Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew: Hi all, as we... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew

nsd_user663_42220 profile image
17 Replies

Hi all, as we start moving into weekly, then monthly, threads, I thought it might be a good idea to set up a thread for our little crew to keep all our messages to each other in one place.

Who are Dolly's Mixtures?

Capitan (Gary) 50 years old, smoked for 31 years, quit date 26/01/12 - Cold Turkey

Si (Simon) 38 years old, smoked for 26 years, quit date 30/01/12 - Cold Turkey

Dolly (Jackie) 53 years old, smoked for 37 years, quit date 30/01/12 - Patches

Rochelle 23 years old, smoked for 9 years, quit date 26/01/12 - Nicorette patches, gum for first 6 days

Bec81 (Rebecca) 31 years old, smoked for 15 years, quit date 30/01/12 - Patches (+ inhalator for first 4 days)

I've also set up a Dolly's Mixtures Quit Crew social page if you want to join it.

The link to it is:

Rochelle and I will be the first each time to reach the next "room" followed by Si, Dolly and Bec 4 days later - entirely due to our respective quit dates.

I'm on Day 15, moving on to Day 16 soon and everything is hunky dory :)

Didn't post last night as I was really tired and crashed out at around 7.30 and slept right through.

How's everyone else doing today?

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nsd_user663_42220 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_41857 profile image

hiya gary why dont we start a social group? go to quick links at the top, and click on social links, then we can have a group i think theyre just like a thread where we post to each other just like on a thread. will b easier then we can post on it however we want and talk every day. save making a new thread for every milestone huh? x

edit: sorry, just realised, you already have lol!! ignore me, having a productive day, got my cleaning head on lol

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Not exclusive Karri, just 5 people with a quit date within a week of each other :)

Psychologically it is often better to be in a team and have a sense of belonging.

Not only do you not want to let yourself down, but you also start to feel some responsibility towards the team too.

It's just an extra "incentive" not to break the quit :D

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Is this the first exclusive forum clique :D

Not really, we would welcome anyone, we're friendly :) just a supportive group of people that are enjoying hearing eachothers successes lol

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

That genuinely was just said as a joke. You have whatever threads or groups you want to, it's not harming anyone.

Rochelle has been a great help to me and I wouldn't say anything that would deliberately offend her. Hell she has even got me reading Allan Carr again :eek:

The support you give each other will see you through and I know I can come in any time and will be welcome.

Really sorry - I have a dry sarcastic sense of humour which doesn't always come across as it is meant in the written form :o

I'll get my coat :D

Lol I think its just the way we can't see eachothers facial expressions and tone of voice across the internet sometimes we end up taking things out of context but you didn't offend me, I'm not really easily offended lol!! Pleased to hear I'm inspiring you!!

I'm on a forum for Lhasa Apso's, (I own one lol) and a lady on there was who reccommended the allen carr books to me. She has been stopped for about 10 years and doesn't miss it one bit. She's the one who inspired me x

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

That genuinely was just said as a joke. You have whatever threads or groups you want to, it's not harming anyone.

Rochelle has been a great help to me and I wouldn't say anything that would deliberately offend her. Hell she has even got me reading Allan Carr again.

The support you give each other will see you through and I know I can come in any time and will be welcome.

Really sorry - I have a dry sarcastic sense of humour which doesn't always come across as it is meant in the written form.

I'll get my coat :D

Karri, I knew it was said in jest, you could tell by the tone and the emoticons :D

In other news, I'm now on Day 18 and things are going really well. Cravings are minimal and weak when they occur.

Haven't had constipation, sleepless nights (any more than usual), dreams about smoking or a cough yet, things that most other people have had one or more of.

Am I weird? Don't answer that! :D

Why oh why didn't I do this years ago? I'm sitting here thinking of the benefits to my health and the money I could have saved or spent on other things.

I could really kick myself :mad:

How's everyone else doing?

I see Rochelle and Becs posting, Dolly has PM'd me, but nothing from Si.

Si22 profile image

Hi everyone. Just thought I'd pop on to say hello. I'm good.on day 15 of my long walk to becoming a non smoker. The sleeping is better since I started with the Kalms sleeps. The cravings are few and far between now. And are easy to control now. Don't get me wrong I'd still love a cigarette. And always probably will do. I just have to remember that at the end of the day my lungs are not being blocked by black sticky tar. And my arteries are clearing themselves daily like you Gary I wish i'd given turkey a go years ago.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Good to hear Si.

50 weeks to go and it's the penthouse! :D

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

I had the chance of joining a group in 1986 but declined........

On New Years Eve 2011. I was talking to some of my mates (who joined this group) who had a bet in 1986. Four + the Landlord said they would give up smoking and if they did not, they would pay each other £10. Well they all did it. None would give in, even though it was killing them in the early days. For the next 15 years i continued to smoke and tried many times to give up but failed! . They all remained non smokers. Finally in 2001 (the day before my

40th birthday) I quit. Time flies. They have all given up 25 years now and are fine and healthy. Like wise i am fine and healthy.

A group is excellent and you can all motivate each other.

The brilliant thing about quitting is....... No matter how long you have quit, is we are all doing exactly the same thing; and all are equal.

We just have decided to give up smoking for just one day. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow will take care of it's self. At this present moment we are quit.

Now i know people make pledges and have to deal with cravings and smoking thoughts in that day and others never have any of these or smoking rarely crosses their mind in the day + some use forums.........but thats what you can do when you are quitting. It always changes but the most important thing is that for today, you have quit smoking.

Thats what we have in common.

Have a no smoking day.....whatever happens.

thanks, that was a really nice post.

nsd_user663_41893 profile image

Hi all, had some horrible news yesterday that has made me more determined in my quit. I found out from a friend that a girl I know who is only 27 has been diagnosed with throat cancer. Now I may be naive but I always expect people who get smoking related illnesses to be so much older than 27. Such sad news. In the past when I'd hear news like that i'd think I really must quit but time would go on and I'd push it to the back of my mind, I must admit that I felt thankful I'd finally made the step and quit, like Gary I wish I'd done it years ago :(

Hope all are doing well as we enter week 3, well Si, Dolly and I, Gary and Rochelle your steaming ahead :)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Oh Becs, I'm so sorry to hear your bad news :(

I hope your friend can get it sorted out.

Hearing news like that when you are trying to quit either makes you or breaks you. It looks like it will be the making of a solid quit for you.

Into Week 3 for you and Si :)

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Hi all, had some horrible news yesterday that has made me more determined in my quit. I found out from a friend that a girl I know who is only 27 has been diagnosed with throat cancer. Now I may be naive but I always expect people who get smoking related illnesses to be so much older than 27. Such sad news. In the past when I'd hear news like that i'd think I really must quit but time would go on and I'd push it to the back of my mind, I must admit that I felt thankful I'd finally made the step and quit, like Gary I wish I'd done it years ago :(

Hope all are doing well as we enter week 3, well Si, Dolly and I, Gary and Rochelle your steaming ahead :)

Really sad :( when someones so young you don't expect it do you. Hopefully she will recover fully from it. It really makes you think doesn't it. What damage have we done to ourselves and what would have happened if we never tried to stop.

I know with me, seeing my nana makes me want to stay stopped too. She has had tumours in her neck, the doctors say they're smoking related, she's having loads of other problems too all caused by her body being damaged by this stupid addiction. Also she's survived pnuemonia a few times but had it really badly cos she has a weak chest through smoking. She is coughing non stop all the time and I hate to say it but I reckon she's not too long away from some serious consequence. But still she carries on smoking with no attempt to stop. She's not very supportive towards me and its wearing thin. She says her problems arnt caused by smoking. I snapped the other night I said well when you get empysemia or lung cancer in future you sit there and tell me it wasn't caused by smoking. There's no getting through to some people! But it makes me all the more happier that I don't smoke anymore.

And yeah on friday I'm into week 4 :) when I went to see smoking nurse on friday though my blood pressure was a bit high. So healthy eating and cutting out the salt now. But to be honest its no hardship as I have no real appetite at the min, its weird. I thought most quitters went the other way and wanted loads of food? Lol but then again, there's the brainwashing!! Apparently the same signals get sent to the brain if you need nicotine or food, so maybe my bodys confused lol

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Well here I find myself on Day 20 and all is going well so far.

Interestingly, after saying only 2 days ago that I hadn't had any dreams about smoking, today I was snoozing and woke with a start wanting to stamp out a cigarette I'd been smoking on the top deck of a bus! :D

I haven't been on a bus for literally 25 years, previously smoked miniature cigars not cigarettes, and you can't smoke on buses now, so god knows where that little episode came from!

My gums have also started bleeding when I brush my teeth, but my dentist told me this would happen due to a normal blood supply being returned to them.

I'm taking it as a sign that my body is on the long road to recovery and healing as best as it can after smoking.

Tomorrow I'm at the end of my first 3 weeks and whilst it is early days, I can't ever see a day that I'll put any type of smoke in my mouth again.

Once again, the only thing I ever regret doing in my life is smoking and I wish I'd attempted to quit 30 years ago!

Never mind, better late than never I suppose.

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Yep, we've done three whole weeks come tomorrow :) proud of us!!

I havnt been bad, yesterday I felt really uncomfortable like I was craving real bad, but I know craves are in the mind, and I don't want one. So why the uncomfortable feeling??

Also the smell of it is making me sick now too, which it wasn't before. I notice when I go to asda, that's all you can smell in the doorway and its disgusting!!

I'm really going strong with my healthy eating too. Plenty of fruit and veg, wholemeal bread, water, juices, cutting out caffiene. All good!!

My gums are bleeding when I brush my teeth too, hopefully that won't last long. I've never had bleedy gums

Si22 profile image

Congratulations to the both of you, Rochelle and Capitan. Im on day 17 today, is it me but does it feel like a lot longer?

Wont it feel strange to get a month under our belt, i |dont know about you but i never ever thought id managed to stop and stay stopped for three weeks. When i deceided to quit i thought oh well here goes lets see how well i do, if i fail i fail, i can always try next monday.

Do you know i am actually enjoing being a non smoker, i now find the smell of second hand smoke really off putting!! is that a good sign? who knows but im feeling lots healthier, my body is getting rid of all the badness ive put it through. i know im still in the early days but god do i feel like ive made the right choice. My life feels so much relaxed now a days, im no longer clock watching all day at work wondering when i can have my next fix.

All i can say is well done us!!!!!

Good luck to everyone who tries to become a non smoker. be strong and really do take it a day at a time, there really is no quick fix. you have to face it head on and get over each hurdle one by one. thats the only way. It can be done.

Go on i promise you wont regret it. it really does make you feel so much better, happier and cleaner. and oh so very proud you not addicted any more.


nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Congratulations to the both of you, Rochelle and Capitan. Im on day 17 today, is it me but does it feel like a lot longer?

Wont it feel strange to get a month under our belt, i |dont know about you but i never ever thought id managed to stop and stay stopped for three weeks. When i deceided to quit i thought oh well here goes lets see how well i do, if i fail i fail, i can always try next monday.

Do you know i am actually enjoing being a non smoker, i now find the smell of second hand smoke really off putting!! is that a good sign? who knows but im feeling lots healthier, my body is getting rid of all the badness ive put it through. i know im still in the early days but god do i feel like ive made the right choice. My life feels so much relaxed now a days, im no longer clock watching all day at work wondering when i can have my next fix.

All i can say is well done us!!!!!


I feel the same!! Wooooooo lol

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Yeh, we're doing really well guys! :D

They were saying about the "Terrible Threes" (3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks etc).

Pah! The third week wasn't so bad at all :)

Anyone heard from Becs?

Keep it going, we will be in the Penthouse in no time :D

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

I'm just looking at how much spare cash I have and how much more I can relax after work and then how much better I smell, and its soooo worth it I never want to be a smoker again.

I think the terrible 3's don't exist for me either really, for although I was getting slight cravings the past few days I wouldn't have dreamt of reaching for a fag. Not an option anymore. I have quit them this once, and I don't want to do it again and the only way to do that is to never take another puff.there's much more important things in life than smoking, such as health and happiness which I want, and wouldn't have got if I didn't stop smoking!!

I'm feeling fitter already too not huffing and puffing after a walk anymore, lol!!

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