5 months aarrghhh: Well 5 months smoke free... - No Smoking Day

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5 months aarrghhh

nsd_user663_6358 profile image
11 Replies

Well 5 months smoke free, thought it would be plain sailing by now but still having a battle everyday, OK the battles aren't as tough as in the early days but I still have cravings. This nicodevil sure takes some beating, my advice to anybody in the early stages of there quit is YES it is possible but be prepared for more of an all out war than a quick battle, heyho!! onwards and forwards guys towards the penthouse. Anybody else out there done a few months and finding it hard, anybody know when the cravings stop completely????

Jonnie Proud member of N.O.P.E - started with 30 plus members, down to 4 now (fab 4)

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nsd_user663_6358 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_42390 profile image

still feeling it

Hi. I just posted about the same thing. This really is a battle. This forum saves me though, I really think I could have succumbed if it had not been for this. Keep going and so will I lets pat ourselves on our backs we know we have done a good thing.:)

nsd_user663_40832 profile image

Jonnie Proud member of N.O.P.E - started with 30 plus members, down to 4 now (fab 4)

Dropping like flies there Nickif - ho hum

I agree im week 15 day 105, like to say piece of cake but lying.

Dont want a fag, know if i do it will be crap but just feels like something missing.

The forum gives you a boost but I feel so guilty that some people on here seem so positive, i feel great, health benefits etc etc where I am finding it hard work.

Cant decide if really down to other factors (new job/plenty work stress) but last 3 months have been rubbish.

As you say it is doable and surely a couple more months the Penthouse will be reachable and more of reality.

Any one starting out time flies and keep the faith, thats what Im doing anyway

nsd_user663_36288 profile image

Dropping like flies there Nickif - ho hum

Well I'm still buzzing around - and we are definitely going to reach the penthouse as The Fab Four, and not the Terrible Threes - OK?! Keep on keeping on, Jonnie.

At the moment I've just got my head down as well, taking things a day at a time. I KNOW any lingering nostalgia surrounding smoking is an illusion, I don't actually WANT a cigarette, but dam it my mind is still trying to play games with me. Then again, it is easier to say no no no to the cravings than to deal with the consequences....

I often remind myself that if I had that cigarette that I think I want, then what would I do, think, want or feel just 10 minutes later, when I'd finished it? That usually settles things, albeit just one craving at a time. But that's all it takes to never smoke again, and we know from the kind folk that share their longer term experiences that it WILL WILL WILL get easier.



I often remind myself that if I had that cigarette that I think I want, then what would I do, think, want or feel just 10 minutes later, when I'd finished it? That usually settles things, albeit just one craving at a time. But that's all it takes to never smoke again, and we know from the kind folk that share their longer term experiences that it WILL WILL WILL get easier.



I think that's a brilliant piece of insight. How would we feel ten minutes later? And I think we all know the answer to that one, so it's a good way to reframe what's happening in the moment. How would I feel ten minutes later if I smoked?


nsd_user663_40738 profile image

You all are doing a great job. Don't give in now. I quit on Jan 1 of this year. I think I am on day 111 but may be wrong.

I have to agree with the take it one graving at a time. I can go just fine and then all of a sudden it hits me. I just re-direct my thinking and work it out. I know I will never smoke again. I can't...if I do it may kill me. My health will not allow it.

My favorite saying during those gravings is NOPE....Not one Puff EVER!!! I stand my ground on that and will do it forever!! Stay strong and you will win the battle, the war and the fight!! ppat

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Great advice

I will do the same. Think how I would feel if I had one. Rubbish! This is why I love this forum, someone will come along with a little pearl of wisdom and keep you going! Thanks.:)

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Just the one then after 10 minutes how would you feel?, like you would like another one,then another one, then before you know it you think I may as well buy a packet...then you are back full time smoking really regretting it and kicking yourself why did I do it...then you smoke for a couple of years hating yourself and thinking about quitting...then when you quit you have to go through the withdrawal all over again.....thats what I did after a six months very successful quit!!!!......So am keeping the N.O.P.E very firmly in my head this time...Well done with your quits and as I have read time and time again on this forum and keep telling myself ..It does get better..xxx

nsd_user663_42755 profile image

Anybody else out there done a few months and finding it hard, anybody know when the cravings stop completely????

Hi Jonnie

I am behind you on this quit, but I did six months before Christmas.

What I can tell you is that different quits can feel very different for the same person. Last year, I spent the entire six months feeling like I was depriving myself of something I liked. That contributed to my downfall, when I thought that just a few would be an ok "treat". They weren't a treat, and it wasn't ok. :mad:

This time, my head is in a much more positive place, and I feel that my quit is the best thing I have done for myself in years. No hardship, this time. :)

My advice on this is to try to work on getting your head to a more positive place. If you can do that, everything will feel easier. :)

nsd_user663_6358 profile image

Thanks guys you have all helped me a lot, know enough to understand that can't have just one it's all or nothing, ye'h if i'm honest I enjoyed smoking didn't everyone ?? and if I could have the odd ciggy or odd cigar as some people do then I would. Problem for me and most people is nicotine had and still does have such a hold on me that if I smoked 1 ciggy I would be hooked again and after going through this shit for last 5 months - can't go back. Sue I like your pearl of wisdom ' how would you feel 10 minutes later' like shit would be an understatement.

Keep on keeping on


nsd_user663_37391 profile image

Fab four checking in

Hey Jonnie, you can nail this, I have really really been struggling but sue's statement is so true.

Onwards and upwards!!!

Keep the fab four alive and kicking.


nsd_user663_13466 profile image


Honestly keep going and you will get to the stage where you don't think about smoking at all. I'm nearly 16 months quit and I rarely ever think about smoking. I had a major wobble at around 7 months, I had 2 weeks of craving non stop and then it passed. The thing that kept me going is thinking of how dissapointed I would feel if I smoked.

You're doing so well. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and before you know it you'll get there. Good Luck

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