Aww nooo wanna fag: Really wanna fag so bad... - No Smoking Day

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Aww nooo wanna fag

nsd_user663_33441 profile image
31 Replies

Really wanna fag so bad now. Don't care about my health. Am desperate.

Zoe xx

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nsd_user663_33441 profile image
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31 Replies
nsd_user663_25112 profile image

:eek:No you must stay positive keep your hands busy bake a cake or any other hobbies that you can do. Its just the nicodemon getting at you, if you have one it will result to many more. Stay focused and be strong . Jacqui

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Jaqui lol its bad tonight :mad: Thought I would be ok when nicotine gone but not. Sheesh, dunno what to do with myself lol

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Don't give up Zoe!

Drink lots of water and brush your teeth.

Mmm, lovely and fresh :)

One day at a time and you can make it.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Capitan but wats the point? I am not worth saving anyway :confused:

nsd_user663_42763 profile image

Ooow come now, that's no way to think! You're worth saving just as much as anyone else :) stay strong! Think of the future.. dont give in!

nsd_user663_42220 profile image


What makes you say that?

You are making ME feel sad now :(

In fact, if you don't cheer up and get through this, I'M going to smoke!

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

But then if I hang out for tonight, its less than 8 hours till I can buy cigs at 6am!! Surely even I can do that but oooohh a bad one tonight lol :mad:

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I'll just repeat my post in case you missed it :(


What makes you say that?

You are making ME feel sad now :(

In fact, if you don't cheer up and get through this, I'M going to smoke!

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Strawberry and Capitan you both rock :D

Am feeling on the edge and dunno why. But Capitan if you smoke cos I smoke then I will smoke cos you smoke lol that is too complicated :eek:

Really raw tonight but think I forgot my Champix today haha :rolleyes: but then I can't stay on it forever can I???? Just a downer that it is the only thing that has held me together during quits and not me doing it :mad:

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

The ONLY reason I will smoke is if you do.

If you don't then I won't.

Come on, drink some water, brush those teeth to get that minty fresh feeling and tuck yourself in bed out of harms way.

You can do this!

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

But is is you doing it, even with the champix, you still need your own mind!! You're doing really well, don't f*ck it up now hun, if you forgot your champix today I'm not sure what you can do? But still, your posts tonight have been pretty worrying, hope you can cheer up soon, and feel a bit stronger. You don't need to smoke, say that to yourself. Have an early night, go to sleep and tomorrow is a fresh day x

nsd_user663_33441 profile image


Sorry Capitan and Rochelle, I really am and didn't want to worry you :( Very rough spot for me for as long as I can remember, scared to go to bed too now for some reason :rolleyes: but I guess these things happen to all of us. Just a bit weak at the mo but better because of you two xx :) Wish I was a DollyMixture cos you are all so cool xxxx


nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Join us!! I for one don't mind!!

I have felt the depression today, not had that yet, and its been bad!! Read through some old threads on month 1 and seems its pretty common. You could read through some old posts on this part and see how other people felt at your stage.

I do understand that the champix messes with peoples emotions though, and low feelings are a side effect. You could be suffering from that.

Whatever happens people on here are here for support xx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Anyone can be a Dolly Mixture if they want, so if you do join us :D

Just be strong tonight and start again tomorrow.

You'll be fine, just hang on in there :D

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

and if you have one what then?

......................................guilt. misery stinky breath, despair self loathing oh no im so weak. i wish i hadnt had one. i wish i could quit............

mash x

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

and if you have one what then?

......................................guilt. misery stinky breath, despair self loathing oh no im so weak. i wish i hadnt had one. i wish i could quit............

mash x

So true. Would feel even worse. Soldier through and ya will feel loads happier tomorrow x

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hey Rochelle,

I don't think I felt depressed cos of the Champix, it normally helps me. Could just be thru missing smoking though, I have been doing it for 32 years :o

Would love to join Dolly's Mixtures cos you are a cool group, but you all quit in Jan and I am a Feb quitter?? So up to yous all if you let me join :) Will understand if not, but boy oh boy have you got me thru a crave tonight lol feel almost human now :D

Feels good lol, and love to all of you,

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I've sent you an invite to Dolly's Mixtures :D

I've smoked for 31 years Zoe, the first 10 days were really up and down but at day 23 it's getting easier and easier.

Stay tough and you can make it :)

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Hey Rochelle,

I don't think I felt depressed cos of the Champix, it normally helps me. Could just be thru missing smoking though, I have been doing it for 32 years :o

Would love to join Dolly's Mixtures cos you are a cool group, but you all quit in Jan and I am a Feb quitter?? So up to yous all if you let me join :) Will understand if not, but boy oh boy have you got me thru a crave tonight lol feel almost human now :D

Feels good lol, and love to all of you,

Zoe xxxx

We don't state what months we quit in the title ? We are just a group of people who get on and have supported eachother and so made a group instead of hijacking threads lol

And the champix thing, my cousin is on champix now, she's on day 17 and still smoking?! Will something bad happen to her? I keep saying things but she bites my head off. Xx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Ha ha I am such a slow typist lol :rolleyes: keeps me occupied though :D And hi Mash, you always say the right things to put my brain back on track, wtf would I want a smoke silly me :eek:

Was a bad moment though, but we all have them and shouldn't be scared to admit it.

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Have you accepted the invite yet?

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi Capitan,

I can see the invite but not where to accept?? As you can see I am a bear of very little brain lol just show me da place :D

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I'm unsure :confused:

Somewhere on the page that opens when you go into the invite message there is an accept "key"

nsd_user663_42839 profile image

Hi Zoe

I hope you are having a better day today - I am on champix too and feel much better now at the start of my 2nd week stopped. Day 5 for me was my first really bad day!! Found my youngest had nits and had to spend the whole day bone combing both my daughters long hair (sorry if to much information!) - not fun and if ever I was tempted!! ended up being a real torn face cow all day but was so proud of myself when I went to bed that night and hadnt given in.

At the mo my hubby still smokes which is hard seeing the pack lying around but he is starting the patches on tues - will be a fun week in my house again next week!!

Rochelle - I go to a stop smoking group and the lady there said to someone still smoking does no harm if on champix - just wont be enjoyable - one of my friends took them last jan and didnt stop till 5 weeks on them and is still stopped now.


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi Mandy Pink :D glad its going well for you and I feel better now although I didn't think I ever would (drama queen lol :rolleyes: but thats me)

Capitan, I couldn't find where to accept so I sort of gate crashed anyway cos I am a sort of gate crashing person anyway lol so thanks to you and your group for rescueing me tonight, it was a close one I tell you lol :D but its too late for me to go out and buy fags tonight so thats another day done and dusted woot woot :cool:

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_42839 profile image

aww thats good Zoe - it can only get better! :)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

You're a Dolly Mixture now Zoe, that means all the way to the Penthouse in one quit! :)

Every time you have a wobble (and there will be others), think about how bad it was tonight and yet you made it through.

It really does get easier but you have to stay strong until it does.

What's your longest quit to date?

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

I will tell you that in private in our office :D

What's your longest quit to date?

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Ok, I'm off to bed now, are you definitely going to be ok tonight?

You have to be actually, you're a Dolly Mixture now and we're going to the Penthouse - Together! :D

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Don't worry Gary, its too late for me to go out for fags tonight anyway phew. And thanks to you and the gang, I am cool till next time lol :eek: have a good night :)

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Rochelle - I go to a stop smoking group and the lady there said to someone still smoking does no harm if on champix - just wont be enjoyable - one of my friends took them last jan and didnt stop till 5 weeks on them and is still stopped now.


Thanks :) x

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