Official Norse Week 2 Rant Room: Sup everyone... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Official Norse Week 2 Rant Room

nsd_user663_1655 profile image
32 Replies

Sup everyone! Nothing else to say other than breathe easy! I will be posting here for my second week woooot! 51 more and its penthouse time!


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nsd_user663_1655 profile image
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32 Replies
nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Hey Scandinavian man....did you bring any snus back with you? Only joking peeps LOL! Well done on your first week and here's to many more.

Keep on trucking and pillaging.

Lisa x

Hey Scandinavian man....did you bring any snus back with you? Only joking peeps LOL! Well done on your first week and here's to many more.

Keep on trucking and pillaging.

Lisa x

Oh, you're bad, Lisa! :D

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

Well done Viking, you are doing so well:D

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Well done Viking!!!

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Well done Vike, Hares rule OK :D:D

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Thanks everyone. Anger issues today so far. I am keeping that undercontrol by randomly breaking mounds of dirt, pencils, anything I can get my hands on really. Maybe I will grab a sledge and redo the floor in this room during the week I am here. Or repaint... with a paintball gun. Breathe easy everyone. Congratulations to AnnBrown and Rogue for getting to week 2 also!


Well done you for jumping right back on that wagon .. and reaching week 2 .. fantastic! I'd like to say I'd spend some time with you in the week 2 house but moving on up to week 3 tomorrow :o)

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Awesome! Keep moving on! I think I should catch you in week 3, as I think it also contains a secretive week 4 before the month 2 room lol. If you only stay in 3 for a week, I'll see you in month 2! Way to go Suze!


lol must have something to do with the equinox!

All this talk of secret rooms, but at least no one's sneaking off to the SMOKING Room! :D

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

ha ha ha....I remember 10 or so years ago. The hosptial I work for had a smoking room (yes you did hear right). It was minging...the walls and ceiling were yellow and when you'd been in there it smelt like you'd gone for a quick 1,000 fags rather than just the one. Well, I used it once and smoked off the premises after that...bloody smoking room...funny it was right next to the morgue as well LOL!

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Every time I drive by the local hospital there are tons of nurses and doctors puffing away as close to the building as they can get. Strange to see, but very common I guess. Less anger today, clouded mind and a dread feeling again. I hope the sadness doesn't keep building. May possibly still be in a mourning stage or something. I did have a smoker lean over me to check a system a few minutes ago, and his clothes smell almost made me gag, which is a good thing. The nose still works at least. Day 9... one of Odin and the boys favourite numbers woot! Sad or not, I'm going to enjoy breathing easy today. First workout done last night, lt left me a crumpled sick sweaty mess on the floor, but I do feel empowered today, and will continue with my insane get thin regimen... Sidebar, went with OH to a fish restaurant last night and actually took my time eating as I could taste it haha. Neat are the little things. Congratulations to everyone with low carbon monoxide levels today! Vike

nsd_user663_44651 profile image

You're doing real good. We are doing good. I'm finding it strange that for the first time in a number of years I can walk my little dog up the hill without huffing and puffing too much. Difficulties with breathing was my biggest problem as a smoker. Onwards and upwards :)

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Some studies show that you will expand up to 30% more lung capacity after quitting than when smoking. Time frames vary, but I don't remember it being too long at all, 3 -6 months or so? That hill will be a speed bump soon enough! I can't wait until my breathing gets better. So many things I couldn't do without wheezing and gasping.

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

So, second day in a row I am out of the coffee group. This time, the big boss bought... and the guys I work on the same level with went to get the coffee. No phone call, text, or question asked to me. I was standing in the main lobby as the coffee came in... one for everyone else. The donuts I could care less about, as I am trying to get fit. Anywho, I just watched as they all came in after the coffee... and went to the lunch room for their little party. I walked out of the back door. Its the principle that I don't get. If I say no thanks, which I did Monday... when the supervisor bought... why does that and not smoking take me out of the loop for the rest of the week? I'm right ticked off at the moment.

nsd_user663_45204 profile image

Some studies show that you will expand up to 30% more lung capacity after quitting than when smoking. Time frames vary, but I don't remember it being too long at all, 3 -6 months or so? That hill will be a speed bump soon enough! I can't wait until my breathing gets better. So many things I couldn't do without wheezing and gasping.

Here's one guide for you Vik, that's if you haven't read it already.


nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Thanks Rogue, I just read that about an hour ago. Very thorough write up. I will be rereading many times for sure. Missing the section on when my rage will die down though haha.

nsd_user663_45204 profile image

Thanks Rogue, I just read that about an hour ago. Very thorough write up. I will be rereading many times for sure. Missing the section on when my rage will die down though haha.

I was always under the impression that because i have smoked for so long my body and organs were "knackered"( not the term i wanted to use:))

You never quite want to believe the leaflets you read at hospitals and doctors waiting rooms about the benefits of quitting and the healing process. You see it as propaganda.

It's truly amazing how quickly your body recovers from years of abuse.

Just look at the link to see what just 24hrs of being smoke free does to you.

It gives you a massive lift and i'm always looking at that chart for encouragement.

I've gone from not really caring about my body to really respecting it and appreciating it. I want to stop the abuse i gave it for so long.

I'm a very happy ex- smoker :)

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Awesome! Stoked you are very happy. I had better read a lot more about things. This rage must be squelched so I can enjoy the new things and fixes.


nsd_user663_45204 profile image

Don't you feel our quits are flying by Vike ?

We both stopped smoking on the same day and we have already beaten off 9 days.

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Rogue, Haha, the days are definitely flying by... unfortunately it has been quite the roller coaster of emotions for me. Even this morning, I have thought about forgetting about the quit multiple times already. I can't wait for this anger to pass so I can be passive and chill out a bit. We will hit the penthouse soon at this rate haha.


nsd_user663_45204 profile image

Rogue, Haha, the days are definitely flying by... unfortunately it has been quite the roller coaster of emotions for me. Even this morning, I have thought about forgetting about the quit multiple times already. I can't wait for this anger to pass so I can be passive and chill out a bit. We will hit the penthouse soon at this rate haha.


If only you could read Carr's book. You wouldn't be angry but see your quit in a completely different light. Buy it mate because it will solve your problems.

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Heya rogue, I've read it, audio'd it, and have the videos. It's not that I am angry about leaving smoking behind... I just cannot stand most people normally, and cannot control my thoughts and anger for the initial month or so of being quit. In the past I would use a smoke to grumble silently by myself about eejits that test my limits. Now, I have to do everything in my power not to explode on some people. It also seems that the smallest irk will put me in a state of boil for hours at a time right now. I know it will pass, but no amount of education seems to help at all. I need to laugh, and nothing is funny right now kind of thing. So don't fret... I am not blaming the anger on quitting, nor will I use anger as an excuse to relapse... its NOPE or sick for me now, I'm just trying to make it through this crazy time before it gets me arrested or something. As soon as I am calm, I will let you know!


nsd_user663_45204 profile image

Still angry Vike or have you settled down a touch ? I have to say that i've been really thinking about smoking for the last 10 hours or so. I even think i still smoke occasionally, reaching out for my backy tin without thinking about it.

I'm getting no pangs or withdrawal problems, just mind games in my head.

You need to stay strong for the next two weeks. :)

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

I enjoy your late night additions to my rant threads rogue! 2 weeks... I have to stay strong for over two decades! But we shall focus on two weeks from now, let's hit that 1 month room in style... I'm going to spend two weeks in week three to hit month room on true day... Anger dissipated for now... I am focusing on tints for my truck windows tomorrow.. Anger is worse at work.. One more day until the weekend woot... Hopefully get a calm day tomorrow... The mind games are funny... I notice tons of triggers, driving certain times, seeing certain things, sounds lol... I am enjoying not having extra stuff in my pockets now, more room for the extra cash! Have a great night, vike

nsd_user663_45204 profile image

My body clock is in a mess Vike at the moment what with being unemployed and quit smoking. I don't normally seem to get to sleep until 6am at the earliest.

I'm still remaining positive though as there are people far worse off than me in the world.

Now where were we .........

A really good milestone is 1 month into a quit(cold turkey). From that point on it does get easier. You just have to beat the odd mind game here and there that stay with you up until roughly a year. Don't let that scare you though as they are easy to fend off. One of the most boring and predictable quotes is "it does get easier"

You have his horrible feeling that you are going to be one of those unique quitters where it takes longer then it should and that you will suffer more than most. You won't mate believe me :)

You stick this quit out and you will be so glad you did.You also choose cold turkey as your quitting method which i firmly believe is the best option available . NEVER GO BACK TO DAY ONE. so don't let me down. :)

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Sorry to hear you are up so late due to the internal clock rogue... That isn't too hard to fix though. I work rotating shifts, and sometimes we have to rock a midnight week followed by a daytime week. The trick is to not worry about the flip until you go to sleep Friday morning at 6 am... in your case, Saturday morning as you are sleeping as I type this probably... Set a bunch of alarms to wake you up within 5 hours if you normally sleep 8, or within 4 if you normally sleep 6 or so. That first day you will be quite tired, but fight the nap tendency. This will put you to sleep at a healthy time and switch you back instantly. You just have to ensure you don't sleep more than 7-8 on the second night with the normal sleep time. And in regards to the unemployment... at least you are saving money and not freehanding it to the evil corporations. Things can only get better, right.

I plan to stick with you to the penthouse and beyond! It is awesome having another CT'er with me on the same day quit!

I am nobody's B*&#H,


nsd_user663_45204 profile image

Not going to lie Vike but i've struggled with my quit the last two days. I simply cannot stop thinking about a smoke from the moment i wake up.

I passed a big test today though. Went to watch a football game and after the match out side the stadium my smoking trigger went off the scale. I could also smell tons of cigarettes being lit as people have had to go two hours without a fag.

I hope you are dong better in your quit than me.

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

:D Well done Viking.



nsd_user663_25112 profile image

:) Hey Viking your not alone on the anger or moods or just plain irritability because im still getting them myself and im on day 51.

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

I really hope I get over this anger within the first month. I have been studying relaxation techniques and learning about herb and flower calming teas and such. Feeling a bit better about things in general. A few more days and I get to move out into week three's thread woot! Big celebration with everyone invited! Rogue will be moving in also!

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Rogue, Good for you beating that large trigger! 000sorry to read that you are struggling. Review your reasons to quit and the benefits we will see soon enough! Keep your eyes set to the one month room. Let's work towards that to start eh. Keep strong,


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