1,000 days quit: Good evening NSD'ers I... - No Smoking Day

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1,000 days quit

nsd_user663_4847 profile image
16 Replies

Good evening NSD'ers

I quit 1,000 days ago,

I'm amazed myself as my 50 day quit I will tell you wasn't a happy bunny. (As this link shows).

At 100 days was feeling a little more positive than at 50 but at 10 x 100 days things are a breeze. Thoughts only creep in now at unusual tense situations and when booze is on board.

If I can do it so can you, however you choose to quit, when the chips are down and the choice is in your face, do you smoke or do you give everything which you have already battled against, up?

At 1,000 days I've nearly lived 3 years without smoking, but each day for the early days not smoking is a choice and at times a battle and I truly believe 1,000 days is not possible without slaying some demons. I dreamed of waking up from a coma after a year in the early days but now I realise it won't hellp because I won't have lived a year without smoking. You can only triumph by slaying your smoking demons, you've got to want in spite of any challenge.

Onwards and upwards.

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nsd_user663_4847 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Gosh, time is flying by and with it your 1,000 days of sheer Awesome-ness.

Congrats, my MAH :cool:

That running thing we talked about elsewhere....just completed week 3 :)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Good to see that MAH

I agreed with everything you have said. The physical addiction is nothing compared to the psychological one.

jackieinv profile image

Well done and well said.

Jackie x

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Hey Mah just read through your post and its links . its nice to know that others have had it rough at the 100 days mark and it sounds like anecessary part of the journey. so im feeling more optimisic that this 'trawling the seabed' will pass. I still find myself reaching for a smoke 4 mths on . its quite a challenge living life on lifes terms without disappearing into a cloud of smoke. its so much better to unmask difficulties and just go through them, and im appreciating @feeling stuff' rather than avoiding it. its all becoming very do-able, esp stuff i thought i couldnt handle. this quit is showing me how much of my life has been spent wanting to avoid. That is now turning around Bring it on i say, whatever it is.

@kk i love what u say about about the journey not ending but getting more comfortable.


nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Hey Mah just read through your post and its links . its nice to know that others have had it rough at the 100 days mark and it sounds like anecessary part of the journey. so im feeling more optimisic that this 'trawling the seabed' will pass. I still find myself reaching for a smoke 4 mths on . its quite a challenge living life on lifes terms withoutwantin to disappear into a cloud of smoke. its so much better to unmask difficulties and just go through them, and im appreciating @feeling stuff' rather than avoiding it. its all becoming very do-able, esp stuff i thought i couldnt handle. this quit is showing me how much of my life has been spent wanting to avoid. That is now turning around Bring it on i say, whatever it is.

@kk i love what u say about about the journey not ending but getting more comfortable.


nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Hey Mah just read through your post and its links . its nice to know that others have had it rough at the 100 days mark and it sounds like anecessary part of the journey. so im feeling more optimisic that this 'trawling the seabed' will pass. I still find myself reaching for a smoke 4 mths on . its quite a challenge living life on lifes terms withoutwantin to disappear into a cloud of smoke. its so much better to unmask difficulties and just go through them, and im appreciating @feeling stuff' rather than avoiding it. its all becoming very do-able, esp stuff i thought i couldnt handle. this quit is showing me how much of my life has been spent wanting to avoid. That is now turning around Bring it on i say, whatever it is.

@kk i love what u say about about the journey not ending but getting more comfortable.


Hi Mash

Just think this quitting process takes time, you've already done so much at 4 months, it does get easier now but I found at that stage the momentum and drive waning, my family and friends thought I should be over and generally things just felt a little flat. Don't get me wrong I was still scared of starting again so guarded my quit and nurtured it but the early doors craves had gone and as I say things were flat and even, as the nicotine highs and lows disappeared. At the time it felt uncomfortable and I was low, I also now think of this time as a period of reassessing.

Just keep on doing how you're doing Mash, your walking the walk and relearning and doing fantastically.

Each morning I use to read a little woofmang, he helped, if you haven't already have a go, his link is in my sig.


nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Thanks for that Mah enjoying reding that stuff. i noticed your 'reasons' button in the bottom left hand corner, How did u put it there? i should know these things iv been on this forum for long enough. just been looking at Kubler Ross cycle of grief and woul like a button on my sig to direct people to info.

Im definately @the depression stage, having tdone the bargaining which fell on deaf ears.

Mash x

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Cant believe i missed this!!

Well done MAH!!

you are such an inspiration and a fab support on this forum. I know that you have helped me numerous times, and its always appreciated.

nsd_user663_18145 profile image


[INDENT]:) thats a great positive thread to read :)


nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Thanks for that Mah enjoying reding that stuff. i noticed your 'reasons' button in the bottom left hand corner, How did u put it there? i should know these things iv been on this forum for long enough. just been looking at Kubler Ross cycle of grief and woul like a button on my sig to direct people to info.

Im definately @the depression stage, having tdone the bargaining which fell on deaf ears.

Mash x

Hi Mash

To put a link in your sig, go to your sig, write in what you wish to hyperlink, such as, Mash's Journey, then whereever you have started the thread you want to link too pick it up and using the globe link button (which is part of the options provided whilst in sig update mode) select Mash's journey instead of full hyperlink.

I know at the moment, things aren't quite normal but they do become so. Honestly did you ever think you'd get to 4 months? Have you ever tried to quit before and failed, you're doing really well, just keep going, say no quietly at times and scream it if you have to.

The Kubler-Ross was an eyeopener for me too, take this time and get to know the knew you. Unlike the nicotine addicted you, nothing influences you any more except logic. The crushing need for a fag when you laugh, cry, smile, shout or basically feel any emotion is waning. And each day you get further away from all the nicotine drama, it's something to be celebrated really, it just feels like sensible shoes and fruit instead of sweets but in the end it's the best thing.

Well done MAH!!

you are such an inspiration and a fab support on this forum. I know that you have helped me numerous times, and its always appreciated.

Cheers Claire

You're not doing to bad either and thanks for the appreciation of my efforts.


[INDENT]:) thats a great positive thread to read :)


Thanks to you to Carol.

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Gosh, time is flying by and with it your 1,000 days of sheer Awesome-ness.

Congrats, my MAH :cool:

That running thing we talked about elsewhere....just completed week 3 :)

Cheers Cav and well done you, that thing, the wheel thing, might be out again soon, hopefully the chain stay's on this time!:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Thanks Mah For the help with signature, unfortunately cant workit out so done it in my own tinpot way


nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Mash, use the link, when the particular statement is highlighted

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

so many days

You are very impressive! Am tapping toes till end of May for MAH when a big fat cheer will arise from the Cox household to celebrate 3 years gone. x

Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

1000 days! Tis a GRAND milestone indeed!

Brilliant stuff MAH.

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Hey Mah , just seen your post . Long time no see and WELL DONE YOU !!!!:D

Absolutely brilliant , wish I had hung in there too on my previous quit as would have been celebrating with you .

Regards and best wishes , Trev :)

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