Don't quit smoking????: Well a week ago I... - No Smoking Day

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Don't quit smoking????

nsd_user663_33441 profile image
35 Replies

Well a week ago I went to my doctors in a bit of a state with chest pains, panic etc. The subject of stopping smoking came up, and he said 'Why are you putting so much pressure on yourself??' Well that floored me. He said that not many doctors advocate smoking, but in my case he would worry about me quitting and said I needed to go away and think about it. Now I am all over the place. I feel that he has given me the perfect excuse to smoke, like 'my doctor doesn't want me to stop', and has ruined my quitting experience. At the time I wasn't capable of smoking cos I couldn't breathe, but now I am dithering around stopping and starting etc and just don't know what to do anymore. My moods do get terrible when I quit I know, to the point I am feeling like I am having a breakdown, but is that a reason/excuse not to try?? I am so confused now and would appreciate any advice anyone could give me.



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nsd_user663_33441 profile image
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35 Replies
nsd_user663_44124 profile image

How do you feel this week and have you been smoking?

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

Hi Zoe, you mind has to be really set on quitting and you can only be the judge of that. Everybody experiences mood swings, and I can tell you now I have had my fair share of stress, depression and temper, but I have still managed to quit. And as for your DR is he real:eek:.

Whatever you choose, I hope that you choos well.


Quit Date: 10.2.12

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

if you just carried on smoking how often would you visit your doctor? would you be a patient that barely went there.

i am just wondering because i feel its very wrong for a doctor to say what he has said and as we know all doctors and nhs are on stretched budgets even more so lately so is it possible he could see you becoming a very regular visitor to him if you are quit and if you smoked he wouldnt see you so would cost his surgery less

its just a suggestion

personally i would see a different doctor because that is disgusting how you have been treated someone in his position should know this would feel like permission to you

you belong to this forum so you know what is best for you

you have to get through the tough to get to the good

you cant do it


nsd_user663_4558 profile image

Your mindset is now on quitting zoe - go for it :)

nsd_user663_35121 profile image

Hi Zoe

My doctor said this to me when I failed at Christmas. I don't think he was giving me permission, or encouraging me to smoke...just that I wasn't in the "right" frame of mind then and he was trying to help me feel less guilty about it.

Stressing about smoking/not smoking was perhaps MORE harmful to me than smoking....AT THAT PARTICULAR TIME!!

I think your doctor wants you to stop worrying.

You CAN quit Zoe. I know you can. If you are ready now, ignore what your GP says. If you're not ready, don't beat yourself up about it...the right time will come (like it did before)

I hope you feel better soon



nsd_user663_43218 profile image

Hi Zoe,

You need to do what is best for you at this time.

Are you still on the Champix? I tried them last year and they did not agree with me, did your doctor discuss that possiblity with you?

I am also having major ups and downs because of quitting - it does affect your mood but it will be so worth it in the long run so hang in there if you can. Lots of love Dottie xx

nsd_user663_43344 profile image

Hi Zoe,

Maybe speak to your GP about trying Champix, I know that it doesnt agree with some people but then it also does agree with a lot of people so you will have to try for yourself to see if it agrees with you,

I quit with Champix 19 days ago and I have absolutely no side effects, No cravings, I sleep well... I tried to quit once before and never lasted longer than a few hours because I became extremely moody! I was ready to kill someone and then the next minute wanted to burst into tears for no reason at all, I couldnt do it, I couldnt handle it, I felt like I was going mad!

It is so very different this time with the champix, Its like a miracle drug in my eyes, I couldnt have done it without champix and of course the right frame of mind...

Good luck!!!:)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Long time no hear Zoe :)

You could use it as an excuse to smoke or you could use it as an incentive not to and prove him wrong.

Not smoking won't kill you, but smoking certainly could, it's a no brainer in the long run and I think you know that deep down.

Good luck whatever you decide, but I hope you take the logical decision :)

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks for the replies everyone,

Lizzie, I think you hit the nail on the head,

Stressing about smoking/not smoking was perhaps MORE harmful to me than smoking....AT THAT PARTICULAR TIME!!

Thats what I'm doing I think, I stress if I smoke but quitting brings its own stresses and I hate it when I lose all control of myself. I want to be chilled and calm and contented but just can't get there. And I'm fed up of starting over and over again with Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 etc.etc., it's driving me barmy :rolleyes: I seem to have lost the momentum I had when I quit in September and can't get it back :(

Sorry to moan so much, but I'm a real misery at the moment and not much fun to be around :o

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Carolyn and Dottie,

I am on Champix but it doesn't seem to be really working at the moment for some reason, and I haven't got enough left to keep me quit for long anyway. And cold turkey isn't an option for me cos I would end up in Broadmoor lol :eek:

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Perhaps your gp thinks that smoking releives stress for you and that at the present time quitting might be too stressfull for you . i would ask him why he thinks its not a good idea to stop ..dont be afraid of being a nuisance.

Mash x

Hi Zoe

It is difficult to offer any advice that contradicts a medical profesional, but I will give it a go.....

Get a new Doctor.

There are plenty of people who suffer from stress, depression etc and still manage to quit smoking with the use of medicines and therapy.

For this guy to say he doesn't recommend for you to quit is ridiculous. There are not that many things worse for you than smoking....

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi John,

He didn't actually say don't quit, just that in my case he would worry about it. Which kind of left me thinking that something awful will happen to me if I do? And also left me feeling a bit confused. And to be fair, I was in day 1 or 2 of a new quit so I was getting nicotine withdrawals and he hasn't seen me in that state before. And it was the first time he had seen me in a bad state for quite a while. So maybe he meant just not now as he knows some of the things that have happened to me recently. I have an appointment with the nurse tomorrow so I will see what she thinks.

Meanwhile I've had a couple of fags today and they really taste foul urrgh so it seems my desire to quit is coming back!! Just need to think about my trigger points a bit more. Thought I knew them all but I don't.

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

Zoe, you will do it when you are ready. Good luck in whatever you choose.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks shojam,

The stupid thing is I can remember how happy I was in my 4th week of not smoking the first time around. And yet I can't get back there. Shows just how powerful this addiction is. Won't be happy till I give it a go though. xx

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

It is difficult to offer any advice that contradicts a medical profesional, but I will give it a go.....

I've got two GPs in my immediate family and I could write all they know about smoking cessation on the back of a midget gem.

nsd_user663_43218 profile image

I think Champix can have side effects like you are experiencing - I am concerned as to why the doctor did not discuss this with you? x

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi Dottie,

I agree,

I think Champix can have side effects like you are experiencing - I am concerned as to why the doctor did not discuss this with you? x

But doctors don't want to admit to prescribing something dodgy do they? Every time I complained about a side effect he said it wasn't in his Mimms book, even though it is in the Champix leaflet lol :rolleyes:

Maybe I've been on them too long but dunno what else to try cos NRT doesn't do it for me. Help :eek:

Zoe xxxx

I've got two GPs in my immediate family and I could write all they know about smoking cessation on the back of a midget gem.

I did give it a go though..:D

nsd_user663_42839 profile image

Hi Zoe

Not seen you here much last few days and was wondering if you were ok! It is a hard one - I found myself in a terrible mood the first week or so of champix (or first week or so without cigs) but luckily has been good since then - I amm sure you will feel ready to go at it full force again as you have done before - it is hard to go for it when you are not in the frame of mind - still fairly new here but from what I have read from others etc you are a fighter and I am sure you will manage again soon xx

nsd_user663_43218 profile image

Hi Zoe,

Maybe you should try something completely different like hypnotherapy?

Just an idea to put out there.

I work with a lady who quit very successfull using this method 7 years ago so she is proof to me that it can work :)

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I work with a lady who quit very successfull using this method 7 years ago so she is proof to me that it can work :)

Statistically it's THE way to quit.

Doesn't get much air time though does it? :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_33894 profile image

Hi Zoe,

I just wondered, has your GP offered you any advice and/or medication to help you relax and deal with stress/anxiety? Perhaps if you can help relieve that, you can then focus on quitting when you're in a better frame of mind.


Jen x

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi Jen,

I have been on medication for anxiety for many years now, although it has been cut right down and there is no way dat der doctor is going to put it up again :rolleyes: although I wish he would. But I spoke to the nurse today and she doesn't see any reason why I shouldn't quit and sees it as a good move so I feel more positive now. So I reckon I will quit to be an awkward blighter and bugger the doctor ;)

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

:eek: Can't believe I was allowed the word bugger and yet I can't say ****yse?? See?? Or socialize?? :D:D Weird :p

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Oh I got away with socialize, prob spelt it wrong :D how about so******e??

nsd_user663_33894 profile image

So I reckon I will quit to be an awkward blighter and bugger the doctor ;)

Good on ya Zoe :D!

Just on another note, what forms of NRT have you tried? There might be something out there that could work for you. Or perhaps Zyban, if it's not contraindicated?

Jen x

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Hi Zoe

I used to have a smoke when I had a challenge or felt stressed. Now I have stopped I realise I feel more confident and less stressed without the cigs.

Hopefully the same will happen for you and you will feel much better.

Just keep that wicked sense of humour going and be positive.

I'm sure you can do it.

Looking forward to seeing you posting day 1, 2, 3 week 1, 2 etc

good luck

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

My advice would be to do whatever you want. After all, it's your decision whether you stop or not, and how you manage that.

I believe that as Elizabeth64 said at the beginning of the thread, your doctor was probably making a consolitary remark about it potentially not being the right time for you to quit given the circumstances rather than giving you specific medical advice. He was empathising.

I cannot stress enough how much people need to own their quit! No remark, advice, counter-argument etc. should stop you from doing what you want to do, and if you want to quit then that is your right!


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks for all the replies everyone, it makes me feel a bit emotional lol but I do know you all care ;) No pleasure in smoking for me anymore, it's just a horrible compulsion, but I am a bit like that :rolleyes:

And special thanks to Karri,

Zoe I agree with Lizzie, I think your GP was putting you first.

It is obvious you really want your quit back and the only difference I can see between before and now is the time you spend on here. You were really active on that quit of yours. I know circumstances may not allow you access to the Internet 24 hours a day and if that is the case I apologise if that sounded insensitive.

I think you can do it with lots of support and encouragement. Everyone here is behind you and wants to see you get there again.

Whatever happens do what is right for you. I hope we see you back and doing it again soon x x x

Yeah I still mourn my 50 day quit and chucking it away needlessly. More fool me. But tomorrow is another day lol I sound like Scarlett O'Hara now :eek:

Karri I am so sorry I had a go at you the other night and hope you will accept my apology. I could blame the quit or the Champix, but it was just me so I am so sorry :o Meanwhile I got that quitting feeling coming back again and about time too!! Hope your quit is going good bigtime Karri, I know you put loads of effort into preparing for it and you well deserve the rewards now.

Love to you and TC,

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Hello Scarlet.

I may be completely wrong here, and if I am, then just ignore me. But this is what I see.

You really want to stop smoking, and you know that you would enjoy many benefits if you could quit - health, finances, a sense of pride and achievement etc.

You also know that Champix can help you to control the cravings and get to a point where you are happy not to be smoking.

For months now, you have experienced a whole range of crap in your life that anyone - smoker or non smoker - would have found massively stressful.

From where I sit now, one of my observations is that as smokers, we have a way of tying all of our emotions to the need to smoke. Part of the quitting process is about "unlinking" the relationship between fags and how we feel.

You are still taking the champix. I suspect that if you could make that mental leap to separate your quit from your feelings of stress, then you could make it. This is hard to articulate, but basically, if you could see your quit as one of the good, strong, positive things in your life rather than another cause of stress, then I really think that could set you back on course.

We would all love to see you get there, Zoe. :)

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi Karri,

So glad we are friends again cos I was so worried about that xx

And what is that thought?? Don't give in when you have come so far, look at all the regret I have.

Awww Zoe don't apologise. I am really sorry too and am just glad we are still here and still friends x x

I'm sooooo glad you are getting the quit feeling back again. You hit the nail on the head with the word "compulsion". That really is all it is and if you can keep that thought it will really help.

Let us know how things go. When the time is right then go for it with everything you got. You're a strong person and that's what keeps you trying, use all you have learnt and find "the quit".

My quit is still going although finding today really hard. Got a thought in my head that I can't get out and it's not helping. Hope it goes tomorrow!

Keeping everything crossed for you and let us know how you go x x x

PS lol at Scarlett. I bet I keep calling you that now

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Yep I think the word compulsion sums me up as I am a bit like that and I know what you meant now when you said you were more addicted to cigarrettes than nicotine. I know what is going on when the nicotine is coming out of my system and can deal with that, but it's after that things get tricky??

Anyways, hope your quit still going good and TC,

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi Mrs T :D

As usual you hit the nail on the head,

From where I sit now, one of my observations is that as smokers, we have a way of tying all of our emotions to the need to smoke. Part of the quitting process is about "unlinking" the relationship between fags and how we feel.

That is what I do, every time I have an emotion I think I need to smoke which is nonsense I know :rolleyes: So I gonna think about it a bit. I won't put any pressure on myself to quit for a few days, but when I feel like doing it, which is starting to happen, I will be back here with a BOOM DING ZING!!

Love to you,

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Karri I'm really taking it one day at a time at the mo - but getting well psyched up here :D

Don't worry Zoe - we'll always be friends

Once I realised it was cigarettes that were my addiction it really helped me. It got my quit off the ground but now I'm battling with "wanting" to smoke. LOL it never ends and wish we had never lit that first cigarette

Have you set a quit date or are you just taking it a day at a time at the moment x x

Oh I wish I had never lit that first cigarette too, only did it cos someone left a pack in my flat and they were there for six weeks :rolleyes: Think I'm addicted to cigarettes cos its something to do when I'm bored - does that make any sense????

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Karri I really am not enjoying smoking now yuk yuk yuk so I will give it a go soon I reckon. Gonna have an early night tonight and read a book. I don't feel like smoking when I do that lol :D


Zoe xxxx

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