeks for Rochelle and I last night, but our 1 year is tomorrow and it's Wednesday for you - we did it girl! :D

I still hope that Si and Molly give it another go, I wonder if they'll pop in to see if we made it?

You do realise we made it extra difficult for ourselves to reach the one year mark don't you. We quit at the start of a leap year which has meant we have had to do an extra day.

Let the countdown to the celebrations begin!

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Sorry to hear you don't feel part of the forum any more, Capitan. As far as I am concerned, you are still very much part of the forum, and I'm sure others feel the same way too.

The reason why I haven't posted on this thread is that I took it to be for the use of Dolly's Mixtures quitters only! I could understand that you all might want one place to communicate, so thought I would just leave you to it!

Well done all of you on your excellent, Penthouse residing quits!

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Huge congratulations to Capitan and Rochelle for reaching the Penthouse today!!!

It's absolutely fantastic when one person reaches the one year mark, but two on the same day is out of this world!

I love the way you guys have stuck together throughout, it's inspiring. It has definitely made me want to get to the Penthouse hand in hand with my quit buddies!

Again, massive congratulations to you both, you deserve it :D

Happy happy days

Molly x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image


Massive congratulations to all the Dolly mixtures crewe! You are truly inspirational and new quitters must get lots of hope and encouragement when they read posts like this and see what you have all achieved. Great stuff and enjoy the penthouse I will see you in there very soon!:)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Well done both of you!

Capitan and Rochelle, well done on reaching the penthouse today! Enjoy your day and I will see you both in 11 days time!:)

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

To say you started out as quitting for a day as a tribute to your friend I think you've done amazingly well! I'm getting giddy about getting my first month under my belt - you must be exstatic (sp?) about reaching a whole year!!

I hope you're planning some extravagant celebration tonight? :D

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Well done Capitan and Rochelle so pleased to see you reach this terrific milestone.

Heres to the next 12 months which are going to be easy now.

Be joining you soon


nsd_user663_42283 profile image

Hi Gary

Well done to you and Rochelle, sorry I won't be joining in the celebrations in the penthouse with you as we planned maybe one day, you have done so well and an inspiration to others you should be proud of yourself. By the way who is molly!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Rochelle well done on reaching your year and hope you get a chance to stop by so I can give you a well done hug x x

Oh Karri, do you have to be so mean?

It doesn't matter though, I still hope that one day you get a quit that sticks, I believe you are on a quit now.

It's such a shame that you felt you had to snub me so obviously. Never mind.

To everyone else, thanks so much for your comments. I've no doubt that all of you will be joining us in the Penthouse in due course.

Dolly, so nice of you to come by to wish us well, I really do hope you will try again, it can be done. I hope life is treating you well.

Gina will be with us soon and I wonder if Becs made it?

Where are you Rochelle? I know you're still quit, come in and take a bow!

Thanks all, it feels great! :D

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free


Capitan - I am thrilled for you on reaching the Penthouse, and I have told you so on another thread.

I can't help thinking you're being too sensitive regarding Karri. I do not believe she snubbed you - she is simply referring to the fact that Rochelle does not post here anymore. That is how I understood her post. We would all like to hear from Rochelle on how she feels about the Penthouse, and Karri was asking her to drop by.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Capitan - I am thrilled for you on reaching the Penthouse, and I have told you so on another thread.

I can't help thinking you're being too sensitive regarding Karri. I do not believe she snubbed you - she is simply referring to the fact that Rochelle does not post here anymore. That is how I understood her post. We would all like to hear from Rochelle on how she feels about the Penthouse, and Karri was asking her to drop by.

Hahaha! Ok nonico, I don't think so, but it's one way of looking at it. She must have forgotten to add my name eh?

I'm sure this will be turned around so that it's me being sensitive rather than anything else, whatever.

It really doesn't matter, I just think it's a bit sad, life is too short.

Thanks for your well wishes, I've replied to your message, well done to you too :)

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Massive well done to Rochelle and Capitan for getting to the Penthouse, enjoy the party, it's banging, I can hear it from here!!

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

blooming marvellous



What a brill achievement :) so glad to see you finally up here enjoying the view and the lovely clean fresh air

onwards and upwards is the only way to go

hugs to you both



nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Kazzy, just think, in just over 9 months time I'll have the great pleasure of saying the same to you! :D

See you soon.

Carol, what can I say? You are just a ray of sunshine every day.:)

We don't speak a lot, but I can't tell you how many times one of your posts has cheered me up.:)

I should have said more, sooner, but I'm saying it now - Thankyou! :D

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Goodbye 6 months +

See you all in the one year side :) congrats to all !!! Thank you for being there

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Of course I'm still quit silly billys!! Lol I have indeed lost more weight :) still going strong, going to a 3.5hour zumba event tonight! Wish me luck!

Havnt been online as been having problems with my internet :( talk talk is rubbish!

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