Sponsored Walk...: On Saturday, along with 5... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Sponsored Walk...

nsd_user663_47108 profile image
13 Replies

On Saturday, along with 50 or so like-minded friends and family, I completed a 7 1/2 mile sponsored walk around my local reservoir raising awareness and much-needed funds for the LMBB Society. As a family we support this small charity as my young niece has been diagnosed with this condition.

Well, that's very nice Pappy but why are you sharing this here?

Good question. Here's why. I'm in the tenth week of my quit. Now, let's suppose this Walk had been, say, three months ago. I don't think I would have done it. I would have found some excuse not to walk because I wouldn't have wanted my F&F seeing me huffing and puffing, coughing and wheezing and generally looking like the sad old git that I was (I'm 45).

But, you know what? I looked forward to the walk so much and I had an absolute blast! My infinitely better half and I strolled round in a couple of hours and a bit and thoroughly enjoyed it - even full to the gills with hay-fever.

It just goes to show what you can achieve in just a few short weeks being off the dreaded weed. If you are somewhere down the line in your quit then I'm sure you can relate to what I'm saying. If you've just started out then 10 weeks might seem an age away - I know it did to me back in the first few weeks - but, with the right mindset (cos that's what this all comes down to in the end), then you will succeed.

Sometimes I can't really believe that I'm here, but I am, and it's all down to my lovely wife, my cessation nurse, without a doubt the help and encouragement of this forum, but most of all (and never forget this folks when you are thinking about how you are doing) it's down to me. I have got this far and, quite simply, I'm dead chuffed! :D

Thanks for reading my fine, fine friends and keep on, keeping on... :)

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nsd_user663_47108 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Pappy - great post. Really positive. Glad you're doing so well. It's definitely mind over matter! :D

nsd_user663_45204 profile image

I can very much relate to your post Pappy. It's such a great feeling eh ?

We still have much ground to cover though but we have certainly made huge strides towards our goal THE PENTHOUSE AND BEYOND. :)

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Well done Pappy....What a cracking post and quite right to be proud of yourself.

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

I echo the sentiments of the previous posters! You are inspirational! Well done!:)

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Well done Pappy you must be feeling great.:D

I'm also doing a sponsored walk this Saturday at midnight. It's a 10K walk for the local hospice.

I also would never have considerd it if I hadn't stopped smoking.

It's amazing what you can do when you but your mind to it x

nsd_user663_47108 profile image

I'm also doing a sponsored walk this Saturday at midnight. It's a 10K walk for the local hospice. I also would never have considered it if I hadn't stopped smoking.

You go girl! Have a great time and raise loads of dosh for a fabulous cause! :D

nsd_user663_47108 profile image

"We still have much ground to cover though..."

Wise words, Sir. Wise words. Never EVER let your guard down.

nsd_user663_44684 profile image

Congrats Pappy, can't wait to have that sort of energy :)

Denise x

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

well done pappy i am very proud of you

it changes us so much doesnt it i used to make excuses not to do things as i knew i wouldnt be able to smoke so so sad looking back on it

i have my exam at college tomorrow evening i would never have gone to college as a smoker never by the wat got every question right on my practice paper i did at home last night hehe

i love reading the differences it makes to peoples lives its shocking how much it held us back and we didnt realise

glad you enjoyed it


nsd_user663_48073 profile image

I know what you mean Pappy (wonderful post by the way, thanks for sharing). When I decided that I was going to quit I started playing football (the soccer type, not American football) and the first few weeks, before I quit, I was struggling after 5 minutes:o. Slowly, I am finding I can go further and faster, and I'm only six weeks into my quit. I feel great already. While I can't say never, I will do my very best to not give in at any point....I'm enjoying myself too much now.


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Well done Pappy :D

I can relate to feeling fitter and being able to walk further (and faster ;)) and I am only in Week 5!! I used to have problems carrying my shopping home from Tesco's and put it down to old age, but it was the blooming fags lol :rolleyes:. Just goes to show doesn't it??

Keep on keeping on,

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_47108 profile image

Thank you everybody for your kind words, it's very much appreciated! :) x

As a brief aside, I had my regular fortnightly meeting with my cessation nurse, the lovely Elaine, this morning. I may have mentioned in an earlier post that Elaine is only a couple of months further down the quitting road to me so it has been good to have someone to talk to who can relate to my situation. Turns out that she's been having a tough time this past two weeks and our session was more about her than me! (I should stress that this was absolutely fine. At this moment I am comfortable with my quit so it was nice to be able to give something back to someone who has helped my so much).

Must be doing something right, I suppose...

Dippy_Egg profile image

Pappy x :)

Not what you're looking for?