Hi!!! day 2.. new to forum: Hi there :) Day... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hi!!! day 2.. new to forum

nsd_user663_45231 profile image
8 Replies

Hi there :)

Day 2 had my last cancer stick at 8am yesterday morning.

Stopped quite suddenly although been thinking about it for ages...been driving me mad today cant even think straight, really want one but I will not give in...

Got in my car this morning thought I was going to throw up,:eek: the smell of stale cigarettes was so bad!!! but also it hasn't been cleaned for ages so was turning into a biological hazard lol..

Had to go the dentist and have a crown fitted so whilst my mouth was thawing out and i couldn't eat, I occupied myself by washing (yes washing!! it was that bad folks) the inside of my car out with flash containing fabreeze...So now I have a lovely smelling car and because it kept me occupied didnt even think of smoking whilst I was cleaning:)..

Right what can I eat now lol..x

ps my reasons for quitting


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nsd_user663_45231 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_44983 profile image


Congratulations on reaching day 2!!!:D

I'm three quarters way through day 2 myself, been playing pc games and chewing gum today.

Keep up your good work, see you in day 3.

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Thank you!!! snugsy01...and well done to you!!! give yourself a big pat on the back...see you tomorrow x

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi toyah and welcome to the forum :D

Congrats on getting into Day 2 as well :cool: I know what you mean about the smell of smoke, my whole flat stinks and I can even smell smoke outside my front door :eek: so will have to get going with the febreze lol!!

Meanwhile, come and join us in the March Hares social group, you can find it by clicking on quick links, social groups, and there we are :D We are all at around the same stage, and it does so help to compare notes and support each other.

Best wishes,

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Hi Zoe thanks for your reply...yeah everything "stinks" lol...read somewhere when i packed up last time that newly quit smokers find the smell so offensive because its something to do will the receptors in the brain rejecting it and we will smell it twice as bad as someone who has never smoked...also I think its cause its a "new" smell to us and we are just not used to it.....yak yak....

Will pop into the March Hares thank you ..x

nsd_user663_40564 profile image

Welcome :) Even when i smoked the smell of stale smoke was revolting. The great thing about not smoking is having the confidence you know you smell good and so does your belongings, before I used to be paranoid about everything especially if someone wanted a lift in my car!!

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Hi 9january my thoughts exactly!!! really felt embarrassed about the smell..my car is gleaming inside but am still getting a whiff of fags...its orrible!!! xx

nsd_user663_35913 profile image

Hi Zoe thanks for your reply...yeah everything "stinks" lol...read somewhere when i packed up last time that newly quit smokers find the smell so offensive because its something to do will the receptors in the brain rejecting it and we will smell it twice as bad as someone who has never smoked...also I think its cause its a "new" smell to us and we are just not used to it.....yak yak....

Will pop into the March Hares thank you ..x

Well - you learn something new everyday! I didn't know about that bit about the receptors. Makes sense.

And trust me - 6 months on, and the smell is still VILE!!!!

Good luck - get all the support you can from this forum. It has helped more than I realise sometimes.:D

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Hi Fellie..and thanks...the forum is great lol...yes I read about that somewhere last time I quit...glad it still smells vile and you have been quit 6 months, had a sniff of a dirty ashtray today to try and stop the cravings it was vile lol but it worked..xx

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