Slip ups while drinking.: I have been reading... - No Smoking Day

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Slip ups while drinking.

nsd_user663_40738 profile image
12 Replies

I have been reading the morning posts and of the ones with slip ups drinking has alot to do with the slip ups.

If you learn from your lesson then all is good but you are like a baby who is trying to walk too soon. You will slip and fall( in this case, fail) For now, drinking should not be done or if it is, only in moderation with a designated non smoker coach next to you.

I may sound down on the whole process but I think I am...I am pretty much a non drinker. I have had many 3 drinks in the past 2 years. My whole family drinks to much and I lost my dad and grandpa to drinking.

For me, my biggest challenge is coffee. I want a smoke with coffee. I still have my coffee but just ignore the vile person inside who says do it, smoke just one.

I smoke one today and will be back on 60 tomorrow...NO THANKS!!

Lets just keep on and really try to stay away from the temptations if possible.....ppat

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nsd_user663_40738 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_43344 profile image

you are correct in what you say except for the part that you did it because you wanted to..No, you didnt do it because you wanted to, You are a drug addict and the drug is nicotine, Please read Allen Carr's book, it is so motivational and it really helps through the difficult times whether the temptation be during drinking, social gatherings, after a meal, he explains to you exactly how to deal with these situations and it makes you feel a whole lot better. GOOD LUCK! :)

nsd_user663_40738 profile image

Kari, that is good. We need to take responsibility for our actions. As long as you learn from your mistakes then all is good. Each day is a new day and it brings its own challenges. That would be true even if we smoked.

Just look down the road to when you can truely say I don't want to smoke (if that day ever comes LOL). Just keep on keeping on and do what works for you...ppat

nsd_user663_40564 profile image

i've read allen carrs book twice (and listened to the free cd) and yes it is motivational and inspirational but it does not work when you are drunk!! the last thing you want to think about is allen carr when you are drunk! I think the lesson to be learned is cutting out drink, avoiding house parties where everyone is smoking (thats what i did) and preparing for the next time.

i went out last weekend and drank a fair bit but in the pubs it didnt bother me and i most certainly over dosed on nico-mist but i got through the night not puffing :)

everyone is different though

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Personally, I'd go back to day 1 if I had 1.

There are two posts on here currently where 1 person has had 15 cigarettes in one go after 6 weeks and another who has had 5 cigarettes a time on two separate occasions in 6 weeks.

You can kid yourself, but if you've smoked that many it's a broken quit in my mind.

It makes a mockery of the stages if you feel you can ignore what I would consider a major slip and just carry on from where you were.

Agreed Capitan.....It is the age old question on here what is the difference between a blip and a fail?

To my mind if I had just one puff it would be a fail there really is no such thing as a blip, and to smoke 6 or 15 especially this early into a quit, and call it a blip is crazy.

You either smoke or you dont no other option.....

Just my thoughts.

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Drinking depresses the central nervous system effectively switching off the inhibition mechanism. which is why people dance on tables become the greatest karaoke crooner, snog there best mates bird or fellah,tell the bouncer hes a fat bastard. or smoke a cigarette, once youve become disinhibited anything is possible. for me its about making sure im sober enough to realize whats happening and being able to keep saying no to the first thoughts of saying yes to the first puff. we dont need a drink to take a puff. i just ask myself am i drinking in the hope of giving myself permission to lose my hold on control.

Mash x beware the addict lurking nearby, he/she hasnt gone for good, theyare just waiting to be invited to the party cos after all thyve learned the error of their ways[poppycock] if they get back in they will take over you know and before u know it youll be over-run with mice.:eek::eek:

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

Well i dont drink but i know many on here do so its best to cut it right down. I also gave up coffee maybe thats why i dont crave for a fag. Best of luck to all quitters. Jacqui

nsd_user663_40564 profile image

How much importance does the number of days stopped actually have. Is it not more important the benefits your body reapes from the quit.

I am still going through the same stages as people who quit without cheating on day 44 and not the same stages as people who have just started their quit which is why i feel i want to stay on day 44. that is my reason - not to cheat my way to smoke free days! I think their is too much emphasis on the number of days, this forum is broken up as different stages of the quit have different difficulties faced which we can all share and i can relate more to the ones in this section (day 44 - 1 day lol).

this forum is really helping me with support though, especially positive feedback - allowing me to keep going - thank u x

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

How much importance does the number of days stopped actually have. Is it not more important the benefits your body reapes from the quit.

I am still going through the same stages as people who quit without cheating on day 44 and not the same stages as people who have just started their quit which is why i feel i want to stay on day 44. that is my reason - not to cheat my way to smoke free days! I think their is too much emphasis on the number of days, this forum is broken up as different stages of the quit have different difficulties faced which we can all share and i can relate more to the ones in this section (day 44 - 1 day lol).

this forum is really helping me with support though, especially positive feedback - allowing me to keep going - thank u x

Just like smokers come up with excuses as to why they have to have a cigarette.....:rolleyes:

I'm not going to keep ragging on you, but you smoked more than some people smoke who have the habit.

I smoked 15 the day before I quit, does that mean I can add 1 day onto my quit as 15 in a day obviously doesn't count.

nsd_user663_40564 profile image

capitan u really arent helping me at all and i came on here for support

nsd_user663_40158 profile image

I was the one who smoked 5 on 2 seperate occasions,am at week 6.Personally for me to still feel like am on week 6 is keeping me going alot more than it would if I was to be on day 1 again.I am well past the 1st very very tough week,don't have those intense cravings,so why should I go back?I understand that it may seem as cheating the way am thinking but to me personally ( everyone is different ) its more positive to carry on in week 6.I have learnt from my mistakes,that is drinking is my trigger and will still make me very tempted to smoke so am avoiding it now,and will for a few weeks or how ever long it takes to feel more confident I will be ok with it.

I don't think it helps to judge thats all I am saying, when I am still trying to be positive.I have not started again and have no intention of doing so.

nsd_user663_40738 profile image

January and mumi....good for both of you. I can see where it is cheating by not going back, but the most important thing is to not smoke.

When I was on the patch (for 14 days) I was still getting nicotine. People who use other sources are still getting nicotine, so I guess I have to ask if that time can be counted as part of my quit? I am not condoning or justifying what you and others did. What is important here, more than anything else, is that you quit. That is step 1. Now, you need to stay quit!! That is step 2!

If you know that drinking is a trigger and you can not control the trigger than do not drink!

My trigger is coffee, but, I still enjoy my coffee, I just refuse to give into my trigger. Of course, coffee can never be compared to drinking, I understand that.

By starting this post, I was trying to reach out to the people who it seemed were having problems. To try and help them to continue the quit. Not to start a arguement or problems. I say that you count how ever many days you feel you should... Just stay clean now and DO NOT SMOKE!!!!

I will not except anymore excuses...I smoked 60 a day for 40 years. I am doing it, so can YOU!!!! ppat

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