champix, someone help me plz!!!!!!!! - No Smoking Day

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champix, someone help me plz!!!!!!!!

nsd_user663_45607 profile image
63 Replies

hello im new here,

im on day 10 of champix and i feel so sick i could cry!

ive cut down but want to quit on wednesday.

Can anyone advise me on how to stop the nausea?

im only tiny and dont weigh much, do i need a smaller dose?

i need to quit this time and for good!

thanks xx

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nsd_user663_45607 profile image
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63 Replies
nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi jodinastar,

I am on Champix too and I know the nausea is awful, but its worth putting up with if it helps us to quit smoking. Make sure you eat plenty before you take the tablet, and drink a big glass of water with it cos that helps a bit. If you really can't stand it you could ask for the 0.5mg tablets instead of the full-strength ones, other members of this site have quit smoking successfully that way.

Wishing you all the best,

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_45607 profile image

thanks :) i quit once before with champix really easily, felt a little sick but nothing like this! i think ill try and put up with it, i dont want to lower the dose unless i have too as i want them to work!!! lol what day are you on Zoe? have you quit yet? x

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

I quit with Champix before as well but unfortunately caved in when life got a bit tough :o. This time round I am on Day 10 of not smoking and it feels pretty good so far :) xx

nsd_user663_45607 profile image


well done :) cant wait til im that far on!!! maybe i wont feel as sick by then!

good luck :) x

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks :) Its strange with the nausea, some days are better than others, even if I've had the same thing for breakfast both days so its all a bit random :confused:. I remember the first time I took a Champix, I took it at night and woke up the next morning dripping with sweat, feeling really ill and could hardly walk!! But the body does learn to tolerate them. And probably the nausea is not so bad once we stop smoking. Still think though, that feeling sick is worth it if we manage not to smoke, and its not as if we have to take them forever. Will miss the weird dreams I get though, lol especially the ones about being on the X-factor lol they are so funny :D

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_45607 profile image

hahaha my dream last night was awesome! i had a canvas that changed size and picture at random??? ill cope with the nausea, ill have too!

my bf is doing same as me but now im worried he wont want to quit come wednesday :( and if he smokes i think i will cave!


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hmm it must be tricky having a bf that smokes so I hope he does quit with you. If he doesn't then go ahead with your own quit anyway, he will join you when he sees how well you are doing :D If not, spray him with Febreze and lock him out of the house lol :D

Just thought, why don't you come and join the March Hares social group? Click on quick links, scroll down to social groups, click on that and you will find us. Its nice to have the extra support and anyway, Hares don't smoke ;):Dxx

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Sorry to be rude and state the obvious but you both say you quit before with Champix but yet you both started smoking again. I'm not sure that is actually quitting.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Haha francob, are you trying to tell me my 50 day quit didn't exist or I imagined it???? And it was that quit which I learned from and which led me into the one I am in now. So IMO I didn't lose anything, just learned from experience, which is what life is about.

Reckon its about time you learnt something about positive thinking.

Toodle pip :D


nsd_user663_44651 profile image

Good grief Zoe, I thought I was bad being a 30 a day smoker. Well done fir getting this far with the Champix. I have to say that it hasn't done anything for me. I never felt sick or unwell but did have amazingly colourful dreams. But as for forgetting about smoking and cutting down, it just didn't kick in. I could say more about my quit but to be honest I'm a bit reluctant to put myself in a vulnerable position. I have enough of that in the real world :-)

nsd_user663_45607 profile image

i quit for 9 months with champix, then my teenage daughter ran away from home so i started having the odd 1, she returned and 3 days later my 49 year old mum died on holiday.............

so i started again :-/

this time im hoping life doesnt treat me so badly!!!!

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Haha francob, are you trying to tell me my 50 day quit didn't exist or I imagined it???? And it was that quit which I learned from and which led me into the one I am in now. So IMO I didn't lose anything, just learned from experience, which is what life is about.

Reckon its about time you learnt something about positive thinking.

Toodle pip :D


That is hilarious, a tip on positive thinking from you, are you kidding me?

I think you must be the biggest moaner on this forum.

My point is that yes you quit for 50 days but you smoked "eventually" - The actual mental side of smoking was not defeated in your case, otherwise you would of been strong minded enough not to start smoking again. Champix may be a magic pill for some people but it doesn’t actually fix the trigger, connections, psychological aspects of being addicted.

The difference is you think about smoking and the thought of smoking, it follows you everywhere, in my case I NEVER think about it.

nsd_user663_45607 profile image

Had my last 3 drags this morning!!!!!

felt sick

tasted foul

never again........


(wooooooo hoooooo i feel good!)

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Had my last 3 drags this morning!!!!!

felt sick

tasted foul

never again........


(wooooooo hoooooo i feel good!)

Good Luck, all the best.

nsd_user663_35913 profile image

My point is that yes you quit for 50 days but you smoked "eventually" - The actual mental side of smoking was not defeated in your case, otherwise you would of been strong minded enough not to start smoking again. Champix may be a magic pill for some people but it doesn’t actually fix the trigger, connections, psychological aspects of being addicted.

The difference is you think about smoking and the thought of smoking, it follows you everywhere, in my case I NEVER think about it.

I don't usually join in with these as I think everyone has their own path to lead when it comes to giving up - but I have to agree with Francob on this one. It does seem to be some sort of trigger in the mind that has to be flipped on in order to be able to have a successful quit. Champix, NRT etc can and does help but how much is actually due to the aid and how much is really due to the mind set of the individual giving up?

Bur - our psychological make ups are all so very different and what works for one person, won't necessarily work for another. Life would be a boring place indeed if we could all march in time to the same tune!:D

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks so much for the encouragement francob,

The difference is you think about smoking and the thought of smoking, it follows you everywhere, in my case I NEVER think about it.

How the HELL do you know how I am thinking on THIS quit???? Telepathic now are you???? Sheesh :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_44684 profile image

i quit for 9 months with champix, then my teenage daughter ran away from home so i started having the odd 1, she returned and 3 days later my 49 year old mum died on holiday.............

so i started again :-/

this time im hoping life doesnt treat me so badly!!!!

I'm so sorry to read that, lifes horrible sometimes & everytime i've tried to quit something bad happens so this time i've decided that I can't change the things that will happen in my life whether i'm smoking or not - not easy but i'm doing it :) with help from champix & this forum.

Keep going, a few bad weeks of our lives without smoking will be worth it for a lifetime of being free of it :)


(saved £115 in 15 days :D )

nsd_user663_45836 profile image


Do you realise how destructive your posts in this thread have been?

Shame on you!

nsd_user663_45231 profile image


do you realise how destructive your posts in this thread have been?

Shame on you!


nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Just my opinion and I am entitled to it.

It just happens to be the truth.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Well you're way behind the times francob. I hardly ever think about smoking anymore.

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Well you're way behind the times francob. I hardly ever think about smoking anymore.

Zoe xx

Well that is a complete load of rubbish Zoe, your world revolves around smoking and trying to quit. You use a drug to stop you craving a cigarette but you constantly think about smoking, just reading your other posts confirms it.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Lots of people are using Champix or NRT so why is it ok for them to do it and not me?? Do you suggest that because I relapsed after 50 days I should stop trying to quit :confused:?? And don't presume to tell me what I am thinking and what my world revolves around, because you don't know.

Seems to me you want me to fail.


You seem to forget how difficult it is for people in the early stages of quitting, it's a whole life change whatever method you use. What is important is making the decision to quit and then sticking to it.

I see you had yur last smoke in September last year and am really pleased for you. You have done well and obviously achieved your goal by having the right frame of mind that suited you. But as Fellie said everyone is different, quitting by their own method, at their own pace and learning their own lessons as they go so it is not your place to say that anyone is not going about this in the 'correct' manner. In fact it's very condesending of you and not helpful in the least!

I 'quit' before for 11 months. In my eyes that's 11 months of not smoking and a fantastic achievement. Every time we 'quit' we understand a little more about our reasons for smoking in the first place.

That's my penny worth and unless you have anything positive to contribute you should back off other quitters.

nsd_user663_35351 profile image


I want you to quit and I really want you to be successful, I am not against you at all. I just do not agree with your methods, I know I do not know you personally and by the things I post I am trying to help you although I am sure it doesn’t come across that way.

By now you know my thoughts on NRT/Champix so I will not go through it all again but I truly believe that if you can get your mind right and I mean really & truly understand YOUR addiction you will not need any other supplement.

50 Days is a long time quit and unfortunately you relapsed - I am sure you have asked yourself why you started again ?? Let me guess that it was some kind of stressful event or a boozy night? My point is if you really had your mind right and understood YOUR addiction you would not have relapsed.

To be honest I get annoyed with people who post things like "Champix makes me sick" Champix stops me sleeping etc" - The actual cold turkey withdrawal symptoms that lasted all of 3-4 weeks are far lighter than that.

I just cannot see the reason why people do not quit CT - It is almost as if people want a magic cure, it is just laziness.

Over the last few months about 6 of my friends are trying to quit smoking, 4 of them are using patches, one is using Champix and one cold turkey. 3 out of the 4 guys on patches smoked within 2 weeks, the Champix user is still smoking as the drug is not working other than making him feel sick and the CT friend is 3 weeks in and seems strong, although he has admitted that staying away from booze has really helped him this time.

nsd_user663_35163 profile image

you spin me right round baby, right round.

Here we go again :cool:

nsd_user663_35351 profile image


You seem to forget how difficult it is for people in the early stages of quitting, it's a whole life change whatever method you use. What is important is making the decision to quit and then sticking to it.

I see you had yur last smoke in September last year and am really pleased for you. You have done well and obviously achieved your goal by having the right frame of mind that suited you. But as Fellie said everyone is different, quitting by their own method, at their own pace and learning their own lessons as they go so it is not your place to say that anyone is not going about this in the 'correct' manner. In fact it's very condesending of you and not helpful in the least!

I 'quit' before for 11 months. In my eyes that's 11 months of not smoking and a fantastic achievement. Every time we 'quit' we understand a little more about our reasons for smoking in the first place.

That's my penny worth and unless you have anything positive to contribute you should back off other quitters.

Hi Suze,

I have not forgotten how difficult the early stages can be, I remember vividly how difficult I found the first month or so. I made notes on a daily basis which I have kept to use if I ever need it. Say month 11 for example.

I am simply playing devil’s advocate, why can I not question other forms of quitting ? It is my right and simply human nature that we all have different opinions. I want everyone to quit smoking, it is disgusting and I do agree that using NRT/Champix is a better option than being a smoker but MY experience of previous failed attempts and other peoples failed attempts is that their mind-set was in the wrong place as far as nicotine addiction was concerned so inevitably relapsed at some stage.

I give my fair share of support and congratulations on others peoples quits regardless of method, it is just in Zoë’s case I am purely suggesting she try to quit differently this time.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

I do understand about my addiction and I know exactly why I relapsed, so if a situation like that arises again I will be ready for it. And no, it wasn't due to a boozy night either. I tend to agree with you about NRT because patches etc never worked for me for more than a couple of days and I realised that I needed to get away from nicotine. I first heard about Champix on this forum, and then discovered that a friend of mine, who couldn't quit smoking, did actually quit with Champix, and is now quit for over 3 years, although obviously he only took Champix for about 3 months. Champix doesn't contain nicotine.

Meanwhile, I went to a smoking cessation clinic and the nurse was banging on about 'the products' and when I said "What about cold turkey", she looked at me as if I was either insane or the biggest idiot on this planet and said it didn't work. Not very helpful. Also recently, my doctor asked me why I was putting so much pressure on myself and implied that I shouldn't quit smoking, again not very helpful, and the perfect 'excuse' to continue to smoke if I wanted to, handed to me on a plate.

But I want to quit, and so I keep trying, and obviously I won't be on Champix forever either. Sure it was crazy to smoke again after 50 days, I hadn't got the 'just one' idea completely out of my head at that point. But I could have quietly slipped away from the forum and continued to smoke, but I didn't, I came back and I am quit again. And I give myself some credit for that.



I want you to quit and I really want you to be successful, I am not against you at all. I just do not agree with your methods, I know I do not know you personally and by the things I post I am trying to help you although I am sure it doesn’t come across that way.

By now you know my thoughts on NRT/Champix so I will not go through it all again but I truly believe that if you can get your mind right and I mean really & truly understand YOUR addiction you will not need any other supplement.

50 Days is a long time quit and unfortunately you relapsed - I am sure you have asked yourself why you started again ?? Let me guess that it was some kind of stressful event or a boozy night? My point is if you really had your mind right and understood YOUR addiction you would not have relapsed.

To be honest I get annoyed with people who post things like "Champix makes me sick" Champix stops me sleeping etc" - The actual cold turkey withdrawal symptoms that lasted all of 3-4 weeks are far lighter than that.

I just cannot see the reason why people do not quit CT - It is almost as if people want a magic cure, it is just laziness.

Over the last few months about 6 of my friends are trying to quit smoking, 4 of them are using patches, one is using Champix and one cold turkey. 3 out of the 4 guys on patches smoked within 2 weeks, the Champix user is still smoking as the drug is not working other than making him feel sick and the CT friend is 3 weeks in and seems strong, although he has admitted that staying away from booze has really helped him this time.

nsd_user663_44684 profile image


I want you to quit and I really want you to be successful, I am not against you at all. I just do not agree with your methods, I know I do not know you personally and by the things I post I am trying to help you although I am sure it doesn’t come across that way.

By now you know my thoughts on NRT/Champix so I will not go through it all again but I truly believe that if you can get your mind right and I mean really & truly understand YOUR addiction you will not need any other supplement.

50 Days is a long time quit and unfortunately you relapsed - I am sure you have asked yourself why you started again ?? Let me guess that it was some kind of stressful event or a boozy night? My point is if you really had your mind right and understood YOUR addiction you would not have relapsed.

To be honest I get annoyed with people who post things like "Champix makes me sick" Champix stops me sleeping etc" - The actual cold turkey withdrawal symptoms that lasted all of 3-4 weeks are far lighter than that.

I just cannot see the reason why people do not quit CT - It is almost as if people want a magic cure, it is just laziness.

Over the last few months about 6 of my friends are trying to quit smoking, 4 of them are using patches, one is using Champix and one cold turkey. 3 out of the 4 guys on patches smoked within 2 weeks, the Champix user is still smoking as the drug is not working other than making him feel sick and the CT friend is 3 weeks in and seems strong, although he has admitted that staying away from booze has really helped him this time.

Who actually cares how we give up as long as we don't smoke that's all that matters. :mad: I'm using champix & it's working for me, but it's not a miracle drug so of course people using it still have to have some will power.

I don't care if you agree with champix or not, remember you're not a doctor you are just another quitter like the rest of us so I think you should think about what you write before you upset people on here & could cause some newbies to leave.

I think you are really rude & very arrogant...

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Thanks Denise :D

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

I do understand about my addiction and I know exactly why I relapsed, so if a situation like that arises again I will be ready for it. And no, it wasn't due to a boozy night either. I tend to agree with you about NRT because patches etc never worked for me for more than a couple of days and I realised that I needed to get away from nicotine. I first heard about Champix on this forum, and then discovered that a friend of mine, who couldn't quit smoking, did actually quit with Champix, and is now quit for over 3 years, although obviously he only took Champix for about 3 months. Champix doesn't contain nicotine.

Meanwhile, I went to a smoking cessation clinic and the nurse was banging on about 'the products' and when I said "What about cold turkey", she looked at me as if I was either insane or the biggest idiot on this planet and said it didn't work. Not very helpful. Also recently, my doctor asked me why I was putting so much pressure on myself and implied that I shouldn't quit smoking, again not very helpful, and the perfect 'excuse' to continue to smoke if I wanted to, handed to me on a plate.

But I want to quit, and so I keep trying, and obviously I won't be on Champix forever either. Sure it was crazy to smoke again after 50 days, I hadn't got the 'just one' idea completely out of my head at that point. But I could have quietly slipped away from the forum and continued to smoke, but I didn't, I came back and I am quit again. And I give myself some credit for that.



Whatever you decide I do support you, I shall refrain from sticking my nose into your business in the future however you cannot expect to post things on a public forum and always like what responses you get back.

For example see Denise94 post about me. Not the first person to call me arrogant and will not be the last.

I truly believe that if you are just using this site for "well dones" and "Aren't you great" then sadly that won't help long term.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi All

Just came along and read this thread and wanted to add that nearly 18 months ago i made the decision to stop smoking and went to see my quit nurse, she prescribed me champix and i stayed at the lower dose for just 10 days then stopped taking the champix, im now about to celebrate my 18months cig free so it can be done. I tried all sorts in the past, i tried patches, gum and Zyban all failed well i did and went back this time i was ready and i mean that, i knew i hated smoking and i did not want to to it anymore. Champix alone did not stop me, they just made my cigs taste disgusting, i needed will power too which i had.

I stopped the champix on day 10, i stopped smoking on day 5 of taking champix and no way will i go back. Its all down to you no matter how you decide to stop. I stopped the champix and did not take anything else sort of CT but i wont truely say its was.

The main thing is to stop no matter how. We will all find our quit and thats good, we all need to be here for support thats what this place is for.

Good luck to you all whether your at the beginning or years into a nicotine free life. :)

We are not children we are adults we are all nicotine addicts however you quit its an individual thing just go for it and stay strong. The end is always the same xx

nsd_user663_44684 profile image


For example see Denise94 post about me. Not the first person to call me arrogant and will not be the last.

Denise64 actually :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_44684 profile image

Hi All

Champix alone did not stop me, they just made my cigs taste disgusting, i needed will power too which i had.

I stopped the champix on day 10, i stopped smoking on day 5 of taking champix and no way will i go back. Its all down to you no matter how you decide to stop. I stopped the champix and did not take anything else sort of CT but i wont truely say its was.

We are not children we are adults we are all nicotine addicts however you quit its an individual thing just go for it and stay strong. The end is always the same xx

I agree :) I'm only on 0.5mg twice a day now so i'm sure in a couple of weeks I won't be taking them at all - think I just needed a boost to get me through the first week.

Well done on your quit,

Denise :)

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Thanks Denise

You are doing really well too. I found this site invaluable at the beginning of my quit and made so many good friends who were in the same boat.

Dont let others put you down, the outcome should be the same and we are all going to have our own opinions. I have changed since i stopped smoking i could cause an argument on here if i said sometimes what i think about it but i wont as i know we are all in the same situation.

In an ideal world YES we would all quit CT but we are not in an ideal world so we have to do whats right for us. If we have 100 quits the last will be the one that stays. Each day of not smoking is a bonus so stay positive everyone x

Anyhow to you and all the others reading this forum good luck. It can be done. Find your own quit and look to this place for that bit extra.

Take care xx

nsd_user663_45836 profile image

Forgive my ignorance because I've just joined today but I have a question;

Are people who stop cold turkey a form of superior being? It's just that up til this point I thought that we were all the same...Addicts.

To the OP, the nausea does wear off and a large glass of water helps a bit.

lol dotdot,

it's questions like that that make this forum fun!

nsd_user663_41137 profile image

Try not to tar everyone same brush! I stopped CT simply because it was the best option for me. It doesnt make me superior in any way whatsoever.

I stopped smoking for me only and honestly couldnt care less if people have something to say about the method I used.

Who cares how you stop - the main thing is we've all stopped so we've nothing to moan about, do we??? :D:D:D

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Are people who stop cold turkey a form of superior being? It's just that up til this point I thought that we were all the same...Addicts.

Nope, the addiction thing is mostly myth.

Maybe lucky is a better word than superior?

lol Daniel,

Us folks who are giving up the weed are doing just that (well all of us apart from one fellow who likes to sook tobacco) I'd sack your market researchers if I were you!

Sorry Jodinastar .. your thread which started off in earnest seems to have been hijacked by the rest of us who like to argue, debate or just pass the time of day so please excuse us. I hope between the lines you get the answer to your question. Nuttynursee - good to hear stories from the other side. :)

Austin, there are so many peeps on here, each with their own method and means .. I would love to give up CT but to tell the truth I don't think I 'm strong enough nor would my circustances allow it (what with having an OH who has mood swings at the badly-timed moments. As an ex-smoker of 15 years he should have a bit of compassion but is of the school, as many on here, that you stop smoking and that's that. No questions asked .. and it worked for him but at times his lack of compassion hinders my quit attempt).

That's by and by - I chose patches to get me over the behavioural habits associated with smoking. It's not an easy option as it's more drawn out and we prolong the experiences and suffer the withdrawal symtoms each time we cut down (if indeed they exist!). Personally I think the physical side is minimal compared to the psychological aspect.

So, it's a good question and as I said before I admire those who are not such creatures of habit and choose CT as their quit method. Maybe if I am ever in this position again (which frankly I don't forsee) and can disappear from all responsibilities for 3 weeks, I shall go down that route too and get it over with once and for all.

best of luck to those from all sides x

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Austin, there are so many peeps on here, each with their own method and means .. I would love to give up CT but to tell the truth I don't think I 'm strong enough nor would my circustances allow it

Not quite sure which of my posts this is a response to but I think you'll find I'm generally pro quitting by whatever method the quitter chooses to use but very anti £84,000,000 pumped into something that works no better than nothing.

I'm not sure about the CT bit needing strength though, that could be a lengthy post! :D

Austin, I lost you on the 84million dollar bit .. is that Champix or th BAT shareholders? Indeed, an unbiased post on the pros and cons of different methods would be welcome. Could go on forever ... :o)

very anti £84,000,000 pumped into something that works no better than nothing.

I understand that dropping a bowling ball on your foot everytime you get a crave has an 18% success rate for a 1 year quit!!:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Champix quitter and proud...

To be honest I get annoyed with people who post things like "Champix makes me sick" Champix stops me sleeping etc" - The actual cold turkey withdrawal symptoms that lasted all of 3-4 weeks are far lighter than that.

I just cannot see the reason why people do not quit CT - It is almost as if people want a magic cure, it is just laziness.

Mark, I swear I remember you promising that you would stop goading Zoe some time ago? Why do you keep doing this?

At your stage in your quit, I don't really understand why other people's methods should arouse such strong feeling in you. :confused:

Champix made me sick, and it stopped me sleeping. It also helped me to quit a habit that was killing me, and for that I am very grateful.

To Jodinastar and other new quitters - what matters is that you stop smoking, and nothing else. Use this forum, because it really helps. Just learn to take what you find is useful, and ignore what is not.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Morning Mrs T :D

Mark, I swear I remember you promising that you would stop goading Zoe some time ago? Why do you keep doing this?

At your stage in your quit, I don't really understand why other people's methods should arouse such strong feeling in you.

Champix made me sick, and it stopped me sleeping. It also helped me to quit a habit that was killing me, and for that I am very grateful.

To Jodinastar and other new quitters - what matters is that you stop smoking, and nothing else. Use this forum, because it really helps. Just learn to take what you find is useful, and ignore what is not.

Thanks for the back up :D and yes he did, Cavalier told him to leave me alone ages ago. Anyways its MY quit, nobody elses and its going just fine and dandy :D Meanwhile how are things at the eight month stage? Awesome I hope :cool:

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Hi Zoe - glad that all is well. You just keep on, because you are doing fine. :)

Eight months is both awsome and mundane. I am so happy to be a non smoker, but on the other hand, it is just normal now. I never miss it. ;)

nsd_user663_42755 profile image

Good luck to everyone who is trying to quit, no matter how they are doing it. When we are all celabrating our first year, I don't know that anyone will much care how it was achieved, only that it was.

And Francob - play nicely.

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Austin, I lost you on the 84million dollar bit .. is that Champix or th BAT shareholders?

£84,000,000 is the cost of NHS smoking cessation services in England in 2010.

When you're denied new drugs on the grounds of cost it's the figure you point your finger at and go, "errrr, 'scuse me.."

nsd_user663_44204 profile image

Smoking Aids

I don't think it matters what you use to quit as long as you are not smoking, I used everything I was offered patches, inhalator and I bought some gum. I am on the middle strength patches now until Tues and find using the inhalator handy if I am having a glass of wine stopped using the gum so I am getting there slowly, have a great week end everyone

£84,000,000 is the cost of NHS smoking cessation services in England in 2010.

When you're denied new drugs on the grounds of cost it's the figure you point your finger at and go, "errrr, 'scuse me.."

The government must reap a healthy profit in taxes despite the gesture towards those who have seen the light and they are somewhat responsible for the health of the nation. They should of course be spending cash on educating the young to have healthier lifestyles. Not an easy task though (I speak as a mother of two teenagers who have been brought up on a media-fed diet of american drivel).

And it's in their interest to have a few million die off early to save on pension and other benefits because we all live far too long anyway! Whilst I'm on the subject, why should taxpayers (or anyone) pay to keep someone alive that wants to die?

Am I sounding cynical? :rolleyes:

The government must reap a healthy profit in taxes despite the gesture towards those who have seen the light and they are somewhat responsible for the health of the nation. They should of course be spending cash on educating the young to have healthier lifestyles. Not an easy task though (I speak as a mother of two teenagers who have been brought up on a media-fed diet of american drivel).

And it's in their interest to have a few million die off early to save on pension and other benefits because we all live far too long anyway! Whilst I'm on the subject, why should taxpayers (or anyone) pay to keep someone alive that wants to die?

Am I sounding cynical? :rolleyes:

American drivel? Do tell! :D

since you ask .. it starts off with sesame street (now don't get me wrong I loved and still love sesame st esp some of the great artists that have featured on it) to hook them in ,. transpires to the simpsons (again some great morales hidden within the disfuncitonal family that the young watchers are subliminally subjected to) - always filtering into the british system .. there's the yoot music, the gang/gun culture .. and the kids think it's cool to wear their breeks at half-mast bacause the american bad boys in prison weren't allowed belts! The american culture has rubbed off on our 'yoots' and I don't like it! The there's the cool m..f.. black kids who would kill their neighbour whilst (in UK anyway their pals video it to put on youtube. America has a lot to answer for. UK is just following in its footsteps.. and THAT is why Scotland wants its independence :)

nsd_user663_45836 profile image

Yes, we produce something far more cultured... River City :D

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Mark, I swear I remember you promising that you would stop goading Zoe some time ago? Why do you keep doing this?

At your stage in your quit, I don't really understand why other people's methods should arouse such strong feeling in you. :confused:

Champix made me sick, and it stopped me sleeping. It also helped me to quit a habit that was killing me, and for that I am very grateful.

To Jodinastar and other new quitters - what matters is that you stop smoking, and nothing else. Use this forum, because it really helps. Just learn to take what you find is useful, and ignore what is not.

I havent done anything, I am just voicing my opinion, it just so happens it is Zoe involved again. I'm not bullying or attacking Zoe, I am pointing out the obvious.

Jeez, I think people need to lighten up a little bit.

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Morning Mrs T :D

Thanks for the back up :D and yes he did, Cavalier told him to leave me alone ages ago. Anyways its MY quit, nobody elses and its going just fine and dandy :D Meanwhile how are things at the eight month stage? Awesome I hope :cool:

Zoe xxxx


My sincere apologies If I have upset you in anyway. It will not happen again, just voicing my opinion.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi francob, and no, you are not pointing out the obvious. You don't know me or anything about me, so I would like to tell you that I am in week 3 of my quit and I wouldn't smoke for a million pounds it feels so good :D The only dangerous crave I had was when you told me I was doing it all wrong, vis a vis Champix. My chest went all tight, I had a major craving for 24 hours, BUT I came through and am smiling now. So I don't need you to destroy my confidence in my quit, and btw, you said you would stay out of my business????

Not for long I see :rolleyes:

Hate to disappoint (sp) you mate, but I am loving this quit so much I am thinking of writing a West End musical called 'Oxygen'. You wanna be a chorus girl???? :D

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image



My sincere apologies If I have upset you in anyway. It will not happen again, just voicing my opinion.

Apologies accepted ;) and I agree with you in a lot of ways, if I could quit cold turkey I would do it, but I just get so violent :confused:. NRT never lasted me more than a couple of days, but it DOES work for other people, so don't knock it. So Champix was the only thing left for me, but I do miss them out quite a lot, so maybe there is some of me in this quit???? Hope so. Obviously I won't be on this drug forever, so I am planning a strategy for when I come off it. So you see???? I am not the eejit you thought I was, I don't see myself that way anyway.



nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Hi francob, and no, you are not pointing out the obvious. You don't know me or anything about me, so I would like to tell you that I am in week 3 of my quit and I wouldn't smoke for a million pounds it feels so good :D The only dangerous crave I had was when you told me I was doing it all wrong, vis a vis Champix. My chest went all tight, I had a major craving for 24 hours, BUT I came through and am smiling now. So I don't need you to destroy my confidence in my quit, and btw, you said you would stay out of my business????

Not for long I see :rolleyes:

Hate to disappoint (sp) you mate, but I am loving this quit so much I am thinking of writing a West End musical called 'Oxygen'. You wanna be a chorus girl???? :D

Zoe xx

Only if I can dance as well as sing and I would like to be dressed up as a large cigarette :D

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Sorted and costume on the way :D

lefoy123 profile image

using available help

I don't think it matters what you use to quit as long as you are not smoking, I used everything I was offered patches, inhalator and I bought some gum. I am on the middle strength patches now until Tues and find using the inhalator handy if I am having a glass of wine stopped using the gum so I am getting there slowly, have a great week end everyone

Good Evening Lills,

Hope you had a good week-end. I have been using /observing goings on "WEQUIT" for some 4/5 weeks. Believe it or not your comment "I don't think it matters....."

is the first piece of true common sense I've encounter on the site. There has been plenty of helpful tips and some downright nonsense; a lot of which were hurtful and insulting but yours gets right to the nitty gritty. Like yourself I'm an advocate of using any help available. When your house is on fire does it matter whether the blaze is put out using buckets/hoses or other means less tasteful !!! As you perhaps don't say but imply it's the end result that counts not the road we travelled to get there.


nsd_user663_50033 profile image

Sick also

I'm on day 22 of no smoking! The nausea is quite unbearable especially with a new baby that doesn't care if your sick lol. Ive tried everything. Eating first, taking the pill first, lots of water, etc. Nothing helps me. It was mostly the evening pill that really made me feel bad so I don't take that one anymore. So far it's going ok with just the morning one on board. I also have a bf that smokes but he has cut down considerably since I have quit. I find when he smokes it doesn't even bother me anymore. I had a drag of his smoke one time and it was aweful! So I'm convinced this will work because I also have ZERO willpower. Hang in there everyone!

p.s. It doesn't matter how many times you try, it's that you keep trying that matters :-)

Unah profile image

I won't be any help because I haven't taken champix. If you go to Quick Links and then Social Groups you'll see a group for champix users. If you read the messages on there you should find some answers.

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