Not getting any easier.: Heya guys... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Not getting any easier.

nsd_user663_6426 profile image
19 Replies

Heya guys,

Hopefully I'm not on my own with this. I haven't been posting on here as much as I used to as I didn't want to come across as being down and depressed and therefore not encouraging to everyone else on the forum. I've been struggling for what seems like an eternity (well about a month). I'm not seeing my quit as denying myself anything as I actually quite enjoy being a non/ex-smoker and I can't imagine myself ever smoking again but I just can't seem to shake this cloudy/woolly head and feeling down all the time. What is this all about??? Just want to give myself a good shake. If there's anyone else out there that has been through this and seen the other side, please can you leave a'd be encouraging to know it gets better eventually. Honestly, I see giving up smoking as a good thing, the best thing I've done for ages....but can't see the woods for the trees.

Cheers Lisa xxx

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nsd_user663_6426 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_20978 profile image

hey lisa dont worry it does get better honestly i remember those days and wen u feel like that its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but it is there just abit dim

it will pass keep posting if it helps thats wat we are here for or pm

chin up


nsd_user663_5185 profile image

We are all in this together

Hiya just before I read this I posted how shit I was you feel grt to b an ex smoker but oh the depression:( feel totally lost.I'm also going though menopause and giving my family a hard time..i just want to feel normal again ..what is normal ? Reckon the smoking hid that away..yes we can do this lisa and u have dealt with bereavement and still kept off fags so u doing soo well. I am comforted to know I am not alone in my misery but pleased we have the strength to get through this...i have an interview on friday for a big promotion that I have waited for a year..i pray I won't b a quivering wre

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

My mom's going through the menopause noreen and for her, it's been pure hell. Really bad eczema (looks like she's been burnt or scaulded) and feeling down, I really feel for anyone going through it. It seems a nightmare, but because all us women have to go through it, it's treated like it's minor. Sure as hell ain't minor for anyone actually going through it tho huh? Like men having prostate problems and getting up for a piss 50 times a night, common as shit but still a mare....anyways I can empathise.

I know where you're coming from about giving your family a hard time as well. I get really bad PMT and argued all last night with my hubby. Seems like all I say is I'm sorry lately. Well, we have been/going through some rough times and we've done really well. I'm so pleased I'm not smoking. Maybe it's the time of year that's not helping many have said Spring is round the corner and with it the light. If we hang in there together we'll get through it.....nothing lasts forever and hopefully these doldrums won't last for much longer. Thanks boo for letting us know you felt the same and did indeed get through it.

P.S. Loads of best wishes in your interview noreen...use your no smoking to enpower yourself...if we can do this, we can do anything. Loads of luck xxxxx

Lisa xxxx

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

well misery loves company and im another one whos miserable, but so happy to have stopped smoking . i think i was expecting to feel ab fab x 10 000. but i dont iv never felt so disapointed in my life its like getting socks for christmas when i wanted a Ferrari,expected a Ferrarri. oh well at least my feet are warm. i do think good things come to us who wait. big fat hugs to us all. snowdrops are out always a good sign.

dont judge each day by the harvest you reap,but by the seeds that you plant.

Robert louis Stevenson

just for today,

m x

nsd_user663_35439 profile image

This link has done the rounds on a fair few posts - I guess some people don't feel the benefits for a while, however you know you are doing the right thing!!!

I've started taking multi vitamins and exercising a fair bit (got a bike for xmas) and that seems to have lifted the cloud for me (rewired the brain).

Chins up people :D

nsd_user663_35913 profile image

It could well be the time of year...just about everyone I know seems to be down in the dumps for some reason. No money, crappy & dull weather, sniffly noses, summer holidays still ages away...hopefully when spring finally arrives you will start to feel loads better.

Possibly in previous years, the smoking has masked some of the symptoms?

I agree with Dave - I think exercise always helps to lift the mood. Multi-vitamins as well of course - although I reward my wee bit exercise with a wee bit of chocolate;)

I do you hope you cheer up soon - you've done so well and you deserve to reap the benefits!

nsd_user663_37114 profile image

Hey Lisa,

Sorry your not feeling great at the minute, that's poo :mad:

Im gonna say the same as everyone else. Exercise helps so much when you are feeling down at any time. Nothing even to do with smoking!

You have the will power to stop smoking as you have proven so use that will power to lift yourself out of this mood! You are in total control of your life. Think positive and happy thoughts and make yourself be happy.

Be proud of what you have achieved as you have done sooooo well.

Turn that frown upside down lol. Stopping smoking will prevent all those wrinkles you were gonna get so dont be frowning all day and cancelling it out....Do i even make sense?! lol

PS everyone fights with their OH / Hubby....even non smokers lol

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Wish I could an abcess the size of a tennis ball which is making my life painful at the moment. Oh well could be worse, I could have two of em.

nsd_user663_36503 profile image

Hi Lisa,

I haven't been posting much either...I too have been finding my quit difficult of late. Like you, I know I won't smoke again as it's been far too long to go backwards and I really don't want to, but I am fed up with still thinking about smoking! Surely after 4 months (give or take a couple of days) I should be past this?????

Sorry that I can't give you any advice to make you feel better, but knowing you're not alone hopefully helps a little!

Keep smiling...I'm sure we'll both be happy again in our quit soon.

Take care.


nsd_user663_42763 profile image

Hey hun :) i'm a newbie to quitting but an old timer when it comes to depression

Quitting smoking takes away your comfort, it is an anti depressant and as we know makes life feel easier..

But that doesn't mean it's your only solution! There are many ways to kick depression.. think of all the things you enjoy and try to embrace it..

don't let yourself lie around thinking about how hard quitting is because you'll only feel down

Most of all, i want you to know that this is temporary, you WONT feel like this forever and there is another side :)

Goodluck, stay strong ^_^ xx

nsd_user663_23651 profile image

I remember feeling like this Lisa, and posting on here and not feeling normal, when somebody said to me what is normal?

Don't forget smoking has masked the real you, and it takes a while for your brain to adjust, you have done it for so long.

The good news is it does get better honestly I did and you will too!

Best wishes Maria. xx

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Thanks for the support guys....I do think I have mild depression either that or I'm having the dreaded month 3 blues in month 4, doesn't seem just like the blues though. I've suffered with depression on and off since my teens so it could be that and I've certainly had a few triggers over the last few months, quitting smoking (yes that's a trigger in itself apparently), bereavement, losing my job and finding out my dad is very ill at 53...BUT I've been on tablets for depression quite a few times and to be quite frank they just seem to zombify me and stop me from having to think about things. This is OK for a while but you definately don't seem yourself on them. I don't think they worked in the end and possibly made things worse....I think I just used to slowly come round to a different way of thinking about things all by myself as I used to forget to take the tablets near the end of treatment. Anyway....sorry for blithering on, but I realise now I just have to try and act/think differently to when I've been depressed before as I now also do not smoke. It's a slow process.

I'll get there in the end, but I may not act like my usual self and getting yourself out of a depressive state is harder than most people think, it's not merely just grabbing yourself by the lapels and giving yourself a shake and have sunny thoughts!!!!!! I won't smoke again, I really do know that deep down so it's a case of no pain, no gain.....unfortunately I hope you don't mind me being a bit of a git sometimes (people are at times).

Anyways, I am very proud of not smoking for nigh on four months and realise how many of my quit buddies that are left, and that although there are many remaining, quite a few have also relapsed and continue to do so. This quitting m'larkey is very hard and I'm just so proud of myself for having quit. For all those that have relapsed, if it were easy then it'd be no problem to give up the smokes but it IS bloody hard and you just have to put up with it until time washes away all smoking associations....I'm just working my way through all those old associations so yeah it's feckin tough....stick with it like private Benjamin (man up as some would say LOL!), it's hard but not as hard as dying before your time.

Well done for those still here especially my fellow October quitters, it's been a hard road at times but I'm glad I'm still on it.

Lisa xxxx

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

:DLove the link Dave1968. Exactly how everybody feels, sarcastic, Bitchy, emotional, depressive, weather. But hey spring is just around the corner, Tulips, Daffs, Croscuses, all wonderous flowers rearing up with an abundance of smiley faces all colourful and life is starting once again for them. I think i have gone mad:eek: No not really. I was offmy rocker yesterday till Michelle made me feel ok again and so did Zoe. Heres to all you lovely peeps keep quitting and keep posting and eat loads if you want to. Jacqui

Quit dat: 10.2.12

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Hi Lisa

glad to see your still staying strong and not giving into those thoughts that say have a ciggie it will make it better :eek:

suffering with depression is horrible and i agree with you about what the tablets can do to you (my doctor wants me to go on some but ive said no) my memory is bad enough as it is

you will get through this your a strong person

onwards and upwards is the only way to go



nsd_user663_33894 profile image

Hi Lisa,

I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch. I've suffered from depression for years too, and I tend to feel worse at this time of year. I think it's the post-holidays, yukky weather, lack of daylight etc that makes it harder.

But well done for staying off the smoking. I think it's doubly hard when you have depression - as Strawberry pointed out, nicotine does have anti-depressant properties. There's debate on whether it can cause depression as well, by hijacking your dopamine (?) system (jury's still out on that though).

Just a thought on medication - have you considered trying something different? Not all of them have 'zombifying' properties (although effects vary from person to person). I've tried 5 :eek: different ones now, with varying success. I would stay away from Mirtazipine though - I was half asleep on those, and 10lbs heavier after 6 weeks :(. Unfortunately, it's trial and error finding the 'right' one.

Oily fish is also supposed to be good, if you're not a vegetarian or allergic to it anyway!

Take care x

nsd_user663_4214 profile image

Do stick with it. I promise it WILL get easier. In 2 days time I will have been quit for 3 years. It's soooooooooooooooooooo easy now.

Just take one day at a time. You can do it.

nsd_user663_34855 profile image

Hi Lisa,

Not been on much lately, saw your post so thought I'd check in and see how you're doin now.

Keep battling on hun, I had a difficult month 4 and it did get loads better xx

nsd_user663_35439 profile image

You're doing ace and you know you are!!!!

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Awww Dave that's made my day...cheered me up no end. Thanx XX

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